Did You Know? The Aces are the Key to Your Magical Being!

Published: Thu, 10/08/15

If you know the story of how Wald and I met, you will have heard... 
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Dear ,

If you know the story of how Wald and I met, you will have heard
about how the first time we exchanged tarot readings, we surprised
each other with an almost identical original technique. It was at that
moment that we knew we were meant to be together!

Over the years, we've developed that technique to become what
techies might call our "killer app." The Elemental Array is part of
the great magical psychology of tarot. Using just the four Aces
of a tarot deck, you can learn the whole range of any person's
likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, habits and
predilections, and their general patterns of thought, feeling and
behavior. It shows you exactly why individual people act, feel,
think and believe as they do.

The Advanced Elemental Array Intensive Telecourse!

The fully developed, fully extended Advanced Elemental Array
is a complete analytical technique. It paints a complex and accurate
portrait of personality, and by itself is the foundation of a very
effective magical therapy. Although this course is not for beginners,
any experienced reader can quickly add this powerful tool to
their repertory.

This telecourse begins October 15th and runs for 8 Thursdays,
skipping Thanksgiving. You can get credit toward a Tarot School
Advanced Intensive Degree, but if you're not interested in that,
the course stands beautifully on it's own. (You'll receive the mp3
recordings and notes even if you can't attend the classes.) 

If you're familiar with the basic technique from recordings or
our Readers Studio presentation, this course takes that material
much, much further. And if this will be your introduction to
The Elemental Array, you're in for a treat -- and a wild ride!
Learn More and See the Syllabus:


We get started next week!

Bright blessings,
Ruth Ann Amberstone

P.S. Wald and I can't tell you how excited we are to finally offer
our best work to you. If you have any questions, feel free to email
us or give us a call at 800-804-2184. We'll be happy to help you!


The Tarot School - Discover Tarot, Discover Yourself!