Tarot Tips Bonus: Giving a "Wrong" Reading

Published: Thu, 12/17/20

"When we do a reading, there is a tendency to think that what..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 12 #22 / December 17, 2020
Tarot Tips Bonus

Are my readings rubbish?

Trish asks…

Hello!  I've been reading Tarot for almost 8
years now and I've had my first experience
of being absolutely, 100%, totally wrong,
and I don't know how to take it. The
querent, the current ex-girlfriend of my
husband's friend, asked the cards, if her
boyfriend was "The One," for her. The cards
replied very positive, though warned there
would be some work ahead. I only found out
the other week that they broke up.  While
she considers them friends (I haven't heard
form the guy yet), how do I explain the fact
my cards - for more than one reading -
pointed out that he would be "the One" for
her? Fortunately, she hasn't brought up my
reading, but my stomach turns if she does...

I haven't felt comfortable doing a reading
again. The last reading I did, I totally
second-guessed myself the whole time and
felt it was not a helpful reading.  What
advice can you offer in this type of
situation?  Surely, I'm not the only one
who has given a "wrong" reading?


Thank you for this great question, Trish ––
and you're right, you a certainly not the
only one!

When we do a reading, there is a tendency
to think that what we see in the cards is
definitive. However, keep in mind that their
story may not be over yet. I had a very
similar situation a number of years ago
where numerous readings I did for a friend
indicated the guy she was seeing (or more
often, not seeing) was "the One." I even
think they did break up at one point. But
they got back together, and eventually did
get married.

I'm not saying this will definitely happen
in your case, and your question is a good
one because we really can't be right all the
time. But since this has affected how you're
reading now, I just want to tell you to keep
the faith. Don't second guess yourself. What
you see is what you see and is most likely
accurate based on current circumstances.
But things do change, and what other people
ultimately do with their lives is still up
to them.

Sometimes people are given genuine
opportunities that for one reason or another
they don't, won't or can't take advantage of
-- and not only in love. "The One" may truly
have appeared for your friend. Just because
they broke up (for now) doesn't prove that
he wasn't, in fact, the one she was looking
for. It's entirely possible that either or both
of them weren't ready for each other. This
doesn't necessarily negate what you saw at
the time you did the reading.

As far as confidence in your abilities is
concerned, even if you gave a wrong reading,
you wouldn't be any less accurate than the
weather forecaster who gets it right about
three-quarters of the time and gets paid six
figures to be that good. Doctors lose
patients, lawyers lose cases, and tarot
readers occasionally get it wrong. If after
8 years this is the first time you're
doubting your abilities, I'd say you have
a pretty amazing track record!

Bright blessings,
Ruth Ann 
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