Tarot Tips: Partnership Spread / Lipsology / Social Media vs. Email Marketing

Published: Mon, 02/01/21

"For the last 26 years, February 1st has been a very special..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 13 #3 / February 1, 2021

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Partnership Spread
- Tarot School Aphorism
- Student Spotlight: Mark Horn and Jeannine Carson
- Diviner's Corner: Lipsology
- Best Practices: Social Media vs. Email Marketing

- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

        The Tarot School's 26th Anniversary!

For the last 26 years, February 1st has been
a very special day for us, as it was the day
we officially registered The Tarot School as
a business. It seems like a lifetime ago —
and for some of you, it might be exactly
that. We’ve grown in so many ways and we’re
still evolving. That’s one of the special
things about tarot. There’s no end to the
process of discovery! So much has happened
in the tarot world over the last 26 years,
it’s mind-boggling! 

If you’re curious about the evolution of
The Tarot School over that time, take a minute
to read Our Story. It needs updating because
we’re still doing new things. 

This year, February 1st falls on a Monday so
we get to celebrate our Anniversary at our
virtual Tarot Salon tonight! (We have always
held our weekly classes on Monday because
it gives people something to look forward to
after what is usually the most difficult day
of the week.) Even after all this time, we
continue to find and share new insights into
the cards and tonight is no exception. If
you’re reading this before 5pm Eastern Time,
you can still join us for the celebration
and some brand new material!

Just go to http://tarot.salon to find out how.
We’d love to see you!

To further honor this month of love, this
issue has plenty of it. There’s a special
Partnership Spread (with a resource for
many more!), and Jenna Matlin reveals
the fascinating art of lip print reading in
the Diviner’s Corner. Best Practices for
Tarot Readers explores the relationship
between email marketing and social media.
We’re proud shine the Spotlight on a couple
of our beloved students, and even Wald’s
aphorism talks to the subject.  

And one more thing...

 NCGR Philly logo

Wald will be teaching about
Tarot and Astrology for the
Philadelphia chapter of the
National Council for Geocosmic
Research. It's on Zoom so you
don't have to travel to Philly --
Yay! See the Upcoming Events
section for details.

Lots of love, 
Ruth Ann, Wald, and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

Heart of dried flowers

Relationship spreads always come in handy.
It is an enormously popular reading topic
and although every relationship is unique,
they often share some of the same

At the heart of relationship inquiries,
people are really trying to stay safe, avoid
rejection and navigate through conflict.
Will I find love? Will he/she/we be
together? What does he/she/they think?
How do they feel? And on, and on. 

This spread looks at three areas:

    • where the person/couple is

    • the need/want that motivates
      or drives them

    • what is possible for the relationship 

The perspective of each person is
considered in each of the three areas.

There are six cards in total, laid out in
3 rows (layers) of 2 cards each, and 
should be read as follows:

First Layer: 
Relationship Focus/Intentions
(Card 1 + Card 2)

Second Layer:
Relationship Needs/Desires
(Card 3 + Card 4)

Third Layer:
Potential Outcome/Future
(Card 5 + Card 6)

By considering these important
topics from each partner's point
of view, the reader can see how
aligned they are or where they
might need to work out the kinks. 


Pinterest is a great place to find
tarot resources, including this
page of 90+ Tarot Relationship



 Tarot School Aphorism
            Recognition is the key that liberates us from our own separateness. It transmits the unifying knowledge of original consciousness to every force and form. This recognition is what a human being knows as love. It is what we call realization.  ~ Wald Amberstone   TarotSchool.com


Student Spotlight

We are very proud of our Tarot School
students, many who have become
successful authors, teachers, and deck
creators. From time to time, we will
tell you about their new creations or
upcoming public appearances.

If you are or have been a student
of ours and would like to be in the
spotlight, send us an email.


Mark Horn

One of the great things about teaching
adults is that the students have all kinds of
interesting backgrounds, knowledge and
experience. Mark Horn has a fascinating
history, and as a teacher himself, has
a lot to share with us and other students
in the class. (Not to mention he's an
absolutely delightful person.)

The New York Times agrees as they
have featured him in their latest
"How (fill-in-the-blank-with-
awesome-person's-name or occupation)
Spends His/Her/Their Sunday" column!

We are so excited and proud to
spotlight this special Tarot School
student by sharing the article with you:

How a Kabbalistic Tarot Card Reader
Spends His Sunday

Mark is also the author of Tarot and
the Gates of Light: A Kabbalistic
Path to Liberation
. You can learn
more about the book and Mark's
blog, readings and classes on his



Jeannine Carson with Sun Mug

Jeannine Carson was a regular Tarot School
student when we held classes in Manhattan,
and served as a valued Readers Studio staff
member. In addition to becoming an excellent
tarot reader and coach, Jeannine has taken
her love and talent for design, creating
beautiful art from painting to pottery. 

With her Wheel-Magician Birth Cards,
Jeannine blends her unique creativity with
an eye for beauty and attention to detail.
(I’m a huge fan of her Instagram feed

Preparing to be a magical merchant at the
2020 Readers Studio, Jeannine created a line
of tarot mugs and catchall dishes. The
conference fell victim to the pandemic, but
Jeannine’s tarot-inspired pottery has been a
grand success. It’s even featured in
Uncommon Goods, one of my very favorite

I love my Empress mug, (you may have seen
me drinking from it during our Zoom Tarot
Salons) but there are many designs from
which to choose. Stop by her website and let
her know Wald and I sent you.



Diviner's Corner

By Jenna Matlin


In celebration of Valentine’s Day and all
that is smoochable, I bring to you the art
of Lipsology. Lipsology is the art of
determining personality and making
predictions based on a persons’ kiss stain.
This can be done in person or via distance.

All one needs is a stiff piece of paper,
like a notecard, and lips besmeared with
standard lipstick. The kisser is asked to
make three kisses on the paper and if it is
a distance reading, the kisser will take a
clear picture of the kisses along with a
quarter for size reference.

The Lipsologist then determines various
factors such as how the kiss was made (open
or closed lips) the size of the bottom lip
to top lip, the type of cupid’s bow, and
markings within the lip print itself. There
are thousands of aspects that go into a kiss.

Lipsology would be familiar to someone
who has a background in palm reading,
handwriting analysis, or face reading as it
uses similar principals. But even though
there are standard rules for reading, it
does take a certain amount of intuition to
pull together a cohesive narrative to
delight and entertain friends, clients and
lovers who may come courting.

One example is to look at how spaced apart
the bottom to top lip is for the kisses.
Closed lips indicate someone who is more
circumspect while a wide-open kiss can
indicate an adventurous and free-spirited
person. With spacing, a Lipsologist will
also look at whether the corners of the
mouth are touching, if the openness of the
kiss increases or decreases across the whole
mouth, and also how the three kisses are
alike or different from one another.

A Lipsologist will also look at how the kisser
decided to kiss the paper as the placement
of the kiss in relation to the paper and one
another will also indicate aspects of their
personality. As they say, it’s in his kiss!

The capacity to read kisses is a fun and
incredibly attractive skill to have,
especially for those in the party and gig
reading business. Lipsology is a fun way to
read for people: how can one NOT help but

If you’d like to learn, I highly recommend this
helpful book: Lipsology: The Art & Science
of reading Lip Prints
by Jilly Eddy.

Happy Valentine’s Day, and be careful where
you kiss – it might reveal more than just
your affections!

About Jenna:

Jenna Matlin 

Jenna Matlin, M.S., has been a full-time
tarot practitioner since 2012. Jenna was
awarded Best of Philly, ‘Spiritual Guru’ by
Philadelphia Magazine in 2019.

Jenna is the author of two books: Have
Tarot Will Party
 and Have Tarot Will
, and presents at conferences such as
Readers Studio, the Southeast Tarot Conclave,
Northwest Tarot Symposium, Tarot Con and

When Jenna is not reading tarot, coaching
other tarot professionals or writing, she can
be found in the woods. ‘Hedge Witch’ would
certainly describe Jenna, and her cats agree.
Visit her website:

We’d love your suggestion or submissions for this
column! If you have an idea or would love to
contribute, please contact us at [email protected]


Best Practices for Professional Readers

By Gina Thies
www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

Audience outreach through social media
has excelled in popularity making email
marketing feel outdated to some. Nothing
could be further from the truth. Both
marketing strategies are important for
business opportunities and prospects.

As a matter of fact, email marketing is
more viable and stronger than ever. Even
with ever-increasing social media sites and
platforms, email remains a top persuasion
tool for building awareness, outreach, and
acquiring new clientele.

One of the issues of social media posting is
that you are not fully in control of what
your target audience sees. What is shown to
people on social media sites is dictated by
algorithms. In email marketing, you can
control who sees your content and the email
list you build is tailored to your business.

People are more likely to check their email.
Email communication is often integrated into
day-to-day habits while they may only have
little to no interest in social media.
Social media is about casting a wider and
wider net which may be a quicker way to
advertise or promote with paid ads or

Email marketing builds longer lasting
relationships with your clients. Email
marketing is inexpensive, and having a
person’s email address is worth its weight
in gold. The downside to email marketing is
the constant need for content creation, and
tracking open and conversion rates. It can
be time consuming and requires commitment,
but posting and responding to social media
posts can be equally time consuming.


Email vs Social Media Marketing:
Understanding How They Intersect

Upcoming Events:

The Tarot School's Tarot Salon on Zoom!

• February 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2021

Tarot Salon on Zoom!
7:00 - 9:00 pm EST

Our popular Monday night classes are
now online so you can attend no matter
where you live!

Register Here:


Tarot and Astrology

• February 21, 2021

NCGR Philly presents
Wald Amberstone
Tarot and Astrology

The language of signs and planets is the
same as you are used to, but new concepts
are added as astrology is wedded to qabalah
and tarot. Both the flavor and uses of the
standard terms move in unexpected
directions, and through astrology, both
disciplines acquire another whole dimension.

From this point on, the cards begin to move
in the circles and cycles of time, space and
spirit. You learn where basic astrology
symbols belong in the universe of esoteric
tarot attributions and why, and what was
obscure about the relationship between the
two begins to become clear.

Sunday, February 21
2:00 - 4:00 PM EST
Location: Zoom
Suggested Donation $10.00

Register Here:


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© Copyright 2021 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone