Tarot Tips: Spring Edition

Published: Tue, 03/01/16

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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 8 #3 / March 1, 2016
 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: All Day Divining Technique
- Tarot School Aphorism
- What's Gnu?
- PsychWise: Using Multiple Decks for A Single Reading (Part 1)
- Best Practices: Tools For Your Trade
- Cool Tarot Projects
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to the Spring Edition of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.
We’re calling this the Spring Edition for
a couple of reasons. First, it’s almost
Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere. 
And second, we’ll be so busy with Readers
Studio for the next couple of months, we
really won’t have time to put another issue
together until June. But this issue is so
jam-packed, it should keep you busy until
then. We hope you enjoy it! 

So here’s a bit of what you’ll find…

• Refreshing perspectives and techniques from vlogger, V.
  of RedLight Readings

• Words of Wisdom from Wald

• A great new Twitter event with Siobhan Rene

• Dr. Elinor’s method of using those multiple decks
  you have in your collection in a single reading

• Gina’s Tools For Your Trade

• Fab New Tarot Projects

And one more thing...

This year’s Readers Studio will blow your socks off!
If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time to get
in on the fun. We look forward to seeing you there! 

With love on the tarot journey,
Ruth Ann, Wald, Gina & Elinor

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip
How to Learn, Play, and Utilize the Tarot
to Achieve “Divine” Work/Life Balance
by V.

Between working a “socially acceptable” 9-5, being a
mother to a very active and sports-involved son, AND
building a tarot brand, one could say that every minute of
my day is accounted for and then some. To maintain my
sanity, stay present for my career, be an outstanding mom
and rock out for my “Tarot BFF” clientele, I practice
“All-Day Divining” (A.D.D.) – my personal practice of
putting my passion in the front seat of a very practical
life and allowing it to guide me to the promised land of
“divine” balance.
For me tarot is a way of life and I honestly don’t know
how I would function day-to-day without it. With so many
responsibilities, I had to find a way to weave the one
passion that inspires me like nothing else into the fabric
of my waking hours. I’ve tried to schedule and fit it into
a nice box with a pretty bow, but it ultimately wreaked
havoc on my personal and professional life. My way of tarot
needed to breathe and demonstrate how it could make me a
better co-worker, friend, mother, and tarot professional.
Using A.D.D. exercises teaches me more about the cards
through real world applications and allows me to honor my
gift while having fun.

Here are a few of the A.D.D. exercises I love doing:
Card of the Day  (RedLight of the Day)

•  As soon as you’re awake in the morning, grab your deck
and pull a card. This message will be your theme for the day.  
Think about it as you get yourself and your family ready for
work/school in the morning and try to predict how the message
resonates with your day. You can leave it on the nightstand or
stick it in your purse/work bag to take with you to remind you
of its guidance. 

•  If you are tech savvy and have the time, make a video and/or
post about the card to your social media sites. As all messages
are Universal, you never know who may need to hear what
you have to say.

Characters of the Court

•  Assign Court personalities to your family, friends, bosses,
or co-workers. Notice if they are strictly one character or if
they could be a mix of two; e.g., your 2-years divorced
Queen of Swords female co-worker who is hard on everybody,
is beginning to throw everyone off with her burgeoning
Page of Cups attitude of smiling and leaving her door open
to engage in random chit chat. Maybe she’s dating again or
maybe she got a new puppy. All you know is that she is
opening up to being more friendly and that is pleasant for
the working environment. You can throw cards to her
motives/reasoning later if you want to know if and how it
may affect you in the long run.

•   Learning to read Court cards can be a bit tricky.  
To give practical application to understanding them
better, use your “Work Court” and watch how they
interact with one another. If they pop up in a reading,
you automatically have a reference to fall back on to
connect the dots.

•  Determine your “Royalty.” When sharing space with
those in your work life or personal life, you can decide
how the interaction plays out. If the person in question
is acting like a Knight of Wands, conjure up the traits of
the Queen of Wands and offer subtle nurturing, guidance,
and receptivity while encouraging the spirit and fire toward
whatever situation is at hand. Make all of your interactions
worth your time and as positive as possible.

“Spread” It Out

•  If you are like me with a desk job, trying to improve
and maintain physical health by eating every three hours
and incorporating movement is important. To keep you
on track, pull a card for 1st snack and then again at lunch.  
Take a short walk each time to get your blood pumping
and use the time to think about the meanings of the cards 
you pulled and how they fit into the time and space you
are currently in.

•  When making dinner (or driving to a restaurant if eating
out on the town), turn on one song at random and when
it’s over, ascribe a tarot card to sum up its meaning or
whatever message you received from the lyrics.

•  At the end of the day, pull out your “Card of the Day,”
your “snack/lunch” cards, and your “random song message”
card and lay them all out in front of you with the Card of
the Day placed above the other three. What did your day
look like? What did you learn from the day?  How did all
of the cards play into your theme?  Meditate on the
information and journal it to help you wind down for a
good night’s sleep.

By incorporating A.D.D. into my every day, I find that
I am happier, am able to grow and maintain personal and
professional relationships, nurture my mind, body and
spirit, and create an overall balance that is driven by my

About the author:

V. is a classy, sassy, mom who just so happens to read
cards.  She is not only the Intuitive Mistress behind
RedLight Readings (www.redlightreadings.com), but also
your new "Tarot BFF", ready to "spill the tea" whenever
you need straight-talk from the heart. V. regularly posts
her COTD videos on Instagram and Facebook.


 Tarot School Aphorism

::With Magician Hands::
Ta da! The first ever Readers Studio Twitter chat!!

Hello! My name's Siobhan and this year will be
just my second ever Readers Studio!

My introduction to the event came through Twitter
via Theresa Reed’s feed. I was blown away that a
tarot superstar like Theresa would take the time to extend a warm
invitation to the Readers Studio to a stranger like me! It was one of
the things that helped me decide to go! I like connecting on Twitter
because it feels as close as you can get to a real conversation. As a
super-introverted person and a writer, social networking sometimes
comes easier than socializing face-to-face. 

It just so happens one of my best friends is a writer based in
New York City. (I’m originally from NYC too!) Through her
feed I realized that #twitterchat is a THING, and through her
I’ve been exposed to the #spiritchat, the #pfwchat, and more!

When I saw these Twitter chats I thought I’d LOVE to
participate in a tarot-focused chat but I couldn’t find one.
So I hopped on the Readers Studio Facebook group to see
if anyone might be interested in chatting about tarot on
Twitter. They were!!

I’m excited to announce The first ever Readers Studio
Twitter chat! ::Throws confetti:: I’d love to invite you to
participate and I’ll explain a bit about how to do that below.

Twitter Chats - An Explanation/Demonstration
(Is this too meta?!)

[This question and answer example is done as if the The
Tarot School and Siobhan's Mirror are having a live twitter

@thetarotschool: Q1. What is a #twitterchat & why
participate? #rstudio16
@siobhansmirror: A1. A global conversation on twitter about
topics we love: #tarot & the #readersstudio! It's unique,
fun & informative! #rstudio16

@thetarotschool: Q2. What kind of topics will #rstudio16
#twitterchat cover? Who participates?
@siobhansmirror: A2. New attendees, old ones, those just
curious about #readersstudio. Amazing #tarot pros, newbs, &
any kind of tarot lovers! #rstudio16
@siobhansmirror: A2.Topics vary per the attendees! Last
#readersstudio I wrote about selfcare at cons:
http://wp.me/p5P672-ba #rstudio16
@siobhansmirror: @thetarotschool, Q What are y’alls
#selfcare routines before/during/after cons? #rstudio16

@thetarotschool: Q3. How do we participate or observe the
twitterchat? #rstudio16
@siobhansmirror: A3. Search #rstudio16 on Twitter, bookmark
tweetchat http://ow.ly/YNZB2
Visit http://wp.me/p5P672-M4 & observe or see the recap
@siobhansmirror: Important-Don’t forget to include or end
tweets w/#rstudio16. #tweetchat does this for u
automatically but twitter does NOT!

@thetarotschool: Q4. When is the first #twitterchat?
@siobhansmirror: A4. First chat is Mar 17th 7 PM EST!
Follow @siobhansmirror for dates/times or visit
http://wp.me/p5P672-M4 #rstudio16

This is an example of a Twitter chat! Notice each tweet
contains or ends with the hashtag: #rstudio16. Sometimes
people will retweet something, when they do they
occasionally abbreviate the words. That’s what “RT”
means in a tweet. I will turn off retweets at tweetchat.com
to keep the conversation flowing, but they are WELCOME.

I will be hosting these Twitter chats every Thursday at
7PM EST from Mar 17th - April 21st.
If the dates or times
ever change I will announce it via the twitterchat or at my
site http://wp.me/p5P672-M4

Tweet your topic ideas/questions to @siobhansmirror using
the hashtag #rstudio16 and I’ll tailor the topics to the
interests of you and your followers!

Recap of Important Info:

Hashtag: #RStudio16

Time: Thursdays starting March 17th 6PM CT/ 7PM ET

How-to twitterchat?
    •    bookmark this specific tweetchat http://ow.ly/YNZB2
    •    bookmark my twitterchat post http://wp.me/p5P672-M4
    •    follow me and/or tweet your questions to

I look forward to chatting with you!



PsychWise – Tarot & Psychology Q & A
with Elinor Greenberg, PhD, CGP, CPTR



QUESTION: I have dozens of Tarot decks
that I bought because they looked interesting.
I always intend to use them in a reading, but
somehow I always end up choosing my trusty
favorite deck instead. I find that when I look
closely at my new decks, I either don’t feel
as confident about knowing their meanings
or I only really like the artwork on some of
the cards. Do you have any suggestions about
how I can put these other decks to use?  

 Definitely. I have the same "problem."  I love buying new decks
and I fall in love with each new deck—for about three days.
Unfortunately, I seem to be basically monogamous and I then
go back to using my Rider-Waite-Smith Deck for every reading.  
The exception is once a year when I am at the Tarot School’s
Readers Studio Tarot Conference. Somehow this event brings out
my creative and daring side and by the end of the weekend, I feel
confident reading with virtually any deck. This, of course, only
encourages me to buy more decks.

However, since I hate feeling guilty, I have developed various
creative ways to use these other decks in order to rationalize my
continued deck buying sprees.  Most of these ways do not require
me to learn any new meanings for the cards, which is a big plus
because, despite my good intentions, I rarely get around to reading
the little white book that comes with each deck, let alone memorizing
a batch of new meanings.  Below are some of my favorite ways to
use multiple decks.

They rather neatly divide into two categories
(1) Tarot Counseling projective readings 
(2) Adjuncts to divination readings.  

This month I will be writing about using multiple decks
in Tarot Counseling projective readings, and in the next  
column I will describe how to use them in divination readings.
As a psychotherapist, I know that I can get a great deal of
valuable information by interrupting my clients’ usual way
of talking about their issues. Most people get caught up in
telling the same sad story—the problem— over and over
again until it is so fixed in their own mind that they have
trouble envisioning any new solutions. If I let them
continue, I will have to work very hard to have any impact
at all.  

I have found Tarot cards can often quickly assist my
clients to take a  fresh look at their situation. Each
deck has its own novel perspective and can give clients
additional ways of conceptualizing their situation. In
addition, my clients’ response to the evocative pictures
on Tarot cards tells a lot about their personality that I am
unlikely to find out simply by taking a history or asking
them questions. There is something deep, basic and primal
about what attracts, repels, or bores us. When I ask clients
to tell me their reactions to the pictures or to choose
between decks and explain why they like one better
than another, we inevitably get into interesting 
conversations that shed light on how they think, what
they feel, and what they want. Here are some basic
exercises that I do. They can be used alone or in combination
with one another.   
I usually introduce them quite simply. I say something
like: “Would you be willing to do an experiment using
Tarot cards?”  I find that it can be very useful to notice
which decks and which pictures speak to us, and which
repel us or seem uninteresting.” If the client is willing,
I choose one of the following exercises or make up a
new one.

1. Which deck is “me” and which deck is least “me”? 
This exercise grew out of an experience that I had over
lunch with a new Tarot friend. We had both brought our
favorite Tarot reading deck and exchanged readings with
each other. Mine was the Rider/Waite/Smith deck and
hers was the “Paulina Tarot” by Paulina Cassidy published
by U.S. Games. I like the Rider/Waite/Smith deck because
I can see at a glance what is going on in the card and I find
it easy to distinguish the four suits from each other. When
I first looked at my friend’s Paulina deck, I found that I had
to look much more closely at each card in order to see what
was actually pictured.  If you want to see what I mean,
“Google” the Paulina Tarot and the R/W/S (if you do not
already own them) and compare Key 16 The Tower from
each deck, or Key 5 The Hierophant.  
We discussed our choice of decks with each other and it
quickly became apparent that my new friend was a much
more subtle person than I.  I valued quick, clear, immediate
impressions over subtlety, and she valued the chance to go
deeper and deeper into the card, getting drawn in by its
levels and levels of tiny details.  We agreed that our
preferences were a direct reflection of our personalities. I
realized that my multiple decks could be used as projective
tests for my clients (and for myself) because our deck
choices are direct reflections of our personality. I used
that principle to develop the “Which deck is ‘me’ and
which deck is least ‘me’?” exercise below.
    Put out 5 different Tarot decks, preferably ones that
are dissimilar to each other. This is a good time to use
some decks that you might otherwise ignore.
    Ask your querent to look through the decks face-up
and choose two decks: the “me” deck that the querent
identifies with or feels is very engaging, and the “not
me” deck that seems boring, repellent, or irrelevant.
    Ask your querent to explain what he or she relates to
about the “me” deck.  
    Ask the person to then explain why the “not me” deck
is a “not me” deck.
    Finally, ask the querent what he or she learned by doing
this, or if anything felt surprising and new.
My client Sylvia looked through the following five decks:
The Gaian Tarot, The Victorian Regina Tarot, The Voyager
Tarot, The Dark Goddess Tarot, and Arnell Ando’s
Transformational Tarot. She chose The Gaian Tarot as her
“me” deck and The Transformational Tarot as her “not
me” deck. I asked her to explain and she said:  
The “me” deck: I chose The Gaian Tarot as my “me”
deck because it is so bright and cheerful. Everyone in it
looks happy. It represents the way I want to be. When I
look at it, it makes me feel happier. I want to be in its
world with the people in the cards. Also, the pictures look
like they are of real people, people I would have a good
time with. I also like how the Gaian Tarot cards show
beautiful outdoor places.  I would love to have a country
house near a lake or a river.   
The “not me” deck: I find the Transformational Tarot
deck too scary and dark.  It is not a world that I want to
go into. None of the cards felt friendly or welcoming to
me. This deck strikes me as more hipster, than happy.  
I want happy.
What Sylvia said that she learned about herself:  
I realized how much I want to be surrounded by happy
people and how I actively resist looking at the dark side
of life. My life with my family growing up was nothing
like the happy families that I saw on television and in
advertisements. Everyone was always fighting and
complaining about everything. I always felt that I was
born into the wrong family. Once I got away to college
and then, afterwards, found a job, I never came back home
again except for major holidays. On my own now, I try
to stay optimistic. Someday I hope to get married and
create the family that I have always wanted to be part of:
happy people who want to be with each other.  
I realize from doing this Tarot deck exercise, that I am
still a bit afraid of being sucked back into how I felt as a
kid living at home—that if I start looking at depressing
or frightening images, like some of those in the
Transformational Tarot deck, I will start to get depressed. 
I guess my negative early family life has affected me more
than I have been aware of.
2. What do your decks tell you about you?
After experimenting with Which deck is “me”…,
I realized that one could extend this principle to all the
decks that we buy. From this point of view, every Tarot
deck each of us owns could be said to reflect some aspect
of our personality and our approach to life. I believe this
holds true even for decks that we did not buy and were
gifted with, but have chosen to keep.  
I decided to test this theory on myself and do an experiment
in which I arranged the dozens of decks that I own in rows
that reflected their relative importance to me. My goal was
to see what I could learn about myself from how I ordered
the decks.  
    Arrange your decks in rows: Put your absolute favorite
decks in Row 1, your next favorite deck or decks below it in
Row 2, and so on. You can do this if you have three decks
or three hundred. 
    Think about some of the following questions: 
    Why are some decks more important to you?  
    Why do you like your favorite decks?
    How are you deciding which row a particular deck
    belongs in?
    Do all the decks in a particular row have something
    in common?
    What are the differences between the decks in Row 1
    and the decks in your last row? 
    What have you learned from doing this?
    How do your decks reflect your personality? 

Here is how I arranged my decks and what my reasons were:  
Row 1: My most important deck is my very personal B.O.T.A.
(Builders of the Adytum Mystery School) deck of Major Arcana
cards that I have colored myself and regularly use only for
meditation. I never show it to anyone else or let anyone else
handle it.   
    Why I like it: In addition to its spiritual associations
and Kabbalistic imagery, its pictures are very clear and
every card’s colors and imagery clearly relates to the
theme of the card. I also put a lot of effort into coloring
this deck. I first tried to color the cards using colored
pencils. I liked the result, but it was too hard on my
wrists. I switched to using art markers and did a set of
large B.O.T.A. cards that way. I found it surprisingly
difficult to color inside the lines and not smear. Adding
gold and silver paint details turned out to be the hardest
part because the pens tended to drip paint, if I was not
very careful. I had to accept that I could not produce a
“perfect” deck and decided that this deck represented
the best that I could currently do. My hard work increased
this deck’s value to me and, in general, I am proud of how
the deck came out. 
    What this says about me: Tarot has become a spiritual
path for me. I am willing to do the necessary work
associated with this path. I can accept that I am a work in
progress and not perfect.  I will keep trying. 
Row 2: This is where I put my favorite divination deck:
All the Rider/Waite/Smith decks that I use in readings,
in all their various sizes and colorations.  
    Why I like it: I find this is a very satisfying deck to
read with because its pictures are brightly colored, very
clearly and simply drawn, and the images on each card are
organized into coherent and emotionally evocative pictures..
 Even before I learned the traditional meanings for each
card, I could intuit most of the meanings simply by looking
at the picture. I also like it because it comes out of the
“Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn” mystery school and
it is designed with certain Kabbalistic principles in mind. 
    What this says about me: I like things to be clear,
coherent, systematic, and to have a spiritual basis. 

Row 3: Next comes about a dozen decks that I occasionally
do readings with and expect to use again sometime in the
future, such as the Quest Tarot, Druidcraft Tarot, the
Connally Tarot, and the GaianTarot.  
    Why I like them: I like the Quest Tarot because it
incorporates many different mystical systems. The other
decks in this row are similar to my beloved R/W/S decks and
my B.O.T.A. deck in that they have only one central image
per card (as opposed to a montage of varied images like the
Voyager Tarot), and have clear, bright colors. The various
cards are easy to distinguish from one another by a quick
    What this says about me: Again, I like to have a single
main image per card with a meaning that I can see without
having to study each card deeply. I also, when possible,
like it to tie in with a spiritual system, as the Quest Tarot

Row 4: This row is a bit of a surprise.  All the decks in
this row are made up of photographs of actual people posed
and costumed to look like the traditional drawings. I had
to think more deeply about why I like these decks and what
they say about me. For a while, I bought any photo deck that
I could find and afford. 
    Why I like them: They make the archetypal images in
traditional Tarot decks more “real” by using photos of
actual people. The archetypes literally are brought to
life!  I also enjoy seeing how the deck maker met the
challenge of getting people to look like the archetypes
depicted in Tarot. 
    What this says about me:  I was not aware of this before
I did this exercise, but these photo decks seem to relate to
my self-reflective, philosophical side, as in: How am I an
archetype?  Which card would I want to be posed as?
(If you are wondering about the answer, I would like to be
the Magician on Key 1). 
I could go on (and on) because I really do have a lot of
decks. I actually ended up with 7 rows. But I think you
get the picture: unlike my client Sylvia, whose main focus
was on being “happy,” I am focused on being clear,
coherent, and spiritual. Try this yourself and see what
you learn.

3. Be your decks.
This exercise is based on Gestalt therapy dream work
techniques. Gestalt therapists believe that one cannot help
projecting one’s own issues into everything that we
experience. In Gestalt dream work, you ask the clients to
tell their dream in the first person, as if it was happening
to them right now. “I am walking down a road and I
see….”  Then you have them be the different people or
objects in the dream, again speaking in the first person and
saying whatever comes to mind. “I am the road that
everyone is walking on. Everyone takes me for granted
unless I develop a pot hole or something else inconvenient
for them.”    
Instead of talking about a dream and becoming its objects,
here you are going to ask your querent to pretend to be a
few of your decks and see what they learn about themselves
from doing this. I tell querents: “Try not to censor yourself
or worry about being rational. This method works best
when you simply say whatever pops into your mind without
judging it.”  
Below are the basic instructions. I have written this in
plural form—“querents,” rather than “the querent”—
because it is tiresome to have to say “he or she” and
“him and her” over and over again. “They” and “them”
are much easier!
STEP 1: Have querents choose two or three decks from your
collection to do this exercise with.
STEP 2: Ask querents to look through the first deck face up
until they are satisfied that they have a general impression
about this deck.
STEP 3: Have the querents “be the deck”: talk in the
first person as the deck and say anything at all that comes
to mind without censoring themselves. 
STEP 4: Ask querents if any anything that they said about
the deck also applies to them.  If they say “no,” ask
them “How are you different from this deck?” 
STEP 5: Ask querents what they learned about themselves
from being the deck. Or, if they did not learn anything entirely
new, what was highlighted for them during this exercise. 
STEP 6: Go on to do the above with as many decks as you
would like. 
My querent Lisa chose the Voyager Tarot deck and said the

I am very colorful and have a lot of things in me. At first
glance it is hard to see what each of my cards means because
there are so many different things to look at. Some people
might even find me confusing or overwhelming. However,
if you keep looking at me closely, eventually you will be
able to see that every single part of me has a meaning.
I am like a box that is filled with beautiful jewelry, but the
jewelry is all tangled up together and it is hard to clearly see
where the bracelet ends and the necklace or brooch begins. 

When I asked Lisa if anything that she said about the
Voyager deck applied to herself, she said:
Well…I wouldn’t have thought of it before this exercise,
but it does relate to me. More than one person has told me
that I am hard to really get to know. I am very friendly,
but I save my secrets for those closest to me. The deck is
bright and colorful and I like to wear clothing that is
brightly colored and has patterns. I am definitely not
going to wear all-black or dress head to toe in only one or
two colors. I guess with both the Voyager deck and me, you
have to be patient and care enough to look closely in order
to see what is actually going on under all the bright
surface stuff.

These exercises can be a painless and pleasant way to get to
know interesting things about anyone, and to share with them
similar things about yourself. 

Dr. Elinor GreenbergDr. Elinor Greenberg, PhD, CGP, CPTR
is an internationally renowned Gestalt therapy
trainer who specializes in teaching the diagnosis
and treatment of Borderline, Narcissistic, and
Schizoid adaptations. She has been studying
tarot since 1995 and is psychology consultant to
The Tarot School, where she earned a Third Degree
in Tarot. She is a member of B.O.T.A. (Builders
of the Adytum) and has been certified as a professional
tarot reader by the American Tarot Association. 


Join us at the 2016 Readers Studio!  http://ReadersStudio.com

Register now to be sure to get a seat!


Best Practices for Professional Readers
I constantly think about ways to make my life more
efficient. The work/home life balance is one that most of us
are trying to manage in some way, shape or form. I remember
when the personal computer was pitched as a time and paper
saver for the new millennium. While it does seems to prove
true that computers make more things instantly available,
it‘s ironic that we seem to spend more time on the computer,
and use more paper, too.

Any sole proprietor can tell you that it takes a lot of time
to market and grow a business. It’s not easy to be both
the talent and the salesperson for most soul-based
entrepreneurs. After awhile, the busier practitioners
often feel the need for an assistant, although not everyone
can afford one, or they may not be ready to hire an
extra hand.

This is where the beauty and appreciation of today’s
technology comes in into play. The virtual assistants for
many business logistics and processes are numerous, with a
variety of software, applications and plug-ins available on
the market. It is true that these things don’t replace the
pleasantness of human interaction, but the economy of doing
business without needing employees is worth its weight in
From tarot decks to finance and productivity apps and many
other applications, there are so many to choose from,
depending on your needs. One that has made a great
difference for my business is an online appointment
scheduler that allows clients to choose up to 3 appointment
times, shows my availability, collects their info and allows
them to pay. There is no need to call, leave a message and
wait for a call back to get the appointment scheduled.
Another fantastic app is Recorder – A Voice Recorder app
that allows me to record and save readings and instantly
sends them to my client.
Please keep in mind that technology isn’t perfect, so
update, update, update! I would recommend caution in
choosing email software or database software that might not
be compatible with your precious information if you should
have to get a new computer, tablet or phone. Also I would
recommend free or trial-based applications that you can try
out before investing money. Although these helpful resources
are great for some of us, they are not useful across the
board, so it’s really hard to pinpoint one that stands
out. If you have something you like, pass it on!
Be well and prosper, my friends! 


• LiveSite Client Engagement Platform (scheduler)

• Recorder by TapMedia
  Apple App Store or Google Play


Cool Tarot Projects:

Theresa Reed's Tarot Coloring Book
The Tarot Lady has created a coloring book!

Want to learn how to read tarot cards? Not sure
where to start? With The Tarot Coloring Book, 
you can color your way through every card in
the deck—and go from “tarot rookie” to “tarot
rockstar” in no time. Created especially for the
growing number of new tarot enthusiasts, this 
book features illustrations from the classic
Rider-Waite deck, jargon-free breakdowns of 
the symbolism and meaning of each card, and 
simple spreads for using the tarot as a potent
and practical decision-making tool.

Why does The Magician wear a red cloak? How come The Hanged Man 
has a blue shirt? Why is The High Priestess sitting between two columns: 
one black and one white? “In the tarot world, different colors represent 
different qualities and emotions,” writes Theresa Reed. Now you can 
master the entire deck with a unique and enjoyable guidebook for 
exploring the hidden aspects of this classic divination system. 

Available for pre-order on Amazon.com.

Linda Marson's TarotNav...a GPS for Life

 A Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign is underway
to raise funds to produceTarotNav, a film and e-book
to show you how to harness the power of the Tarot to
navigate your way through life. It will be available
on a USB flash drive.

The campaign ends on 9 March.


Upcoming Events:

Tarot Salon
Forest Hills, New York

March 7, 14, 21 and 28
April 4, 11 and 18
May 9, 16 and 23
Our popular Monday night Salons are the
hottest thing in tarot instruction!

Readers Studio Teleconference -- Free!
Date in May or June to be announced. 

Come hang out with us on the phone or online
at our monthly informal get-together. It's a
great chance to catch up with each other and
brainstorm new ideas.

April 28, 2016

                                                  April 29 – May 1, 2016
(poster art by Angelo Nasios)

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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone