Tarot Tips: Our 27th Birthday Issue!

Published: Tue, 02/01/22

"When I chose to represent the number 27 with tarot cards.."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 14 #2 February 1, 2022

 In this Issue:
- Welcome
- Tarot Tip: Tarot on the Go – Interpreting
                   Travel in Tarot Spreads
- Wald's Words of Wisdom
- Student Spotlight: Celeste Godwin
- Diviner's Corner: Astral Projection
- Best Practices: Ways to Find Clients Who
                            Pay What You Are Worth
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

  This month you came from:
Angola, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil,
Canada, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel,
Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, South Africa,
the United Kingdom, and the United States.
We're glad you're here!

XXVII - The Tarot School is 27 years old!


When I chose to represent the number 27
with tarot cards, I had no intention of reading
them. But looking at them together like
this, it's impossible not to. The message
is clear (at least to me):


I admit to struggling these past couple of
years so I think I'll make it my new mantra.
If this message resonates with you, I offer it
to you in the spirit of your highest good.

Looking back over 27 years of running
The Tarot School is rather overwhelming ––
in a good way. Too much has happened to
write about it here but if you're
interested, I've updated The Tarot School
Story on our website. You can read it at

A bit about this issue...

In a different take on the phrase, "Have
deck, will travel," this month's Tip
shows how the cards can be used when
travel-related questions come up in a
reading.  The Tarot School Aphorism
has been renamed "Wald's Words of
Wisdom." It's more descriptive, plus
I like the alliteration. :)

Astral Projection is the subject of
The Diviner's Corner -- be sure to
check out the great resources we've
included! We show one of our star
students some love, and then Gina
outlines some steps to take when
building a client base for your tarot

We've got some special news in 
Upcoming Events you won't want
to miss, so check it out!

And one more thing...

gift parcel

We have a birthday present for you!

The Tarot School wouldn't keep having
anniversaries if it weren't for your
enthusiasm and support! So as a gesture of
gratitude, we'd like to offer you a gift.

We registered The Tarot School as a
business on February 1, 1995 so it's
Birth Cards are The Moon and The Hermit.
(Every date expresses the energy of its
Birth Cards. They're not just for humans!)

In keeping with that theme, we're giving
away the Moon-Hermit lesson from our
Birth Card Course. There's tons of
information and insight that can be useful
for you (if those are your Birth Cards), any
Moon-Hermits in your life, and your
Moon-Hermit querents. (Not sure of your
Birth Cards? Use our handy Birth Card
calculator to find out!

We don't usually make individual lessons
available, but we couldn't pass up the
opportunity to celebrate our birthday this
way. (If you're interested, you can learn
more about the course at:
https://tarotschool.com/Birth-Card-Course.html ).

red diamond gift icon  Pick up your present here:

Wishing you love and bright blessings,
Ruth Ann, Wald and Gina

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

by Gina Thies

Tarot study is often likened to learning a
foreign language. The pictures and symbols
are the “letters” that will form words that can
be put together in sentences of interpretation
and meaning. The interpretations tell the
seeker what to feel, consider and perhaps
where to go.

Querents often ask about travel, excursions,
vacations and relocation. Here are some
categories specific to moving from place to
place. These comings and goings affect many
areas of life such as residency, work and
leisure activities, and can be temporary or

Each of the 78 cards of the traditional deck
are assigned here to eight travel-related categories.
Use your tarot journal to document thoughts
and impressions as you examine each card to
determine what resonates for you based on
what you know and have experienced with
the cards. 

Planning Stage:  Move or travel ideas,
  desires or needs

The Fool - The Lovers– Ace of Swords –
Four of Swords – Nine of Wands – Queen
of Wands – Three of Cups – Seven of Cups
– Two of Pentacles – Ten of Pentacles 

Beneficial: Positive, change for the
  better, long-term success

The Empress  –The Wheel of Fortune –
Justice – The Star – Judgement – The World
– Four of Wands – Six of Wands – Ten of
Wands – King of Wands – Ace of Cups –
Page of Cups – King of Cups- Ace of
Pentacles – Four of Pentacles –Eight of

Long Distance Commuting: Includes travel
  over 50 miles and overnight stays

The Chariot – The Sun – Three of Wands –
Four of Cups – Seven of Swords – Queen of
Cups –Knight of Wands – Knight of Pentacles 

Short Distance Commuting: Includes running
  errands, shopping and travel under 50 miles

Strength– Two of Wands – Six of Cups –
Knight of Cups – Knight of Swords –
Three of Pentacles  

Business or Education: Work-related,
  scholarly, personal pursuits or quests

The High Priestess – The Hierophant – The
Hermit – Ace of Wands –Six of Pentacles –
Page of Pentacles – Page of Swords –
King of Pentacles 

Pleasure: Rest, vacation, holiday or
social activities

Temperance – Seven of Wands – Eight of Wands
– Page of Wands – Two of Cups – Nine of Cups
– Ten of Cups – Six of Swords – Seven of
Pentacles – Nine of Pentacles – Queen of

Contradictions: Postponement, delays
including last minute change of mind

The Magician – Death – Eight of Cups – Queen
of Cups – Two of Swords – Eight of Swords –
Ten of Swords – King of Swords 

Challenges: Cancellation, abrupt endings,
illness, mechanical issues, legal issues

The Emperor -– The Hanged Man – The Devil –
The Tower – The Moon – Five of Wands – Five of
Cups – Three of Swords – Five of Swords –
Nine of Swords – Five of Pentacles 

Feel free to make your own assignments based on
your personal predilections or experience. 
Bon Voyage and Happy Trails!


 Wald's Words of Wisdom
            The whole range of meanings on the Tree of Life comes from the idea that creation itself is a process. In an orderly way, everything comes into being a little at a time. The whole world is literally born. The Tree of Life is a detailed picture of the dynamic of human pregnancy, from conception to birth.


Student Spotlight

We are very proud of our Tarot School
students, many who have become
successful authors, teachers, and deck
creators. From time to time, we will
tell you about their new creations or
upcoming public appearances.

If you are or have been a student
of ours and would like to be in the
spotlight, send us an email.


Celeste Godwin

We love our students, so what better time
to turn on the Student Spotlight than during
the month of love?

Celeste Godwin deserves special mention
due to her tireless work above and beyond
in our correspondence course degree program.
Tarot School degrees reflect the amount of
supervised work a student has put in and the
"degree of change" that naturally occurs
during the course of study. 

Celeste lives in France but we had the
pleasure of meeting her in person at
Readers Studio a few years ago. She and
her husband were absolutely delightful!

Here, in her own words, is a chance to get
to know this very special student of ours...

"My Tarot experience started alone and
somewhat in fear, shy and slow, but my Tarot
practice started with Wald Amberstone and
his careful mentoring. I reached out to a
professor because I feel deep respect for
Tarot wisdom and I have had the amazing
chance to work with Wald & Ruth Ann
Amberstone and their Tarot course, which
helped me see myself in the eyes of the
divine and hone my gifts.

I find Tarot to be an incredible rich self-
exploration tool, and I feel my connection to
it as being intimate and deep. I approached
Tarot and psychic work to understand the
world and myself, so I really enjoy reading
and contemplating the cards to observe the
dynamics, connections, functioning, meanings
and underpinnings of situations. I can see
what energy is missing and what can be done
to help affect a practical solution.

I am what you may call a psychic visionary
and an empathic intuitive. I use visions,
empathy, intuition and knowledge gained from
the study of Tarot, Numerology, Qabalah,
Gene Keys, Akashic Records and the wisdom
that comes from connecting with the divine.

I focus on helping others gain clarity and
understanding about themselves or a certain
situation, in order to feel empowered to act
with more confidence and peace. Other
important aspects of my focus are healing
body, mind, soul and spirit, and the
manifestation of dreams."

Congratulations, Celeste! We foresee a
bright future for you.


You can find Celeste at:


Diviner's Corner

Astral Travel

The idea of the soul’s ability to travel
without the physical body has been practiced
in many ancient belief systems. Traveling
consciously by way of astral projection is a
means to free and propel the astral body to
other astral spheres. It has also been used
to project the “soul-mind” to distant
physical locations. 

All types of spirits, entities, demons and
angels inhabit the etheric planes that are
frequent destinations for astral
projectionists. 19th century esoteric
practitioners coined the term astral
projection. The method used for the astral
journey is preplanned and preprogrammed
and requires a relaxed, meditative or dream
state to achieve an out-of-body experience. 

Astral projection is used to promote
personal spiritual growth rather than for
oracular purposes, although the astral body
is perceived clairvoyantly.  

The astral body is made up of ethereal
components, and exists invisibly along with
the physical body. During astral projection,
different methods of travel are reported
such as walking, sliding, flying, swimming,
or sailing. The astral body can experience
sensations much like in the physical body
but during astral travel, the normal rate of
sensory experience is accelerated and
experienced as a whole. 

Interest in astral projection has increased
dramatically over the past couple of years,
due to the pandemic. The notion that one
can willingly leave the physical body and
‘travel’ to other places (both on Earth and
beyond) when many of us have felt trapped
within our own homes, has been especially

Here are some resources if you'd like to
explore the astral realms yourself... 


Astral Projection: An Intentional Out-of-body Experience

Easiest Way to Astral Project for Beginners

Relaxing Music for Stress Relief. Background for
Astral Projection, Music for Meditation


We’d love your suggestion or submissions
for this column! If you have an idea or would
like to contribute, please contact us at
[email protected].

Best Practices for Professional Readers

By Gina Thies
www.tarotadvisor.com  / www.facebook.com/tarotreaders 
www.tarotcoupling.com / www.oraclesoup.org

All businesses have one thing in common
no matter their size, which is a need for
paying customers. Retailers have the
flexibility of offering products and goods
to people with a variety of budgets. It is
challenging to sell consulting services
because it’s a different animal than most
industries so you have to get creative. 

I have always lived by the principle of
visualizing the clientele and business you
want and the income it will bring. Being
able to interpret cards is a start, but
there are successful readers who have
managed to make tarot reading very

The call to turn a tarot reading hobby into
a business often starts with the search to
find a great marketing coach. Marketing
programs, often called signature or master
coaching programs offer formulas. These
formulas are to be followed like a recipe
for success and can be summed up as follows:

1. Find your ideal client and build a list ––
    aka lead generation. 

2. Design programs that your ideal client
    will find irresistible. 

3. Write a compelling offer for your

4. Develop marketing campaigns for
    your program. 

5. Fill your program with the number of
    people required to pay you what you need. 

6. Present the program and offer another
more advanced class or course within that

Clientele is actually not the first step. We
think it is because, well, that is who pays
us, but I would say building your brand is
the first step in getting the clients that
will pay you what you are worth. To do this,
ask yourself the following questions:

• Who are you as a reader? 

• What would you be known for in the world
of reading services? Are you a master tarot
teacher, a trusted advisor or spiritual guru? 

• What has it cost you to get to the level
of professional reader? 

To find clients who pay you what you are
worth, you have to know the value of what
you offer. The next thing to do is to 
maximize your exposure. You can offer many
services and tweak how you present them to
get the best outcomes. 

It is great to invest in a few “how-to”
classes, but be careful of getting sucked
into only taking classes instead of doing
what you need to do to get your business
on track.


Upcoming Events:

The Tarot School's Tarot Salon on Zoom!

Tarot Salon on Zoom!
7:00 - 9:00 pm EST

Our popular Monday night classes are
now online so you can attend no matter
where you live!

  7 - Kings of Wands and Cups
14 - Kings of Swords and Pentacles
21 - Birth Cards: Let's Get Started!
28 - Techniques Class

Get on the notification list to see
what we'll be teaching each week.
Find the form and register here:

• Sunday, February 20th

     ruby crystal heart
The Forty Faces of Love
4:00 - 6:30 pm EST 

The card for 2022 is The Lovers and the
Albuquerque Tarot Tribe is hosting a series
of Zoom workshops throughout the year on
the topic of Love. We are honored to kick off
the program with The Forty Faces of Love

Every suit has a heart of its own. The heart
of every suit has its own special character,
and its 10 numbers are different manifestations
of that character. We'll explore the 40 numbered
Minor Arcana cards and discover the faces of
love they show to the world.

This workshop is open to everyone and we
hope you'll join us! For more information
and to register, visit:


If you're not already a member of the ABQ
Tarot Tribe, or other MeetUp group, you'll
need to join in order to RSVP. Just follow
the prompts. It's free!


Readings with Ruth Ann

Readings with Ruth Ann:

Running The Tarot School with Wald keeps
me pretty busy, but I still love giving readings!
If you would like to book a private reading
with me over Zoom, send an email to
[email protected] and we'll discuss it.


https://www.facebook.com/TarotSchoolhttps://www.pinterest.com/tarotschool https://www.instagram.com/tarotschool https://twitter.com/TheTarotSchool  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ruthannamberstone/

Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
Suggestions for future topics?
For information on tarot classes, courses,
events and more, go to TarotSchool.com
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© Copyright 2022 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone