Tarot Tips: Blending Kabbalah and Tarot, Who To Blame Spread, and more...

Published: Thu, 07/01/21

"The relationship in tarot between the visible and the hidden is.."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 13 #11 / July 1, 2021

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Tarot as a Mystical Pathway to Mindfulness
- What's Gnu?: A New Study Guide!
- Tarot School Aphorism
- Just For Fun: The "Who Can I Blame?" Spread
- Meet the Reader: Bethany Abrahamson
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

        Blank Notebook

It usually takes a few weeks to put together
an issue of Tarot Tips. As with many
projects, there's sometimes a big rush as
the deadline approaches. This time, thanks
to the early submissions from this issue's
contributors, I got a jump on the process.
How wonderful, I thought -- this time I'll
be finished ahead of schedule! But as
Rudyard Kipling wrote in one of his Just So
, "Nay not so, but far otherwise!"

Although the Welcome introduction is
the first thing you most likely read, it's the
last thing I write. If there's news to share,
it's fairly easy to do. But all our current
projects are still in the gestation period.
I have literally spent an entire week
trying to come up with something to say.
(So much for my head start.)

There are many, many uses for tarot.
One of them is to use the cards as a writing
prompt, so I decided to try that. I cleared
my deck (palms face-down and crossed at
the wrists over the cards, and then quickly
pulled them apart to disperse the energy),
shuffled, and turned over the top card.
It was The High Priestess. 

I had to laugh because The High Priestess is
silent. So her message to me was "I'm not
going to tell you what to write." But here
we are. So maybe she did after all. 

This month's Tarot Tip by Heather Mendel
offers a clear and useful understanding of
how to combine Tarot and Kaballah, Sharonah
Rapseik introduces us to another interesting
reader, and there are some other goodies, too. 

And one more thing...

    Wheel of Fortune

Did you know that we hold a special
give-away during each Monday night Tarot
Salon? Prizes range from Tarot School
courses and study guides to private readings
and coaching sessions with me or Wald. We
spin a wheel with the names of everyone in
class to determine the winner, and it's
always fun to see where it stops!
Get more info at http://tarot.salon

Wishing you health and bright blessings,
Ruth Ann and Wald

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

by Heather Mendel

Why do you read Tarot? To predict the
future? To gain daily insight for decision
making? To deepen intuitive skills? There
will be as many answers as there are
readers. For kabbalists at heart, like me,
the Minor Arcana is a treasure trove. Just
as the Fibonacci sequence underlies the
sacred geometrical spiral of life, the
kabbalistic Tree of Life underlies the human
journey of spiritual beings.  

In blending Kabbalah and Tarot, a spiritual
practice arises that deepens intuitive
awareness and the connection to the
underlying Oneness of all Life.  Just like
a stereogram that you have to come in close
to see, once you observe the 3D image
embedded in the design, you cannot unsee it.
The Tree of Life is like that too— a 3D image
that invites to find beneath the surface.

Tree of Life

As seen in the diagram above 2s, 4s and 7s
are the active or expressive side of the
Tree, gifting us with new energy and
vibration to situation for us to express,
while 3s, 5s and 8s are those more gestative
moments in which we consider, as we take
time to received and personalize the input
of new. In this way, we make it our own.
This is the receptive side of the Tree. Both
columns are necessary to ensure an organic
system stays intact and viable.

The 1s, 6s, 9s and 10s, all lie on the central
path of balance, offering a point of balance
between the two polarities. We celebrate
what has been accomplished, and refocus
on the goals we set for ourselves as we
broaden our perspective. 

Tarot as a tool for expanding consciousness
and deepening our intuitive skills, reminds
us of the teaching of the Major Arcana’s
Wheel— nothing stays the same. How deep
are we willing to venture, how conscious do
we wish to become?

The Tree of Life offers three spiritual
principles by which we can live if we
are willing to be present rather than
lost in regretting the past or anticipating
the future:

   • Feel that everything is connected.
   • Know that everything is evolving.
   • Appreciate that All is One.

More than a layout for the cards, the Tree
of Life offers a fundamental understanding
of the numbers 1-10. From a momentary
intuitive flash of inspiration we are able,
through 9 deepening steps or stages, to
manifest our beliefs into the circumstances
we encounter. In doing so, we walk between
two alternatives that makes choice possible.
Each choice brings with it gifts and
challenges. This happens in the four realms
in which function— intuition, thought,
feeling and the resultant physical
manifestations— we encounter.

The 4 Realms

The journey down the Tree explains how
things come into being—  the return journey
awaits; awakening in consciousness, we
discover what we experience and express is
where we find the meaning in our lives.

Relevant on the return, the Court cards
remind us that while a journey down the Tree
describes setting of the principles for the
stage on which our human lives as spiritual
beings are set, it is in the return that we,
as experienced travelers, follow the
questions of our own blessed curiosity and
celebrate our intuitive passions that open
us to the infinite possibilities and
potential of this adventure for spiritually
maturing seekers.

About Heather:

South African born, Heather Mendel is 
The Disobedient Kabbalist. Mystic, artist,
author and intuitive reader, she is drawn to
the call of the mystical where myth and
metaphor reside, where we connect deeply
to Divinity and divination. 

As in The Syzygy Oracle, so in The Parallax
Oracle, Heather Mendel interweaves tarot,
kabbalah and a search for the Sacred Feminine
— the source of our intuitive knowing. 




What's Gnu?


We're happy to announce the addition of
5 Tarot School Spreads to the collection of
$7 Study Guides available on our website!

Learn the five signature spreads used most
frequently at The Tarot School. They include
spreads to help with making decisions,
finding a simple answer, and understanding
relationships. There's a spread to use at the
start of any major cycle, plus suggestions
on how to work with 3 cards, the most
versatile of all spreads.

You'll find it and the rest of our original
Study Guides here:



 Tarot School Aphorism
            The relationship in tarot between the visible and the hidden is like the difference between casual observation of the world around us, and a technical knowledge of that world.


Just For Fun





By Dennis McGuire 

At a recent Tarot Salon, it was lightheartedly
suggested that we could use a spread that
says who can be blamed when a problem arises.
No, they probably didn’t cause the problem,
but they can be blamed. After all, it wasn’t
my fault, was it? So somebody else must be
to blame.

In the same lighthearted vein, I offer this
spread as a way to lay blame elsewhere. It
should be fun for all-night parties but is
guaranteed to not solve anybody’s problems!
Don’t use it for a client that truly seeks

See the spread here:



Meet The Reader

By Sharonah Rapseik, Ph.D., CMAP

Bethany Abrahamson

Bethany Abrahamson lives in Appleton,
Wisconsin. She has been reading tarot for
25 years and doing numerology for 29 years.
Her signature deck is the Motherpeace Tarot.

For most her life, Bethany has also had a
career as a professional musician; as an
opera chorister, theater, wedding and
funeral vocalist, music director and
arranger, sheet music engraver, voice
teacher, choral conductor, and composer.

Outside of readings and music, some of
Bethany other interests include
international travel and cuisine, world
history, astrology, animal rescue, watching
cat videos, and sharing pet-snuggling duty
with her husband.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Bethany, what makes your tarot practice unique
and how do you express it?

Bethany Abrahamson:
My tarot experience and journey have become
quite individualized due to two factors.
First, I initially learned how to read tarot
with round cards, and still conduct about
99% of my readings with round cards in
multiple directions, rather than solely
upright or reversed.

Second I learned numerology before tarot;
therefore, I use the cards to better define
and understand the many nuances and
influences with a client’s upcoming
numerological “Personal Year” and other
prominent numbers in their chart. By
combining numerology and round tarot
decks, I help my clients feel at ease and
immediately understood, which in turn helps
me convey the messages they need to hear.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Thank you Bethany, it’s a pleasure to meet you!

To follow Bethany Abrahamson...



About Sharonah:

Sharonah Rapseik 

Sharonah Rapseik is an Artist / Designer,
Author, Tarot Reader, Radio Host and
Producer for Psychic Talk Radio.

Visit her at:


Upcoming Events:

The Tarot School's Tarot Salon on Zoom!

• Monday, July 5, 12, 19 and 26
• Monday, August 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30

Tarot Salon on Zoom!
7:00 - 9:00 pm EDT

Our popular Monday night classes are
now online so you can attend no matter
where you live!

Astrology in Tarot: The Minor Arcana w/ Wald Amberstone

• Saturday, July 24th, 2021

The Magic of Astrology in Tarot Part 3
The Minor Arcana: Ace – 10
w/ Wald Amberstone

Cheryl Ryder and the Albuquerque Tarot Tribe
Meetup are excited to host Wald's latest
presentation on astrology as it specifically
applies to tarot.

This is what he has to say about it:

Meaning in tarot is many layers deep, and
each layer is a whole discipline unto itself.
Qabalah, alchemy, astrology, numerology,
psychology — all these add their wisdom
to the knowledge of self and world that
tarot gives us in such abundance.

In this series, we’ll look at how the basic
symbolic elements of astrology fit so
perfectly into the structure of a tarot deck.
We'll be looking at how each Minor
Arcana card fits into the structure of the
Zodiac Wheel of the Year, the Decans, the
Modalities of the signs (Cardinal, Fixed,
Mutable), and how to blend them together
in tarot readings.

You don't have to have attended Session 1
or 2 in person to attend Part 3.

3 classes for the price of one!

When you RSVP and pay for Session 3
you will be sent a Dropbox link to the
recording of Sessions 1 & 2 which contain
materials and references that will not be
reviewed in much depth in Session 3.
You will also receive a link to the handouts
from both sessions. 

Time: 2:30 pm EDT 
Location: Zoom
Tuition: $20
Register at: https://bit.ly/3vD8IrB

Note: You do not have to join the Meetup
if you don't want to. Just make sure to
indicate that the money is for "July 24th
Wald Amberstone Class"
 in the comment
section for PayPal or on your check in
order to get confirmation for this event.


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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone