Esoteric Insights: The Sixes

Published: Thu, 12/24/20

"These are some of the attributions and issues of the number Six..."
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Esoteric Insights into the Tarot
Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 12 #23 / December 24, 2020
Bi-weekly musings on random esoteric
attributions, alternating between Major and
Minor Arcana cards. Esoteric attributions
come before the picture on the cards. Since
they apply to almost any deck, this series
is not illustrated.


These are some of the attributions and
issues of the number Six, and they are true
for all the sixes regardless of suit.

The Number Six – Attributions:

Name: Beauty (in Hebrew, Tiphereth) —
The inner, luminous beauty of the center of
consciousness; the beauty that lights every
smallest bit of creation from within

Color: Yellow — The third true, primary
color, symbol of the center as the center of
the spectrum

Quality: Brightness — The light of the soul
and of the world, the consciousness of the
great masters

The Number Six – Issues:

• The third complex reality — blending the
extremes of expansion and contraction into
a perfect and benign working balance

• The faces of reward as they are revealed
through the four suits:

— achievement and applause (6 of Wands)
— pleasure and happiness (6 of Cups)
— success through risk and strife (6 of Swords)
— material success (6 of Pentacles)

• The hub of all sacred places — liberation,
realization, union, bliss


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About the Instructors:

Ruth Ann & Wald Amberstone   
Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone
   are co-founders and directors of
  The Tarot School, established in
   New York City in 1995.

They have taught, written, spoken and
published about tarot on all levels from
divination to psychology, to esotericism,
to meditative and magical practice.
Perpetual pioneers of original theories and
techniques, they work constantly to expand
an ancient body of knowledge into the
forms of the modern world.


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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone