Tarot Tips: X Wheel of Fortune - Addiction / Technomancy and more

Published: Sat, 10/01/22

"October has always been my favorite month. Perhaps it is..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 14 #10 October 1, 2022

 In this Issue:
- Welcome 
- Tarot Tip: X Wheel of Fortune – Addiction
- Wald's Words of Wisdom
- Diviner's Corner: Technomancy
- Just For Fun: Tarot Solitaire
- Meet the Reader: Dina Berrin
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

  This month you came from:
Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Greece,
Hong Kong, India, Singapore, the United
Kingdom, and the United States! 
We're glad you're here!

Cat and Harvest Moon

October has always been my favorite month.
Perhaps it's the liminal quality of October
that I love. (I'm partial to liminal places,
times and states.) The temperature is not
too hot and not too cold. The beautiful
foliage here in the Northeastern United
States is still on the trees but just beginning
to let go. And the veil between the worlds
is thin enough to allow us to experience the
spirit world as well as our own if we choose. 

October is also supposed to be an especially
good time for divination. (At least it is here,
I'm not sure if that's true in the Southern
Hemisphere.) Of course, every time is a
good time for divination but perhaps we
find it easier now. 

The cards give us access to the liminal as
well. Their messages can come from our
conscious and unconscious, from our
experiences in this world and our connection
with spirit, and sometimes as a gift from
some unknown, unnamed source.

Oktober County by Neal Hellman is one 
of my favorite albums. The music connects
me with the spirit of this special month.
Perhaps I'll throw some cards while I listen.


And one more thing...
I'm happy to report that both
Rachel Pollack and James Wanless
are doing better. Our beloved teachers
still need your prayers, magic and
financial support to help them
through their respective challenges.

Please visit their GoFundMe pages
for the latest updates and to donate.

Rachel Pollack

James Wanless

Let us come together to support these
Titans of Tarot!

Wishing you joy along the tarot path,
Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your Tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

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with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

by Katrina Wynne, MA, CTM, CTI, CLC

Happy Equinox…the turning of our earthly
wheel to a new season…the middle ground
between light and dark, warm and cold,
growing and decaying.

Traditionally in Tarot we look to X Wheel
of Fortune
to reflect upon the four seasons
and changes from one phase to another.
This would be an outer representation of
our Earth’s cycles and environmental shifts.
Yet in Tarot reading, they also point to inner
cycles and phases of our life’s “seasons”,
such as the four stages of our developmental
journey from child to elder.

X Wheel of Fortune takes a much deeper dive
into our psyches when viewed purely as an
indicator of repetition and cycling in the
mind. What if one gets stuck on the “Wheel”,
much like a pet hamster in a cage, where we
keep running as fast as we can, yet go
nowhere? When we are not growing
internally, we stagnate, thus the best
movement is progressive and pushes (gently
or forcefully) through life’s challenges to
reach the next step of our evolution.

This leads to my personal understanding of
the Wheel, influenced by the writing of
Amber Jayanti in her examination of the
Tarot’s journey with the addiction process,
which I combined with my counseling training
for recognizing and working with addictions
and addictive tendencies ––which, BTW, most
of us have.

To oversimplify…addictive tendencies are
cycles of behavior that run us, we don’t run
them. They are subconscious coping
mechanisms developed at an early age,
or soon after a traumatic event, that are
designed to self-medicate the symptoms
of anxiety one may be experiencing when
triggered, or in anticipation of stress.

Addictive tendencies can be as innocent as
waking with a cup of coffee to kick-start
one’s day, then relaxing with one’s favorite
“BaaBaa” (alcohol/drug) to slow down.
In essence, this is a self-medicating cycle
designed to shift one’s mood to meet the
needs of the day. It becomes unconscious and
one can become dependent upon it as well.

Addictions tend to come in pairs, with
one polarity lifting us up and the other
bringing us down…like the Wheel. This
can also be seen as the outside of the wheel
where we feel like a victim, run over by
life when we are down…then reach for
the BaaBaa (object-people/places/things)
to lift us up.

On a more essential level, our thoughts
also run in cycles, often just repeating and
reacting automatically, subconsciously,
which effects our moods as well.

Last, though many Tarot readers associate
XV The Devil with addiction, I see the Wheel
as the cycle of addition and The Devil as the
source of the fear that fuels the cycle of
self-medication, as we run away from facing
our True Selves. (See my Tarot Tips article
on XV The Devil for more information.

So, when viewing X Wheel of Fortune from
a psychological perspective, I’d keep these
ideas in mind:

•    Is the card reflecting on a habit,
pattern, obsession, or addition?

•    Is this pattern outwardly or inwardly
focused? In other words, does the querent
blame others, or blame self?

•    Look for the object of self-medication,
or mood altering: people, places, or things
(substances, objects, rituals, etc.).

•    Addictions tend to come in pairs—up
or down—so which is visible, and which
is hidden?

•    If real health issues, such as substance
abuse, appear in your practice, are you
qualified to address this in your “Scope of
Practice”, or do you have a reliable referral
list to qualified health professionals?

For now, why not practice with yourself
by listing your addictive tendencies. For
example, after a long hard day of physical
labor, I like to put my feet up and watch a
movie to relax. This appears to be a healthy
self-care routine, but how does it include
or exclude connection with others? Ask
yourself those difficult questions to see
where you may be trapped in unconscious
habits. And don’t be surprised if you find
yourself examining the Devil in your

About Katrina: 

Katrina Wynne

Katrina Wynne, MA, CTM, CTI, CLC
is an internationally renowned Transformative
Tarot Counselor™ and trained psychotherapist
with close to 50 years’ experience living the
wisdom of Tarot.

Contact Katrina at:
TarotCounseling.org  - website
MySacredJourney.org - weblog
OracleSoup.org - podcast


 Wald's Words of Wisdom
            What drew us to tarot in the first place keeps us fascinated. Even tarot experts feel the delicious presence of the unknown just outside the door of what they know.


Diviner's Corner


Technomancy is a combination of the word
technology and -mancy, a suffix used in
magical sciences to refer to specific types
of specialization or divination (-mancy is
derived from the Greek manteia, meaning

Technomancy is also associated with the
daily usage of computers, followed by the
passage: "The future of computing is not in
Data Processing, or Programming, or
Information Systems, or Computer Science.
It's in Technomancy."


Technomancy is a common theme in certain
sub-genres of both science fiction and
modern-day fantasy fiction, particularly
fiction that crosses the sci-fi and fantasy
genres, as well as role playing games that
take place in similar settings. Strictly
speaking, though, it belongs fully to the
realm of fantasy since it can be magic that
is used on technology that presently exists.
It most commonly appears in science fantasy.
The term technomancy has seen increased
usage on webcomics on the internet, although
it is used in a vague sense.

It is also distinct from what is sometimes
called "magitech" (technology that uses
magic). Magitech considers magic and
science to be two parts of one force, while
technomancy has magic affecting science,


In the role-playing game Mage: The
, several orders of Mages
(Iteration X, the New World Order,
Progenitors, Sons of Ether, the Syndicate,
Virtual Adepts, and Void Engineers)
practice magic with a scientific theme.

In the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
the character Willow sees magic as a way
of hacking the universe, and an extension of
her computer hacking skills. She is also
seen to use magic on computers to help her
access information more quickly, or view the
information (including pictures) inside her
mind. Also another character, Jenny Calendar
is a techno-pagan who uses the Internet as a
place to gather with her circle and from
which they cast their spells.

In the TV series Angel, a character used
magic symbols on himself that caused him to
be undetected by magic or physical security
measures. In the episode, "Supersymmetry,"
a villain attempts to trap Fred in a hell
dimension by sending her a text message.
When she views it on her phone, a portal
opens next to her to suck her in.

In the TV series Babylon 5 and spin-off
Crusade, technomages were created among
individuals across various sentient races,
which were then implanted with advanced
technology and nanites throughout their
bodies, using this advanced technology to
simulate the illusion of magic.

Kelly McCullough's popular books, Webmage,
Cybermancy and Codespell deal with ancient
Greek deities and their descendants who have
moved magic into the modern world through
the creation of the so-called "mWeb".

In the browser-based role playing game,
DragonFable, Dr. Voltabolt is a mad
scientist/dentist that is also a technomancer.
The Race of Gnomes in the town of
Popsprocket are all very familiar with
Technomancy. Players can even learn
Technomancy and obtain the Technomancer
class armor once they're at least level 30.

In the book series Worldweavers, by Alma
Alexander, technomancy is a critical element
to the story.

Non-mystical technomancy

In some settings, technomancy may be totally
scientific in nature in accordance with
Arthur C. Clarke's third law of prediction:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic.

Examples of users of this type of
technomancy are the Technomages of the
Babylon 5 universe; and in Ilium/Olympos,
where the supernatural powers of wizards
and gods come from an advanced technology.

In the Mass Effect video game series, many
characters gain magic-like powers through

The term Technomancy can be descriptive
of the skill of an engineer whose expertise
allows him or her to diagnose mechanical
problems by observing the machine behavior,
in essence listening to the machine to let
it tell him what is wrong.

In Overwatch the character Sombra can
instantly "hack" and control any piece of
technology within seconds. She summons up
a holographic keyboard that she types on that
can "hack" health packs, other characters
ultimates, or even their basic abilities.
She can also render herself invisible or

The DC Comics supervillain Abra Kadabra
is from the 64th century, at a time when
science is considered magic by 21st century
standards. His "powers" come from his usage
of futuristic technology to simulate magic.

Non-scientific technology

Another form of technomancy, sometimes
called 'industrial magic', has magical
devices operating similarly to technological

The Harry Potter setting has owl familiars
serving as a postal system, animated
newspapers and fireplace embers serving as
video screens, phantom quills and parchments
as speech-recognition software, even flying
brooms and orbs as athletic equipment, those
embers can also be used like teleportation,
and so on. 

The Eberron setting of Dungeons & Dragons
has bound elemental spirits powering
transportation vehicles. In Atlantis: The
Lost Empire
for example, the crystal is a
supernatural being, but his power was used
like a computer program. In Dave the
, crystal balls and magic cauldrons
were used like telephones, televisions and


We’d love your suggestion or submissions
for this column! If you have an idea or would
like to contribute, please contact us at
[email protected].


Just For Fun: Tarot Solitaire   


If you enjoy playing solitaire on the
computer, you may find this tarot-themed
version to be a fun change of pace. You
should know however, the numbers on the
cards do not correlate with the tarot Key
numbers or suits. If you are used to
thinking of the cards that way, you may find
it confusing to play at first. 

I had a lengthy email exchange with the
company and their developers back in June,
where I expressed my concerns and suggested
how they could make the appropriate changes
needed for a true Tarot Solitaire. They
promised to work on it but apparently,
nothing's been done yet.

That said, there are a number of card
designs from which to choose. And if you can
focus on the numbers on the cards as opposed
to the ones in your head, the tarot version is
still a fun game! 


Tarot Solitaire


Meet The Reader

By Sharonah Rapseik, Ph.D., CMAP

Dina Berrin

Dina Berrin has studied Tarot and other
divinatory disciplines for over 20 years 
and uses Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, 
charm casting along with intuition to guide
clients through life changing decisions and
helps them to find direction in their
careers, love lives, relationships and
everything in between.

Dina’s education in divination started at an
early age. Dina’s grandmother, a small but
mighty woman, was an Astrology devotee.
She used to speak with Dina in terms of
zodiac signs, characteristics and attributes
and many of her insights were uncanny.
She showed Dina how to use this information
to gain insight and clarity on a situation as
well as interactions with others.

According to Dina. so often we think the
answers lie somewhere out in the world or
wish someone would simply tell us where
to look. Dina shows clients how to find the
answers in their own heart.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Dina, what makes your tarot practice
unique and how do you express it?

Dina Berrin: 
Everyone comes to divination each in their
own unique way, my story begins with my
beloved grandmother, I learned so much from
her. I witnessed how important it is to say
things with thought, compassion and clarity,
and to always come from a place of love.
I learned some Astrology from her and then
took my curiosity out into the world where
I was hungry to learn even more.

When I moved to New York City after college,
I found Tarot, or Tarot found me. I was a
diligent regular in Wald and Ruth Ann's
Monday night Tarot classes for years and
even now, I still “pop in” because they are
such amazing teachers. Aside from Tarot,
I love to use charm-casting, introduced to
me by Carrie Paris, as well as Lenormand
and oracle decks.

My readings have changed and evolved
over the years. After readings I did with
clients, I began to hear more and more of
them ask, "How can I continue to work with
you?" This led me to explore, research, and
ultimately commit to an internationally
recognized coaching certification program.
The program is called CTI and the coaching
style is called co-active. In coaching, I have
learned how to create transformative

Coaching is not only about solving problems,
although problems will be solved. It's about
discovery, awareness, and choice. It's a way
of empowering people to find their own
answers, encouraging and supporting them on
their path as they continue to make important
choices in their lives.

Coaching has allowed me to go deeper in my
Tarot sessions. It gives me a depth of
understanding about a client that could take
a very long time to establish otherwise. All
of this has led me to create what I call the
“Tarot Coach” approach.

I combine coaching with my Tarot reading
skills and other additional modalities such
as oracle cards, Lenormand cards, charms,
and my intuition. I am able to have deeper,
more impactful readings and coaching
sessions where I'm not simply “spoon feeding”
clients answers. The client is an integral part
of the session.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Thank you Dina, it’s been a pleasure to meet you!


To follow Dina Berrin:


Sign up for Dina's free newsletter
on her website!






About Sharonah:

Sharonah Rapseik 

Sharonah Rapseik is an Artist / Designer,
Author, Tarot Reader, Radio Host and
Producer for Psychic Talk Radio.

Visit her at:


Upcoming Events:

The Tarot School's Tarot Salon on Zoom!

Tarot Salon on Zoom!
7:00 - 9:00 pm EST

Our popular Monday night classes are
now online so you can attend no matter
where you live.

Classes are recorded and all levels
of experience are welcome!

  3 - Mystical Spread
10 - Strength
17 - The Hermit
24 - Birth Cards: Tower/Chariot
31 - TBD

Get on the notification list to see
what we'll be teaching each week.
Find the form and register here:


Readings with Ruth Ann

Readings with Ruth Ann

Running The Tarot School with Wald keeps
me pretty busy, but I still love giving readings!
My specialty is using your Birth Cards and
Elemental Array (techniques Wald and I have
developed) in conjunction with random draws
to give you an extremely personalized and
powerful reading. 

I excel at giving Readings for Readers so
if you're always giving readings to others,
let me help you with some self-care for
a change!

Click Here to book your private reading
with me over Zoom.


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Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone
Discover Tarot, Discover Yourself!

The Tarot School, P.O Box 751214, Forest Hills, NY 11375, USA

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