Tarot Tips: 5 Things a Child Knows About Tarot...

Published: Wed, 09/01/21

"It's September. That means it's BACK TO TAROT SCHOOL time.."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 13 #13 / September 1, 2021

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: 5 Things a Child Knows About Tarot
                   That You Don't
- Tarot School Aphorism
- Meet the Reader: Scott Martin
- Diviner's Corner: Acultomancy
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

        Back to Tarot School

It's September. That means it's BACK TO
TAROT SCHOOL time! And in these days
of remote learning, our Zoom classes (aka
Tarot Salon) and distance learning programs
are perfect. 

Here are some quick links to learn more:

Tarot Salon
Correspondence Course 

Birth Card Course
Audio Courses
Study Guides

Last month, we published a very fun list of
silly tarot article titles, and challenged you
guys to write an article to go along with a
title. We expected any such submission would
be goofy, but Trinity Rose surprised us with
a really useful piece based on the title,
5 Things A Child Knows About Tarot That
You Don't. It's this month's featured Tip.

If you missed last month's Just For Fun
column with the full list of title suggestions,
you can read it here:
We're still accepting article submissions,
serious or silly!

Also in this issue is a new Tarot Aphorism
by Wald Amberstone, a brief exchange
with Scott Martin in Sharonah's Meet the
Reader column, and an introduction to
another obscure divination system.

And one more thing...

 Wald Amberstone 's WDA Award Nomination

We are excited to announce that Wald
Amberstone has been nominated for a
World Divination Association Award!

Wald pours his heart and soul into his
classes and coaching, so it's gratifying
to have his love for tarot and for his
students recognized in this way.

If you believe he should be honored
as Divination Teacher of the Year,
please vote for him at:

Thank you!

Wishing you health and bright blessings,
Ruth Ann and Wald

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

By Trinity Rose

Children are a treasure. They have the
amazing power to astonish and delight
us while we watch them play, learn and
grow. They also have some very important
lessons to teach us, the adults. For those of
us who read the Tarot, five of those lessons
stand out. Incorporating those lessons into
our Tarot practices can be beneficial, by
helping us to understand ourselves and our
clients (“seekers”) better and help them more
effectively...and perhaps, to have more fun
doing so.

Several of the points below are inter-related,
so to get the most use out of this article,
I suggest that you read all five. May the
child-wisdom within them bring you

1) Honesty

The saying, “From the mouths of babes,”
has become a common way to express the
raw honesty of their speech. This is because
young children haven’t yet learned how to
censor their words. Children will generally
say whatever pops into their little heads,
no matter how awkward or hurtful those
words are, because it is natural to them to
be honest. (On the plus side, you will
definitely know where they stand!)

This is something which some readers may
find helpful to bear in mind: Sometimes,
information comes through in a reading
which may be difficult or unpleasant to know
and to say, yet we have a responsibility to tell
our seekers about it. However, we often
downplay these things, or even gloss them
over entirely out of a desire to reassure
the seeker that all will be well; instead,
we choose to focus solely on the positives
of the situation.

The problem with this approach is that
it ends up doing a great disservice to the
seeker by not preparing them for the
possibility that things may go differently
than they would wish. Also, respect for
the seeker demands that we respect their
right to the truth, even the unpleasant parts
of it.

If you had a reading done for you, and the
reader saw something they should warn you
about and didn’t, then you have a problem
down the road that you could have avoided
if the reader had warned you about it in the
first place, wouldn’t you be upset? I sure
would be!

The part that we, as adults, have to concern
ourselves with is how to take responsibility
for communicating these unwelcome truths to
the seeker, in palatable and constructive ways.
It might help to remember that (most) seekers 
are not snowflakes! They can typically take it.
Just be careful about how you dish it out.

2) Playfulness

Children are playful. They engage each other
in play all the time; through this, they learn
how to interact with each other. They also put
play into its proper perspective; once they leave
the playground, they are going home to eat,
bathe, perhaps do homework, then maybe play
some more before bedtime. Obviously,
opportunities for play are very important to
them, but so are the other things.

Sometimes, children can be quite serious
in their play, taking on certain roles and
playing them to the best of their abilities.
However, they know that in the end, it’s a
game; rules can change, different people
may take part each time the game is played.
And, there is always the chance for a do-over.

We can approach Tarot in the same way.
For one thing, according to modern research,
Tarot was originally a game. For another
thing, we sometimes take ourselves and our
roles as readers a bit too seriously. Issues
explored through the medium of the Tarot can
indeed be serious; however, the reading itself
doesn’t have to be solemn or fatalistic; in fact,
appropriate humor and anecdotes may help us
to get our points across better.

Nor does anyone have to stress out about the
results: We do what we can, then we let the rest
go and return to our daily lives and our priorities,
just as children do. As adults, however, we return
with a new perspective, hopefully with some
helpful answers thrown in.

3) Non-judgment

Children, being young, have much less
experience of the world than adults do.
This means that their opinions are based upon
what they directly see and experience,
without baggage and hence without judgment.
Not that children can’t form opinions about
things! It’s just that they know what they
know, and what they don’t know, they’ll tell
you they don’t know, or else they’ll give
you their best guess. Most children, in my
experience, will say that they don’t know,
but they’ll try to figure it out for you, to
keep the game going.

This is a valuable lesson for adults, too.
It is, to my mind, absolutely fine to tell
your seeker that you simply don’t know
what to say, that sometimes the requested
information doesn’t come through for us to
give them. It’s okay! Really, it is. What is
important is that you are honest about it.

And sometimes, they ask us to give them
our best guesses. That’s okay, too. My point
here, though, is that when you just don’t
know, then you can’t pre-judge. That
momentary ignorance helps to keep your
personal biases out of the reading, because
you have to go back to square one and just
tell them what you see.

I, personally find this refreshing. It reminds
me that there is so much out there that we
don’t know, we finite human beings nipping
pieces of knowledge from the Infinite. This
light touch of humility also helps us to re-set
our egos, because it reminds us that we’re all
human, readers and seekers alike. So, who
are we to judge?

4) Inventiveness

Kids can be very clever. They are generally
adept at “thinking outside the box.” My son,
for example, continually astounded me when
he was little with his solutions to problems
he was presented with. Not only did I not
consider those solutions myself, they seemed
beyond the scope of a child’s thought process.
Boy, was I wrong!

Children also enjoy stories, especially when
they can actually participate in the story.
They commonly read picture books and
delight in imagining themselves to be
part of the world that is visually depicted
on the page. Sometimes, they will even take
the story in a direction other than the one
in which it’s heading in the book. They also
enjoy that “a-HA!” moment of discovery,
and love to share that with others they may
be reading with.

What this can teach adult Tarot readers is
how to adapt to changing circumstances
and different seekers. We can learn ways to
resolve and work around problems, both in
readings and in the situations surrounding
them. Use a little ingenuity, suspend 
judgment for a moment and just see things
as they truly are.

5) Descriptiveness

Once a child has jumped into an image and
begun to experience it internally, asking
that child about what he/she sees may elicit
a lot of description about their experience,
i.e., “Well, I went into the castle, past
the moat—the crocodiles were scary!—and
then I went into the throne room and the
queen got the sword from the king and
came down to me where I was kneeling
down and she knighted me.” Very
descriptive, indeed!

Using this level of descriptiveness in
readings can naturally lead a Tarot reader
to develop and hone their ability to
visualize and create and tell stories which
explain the action in the Tarot cards in
detail to a seeker, which in turn helps
them to understand the reading better. 
Ultimately, they take away more information
they can use.

In sum, when we engage in reading with these
five qualities in mind—honesty, playfulness,
non-judgment, inventiveness, descriptiveness
—not only do they help us to approach our
readings with a fresh perspective, they can also
help us to rekindle that childlike sense of wonder
which drew so many of us to the Tarot in the
first place.  Happy reading!

About Trinity:

Trinity Rose has been practicing divination
since the ‘70s, starting under the tutelage
of her father, then branching out on her own
since that fateful day when she discovered
Tarot in the early ‘80s. Since then, Trinity
has taught many classes and workshops on
Tarot and other forms of divination, founded
the Secret Garden Psychic Faire & Referral
Service and read at events both within and
outside New York City, where she lives with
her family.

Trinity is available for private readings
and events; you can request a booking at
[email protected] or 929-286-7457.



 Tarot School Aphorism
            The Hermit is the card that turns power into love and love into power.


Meet The Reader

By Sharonah Rapseik, Ph.D., CMAP

Scott Martin

Scott Martin has been involved in theater
since he was a high school drama student.
He pursued these interests in college,
earning a B.A. in Speech and Theater and
in graduate school, an M.F.A. in Directing.
He taught theater and directed plays in
high school, community, and regional
theaters for 36 years. 

After retiring from full time teaching in
2002, he pursued his fascination with the
tarot. His studies began at The Tarot School
with Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone. He
has also studied with Rachel Pollack, Ellen
Goldberg, Elinor Greenberg, Robert Place,
and Mary Greer.

Scott has written Bringing the Tarot
to Life, Embody the Cards Through Creative
which won "Best Mass
Market Book of the Year for Innovation and
Insight" by The Tarosophists Association. It
has now been translated in Russian. He also
wrote The Silent Doorkeeper, The
Alchemical Tarot Shines a Light on
. He is currently working on
his third book. Scott is available to
conduct workshops and teach classes,
based on the material in his books.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Scott, what makes your tarot practice unique
and how do you express it?

Scott Martin:
I want to make it clear that I do not use
spreads from books and adapt them, instead
I try to tailor-make a spread as closely as
possible to each particular client's questions
so we can most directly arrive at the core of
the issue. I approach the reading as a story,
which comes naturally from connecting my
theatre background as an actor, director and
teacher to the cards, and delving first into
the back story. 

This is also part of tarot's history when
tarot cards were used as a kind of parlor
game, where players made up stories about
each other based on picking a card and
imaging a narrative that the card inspired.
The client of course, comes with his or her
own story so we meld all of those stores
together to unravel their particular plot.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Thank you Scott, it’s a pleasure to meet you!

You can purchase both Scott Martin's
books on amazon.com

The Silent Doorkeeper can also be purchased
at robertmplacetarot.com

Bringing the Tarot to Life      The Silent Doorkeeper

About Sharonah:

Sharonah Rapseik 

Sharonah Rapseik is an Artist / Designer,
Author, Tarot Reader, Radio Host and
Producer for Psychic Talk Radio.

Visit her at:


Diviner's Corner


Acultomancy is a form of divination that
uses needles for readings. Using needles
comes from the olden days where Romani
peoples used to read people and use needles
as their pointers.

The word acultomancy is a composed term that
combines the Latin word acus (nominative
singular), a needle or a pin, and the
Ancient Greek suffix mancy (from μαντεία,
manteía), divination. Literally it means
divination by needle. 

Readers place between seven and twenty one
needles in a shallow dish. They are covered
slowly with water, then their movement is
observed. How they are crossed against each
other is then interpreted. Needles may also
be dropped onto a flat surface that has been
coated with powder or flour.

Here are some ways to read them:

•  If one needle crosses two it reveals that
an enemy is working against you.

•  Broken lines may mean traveling or
heading on a new journey.

•  Parallel lines may mean money in the
future, either given or taken away.

•  Vertical lines are meant as guided roads
to take.

•  Horizontal lines may mean what the fate
will be.

•  Crosses are an indication of long-lasting
problems. They represent a multiple of
changes in one's life: a sign that
adversaries may want to cause one harm;
outside influences that may be causing
stress; or indicators of how one is handling
their spiritual side of life and mental
state of being.

•  Grilles signify negative indications and
also represent problems and adjustments.
A grille is said to represent bewilderment
and insecurity, and therewith interruptions
to an individual's advancement due to
hindrances to life's ventures.

•  Squares are a positive sign, they can
symbolize good luck from outside forces.
On the other hand, a square can be a sign
of being boxed in if it rests on vertical

•  Stars indicate success and good fortune.
If appearing at the end of a vertical or
horizontal line, it can indicate fame,
notoriety and great accomplishments (also on
relationship levels). When found at the end
of parallel lines, it is a sign of misfortune
and a lack of confidence in one's career.

•  Triangles are generally lucky markings
and indicate success. They indicate the
ability to analyze situations effectively
and that the individual has the brainpower
to accomplish many things. Triangles work as
enhancers when laying on top of other lines.

•  Tridents is a very lucky marking. It is
generally believed to bring good fortune in
threes and the person will be happy, healthy
and wealthy in life. Tridents increate the
quality of the lines they lay on top of.

Signs should be read separately when they
don't overlap, but overlapping signs need to
be considered together.



Upcoming Events:

The Tarot School's Tarot Salon on Zoom!

• Monday, September 13, 20 and 27
  There is no class on Sept. 6 (Labor Day)

• Monday, October 4, 11, 18 and 25

Tarot Salon on Zoom!
7:00 - 9:00 pm EDT

Our popular Monday night classes are
now online so you can attend no matter
where you live!


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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone