Tarot Tips: New Transitions Spread, Kinemancy, Joe Monteleone...

Published: Sun, 01/01/23

"There are as many ways to say Happy New Year as there are languages..."
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Newsletter of The Tarot School
ISSN: 1529-0565 
Vol. 15 #1 January 1, 2023

 In this Issue:
- Welcome 
- Tarot Tip: New Transitions Spread
- Wald's Words of Wisdom
- Diviner's Corner: Kinemancy
- Kickstarter: Bard's Arcana
- Meet the Reader: Joe Monteleone
- Upcoming Events
Welcome to a new issue of Tarot Tips!
And a special welcome to our new subscribers.

  This month you came from:
Australia, Brazil, India, the United Kingdom,
and the United States. We're glad you're here!

2023  May this year be filled with magic!

There are as many different ways to say
Happy New Year as there are languages.
For instance, Feliz Año Novo, Bonne Année,
Kia hari te tau hou, and Buon Anno are
ways to say it in Spanish, French, Maori
and Italian. 

We are always saying that Tarot is a
language, too. So it got me thinking about
how each of the Major Arcana cards would
encourage us to have a Happy New Year in
their own particular dialects. Here is what
they said:

The Fool: "Here's to starting the new year
with a clean slate and an open mind! May we
embrace the unknown with courage and

The Magician: "Let's use the power of our
intentions and creativity to manifest a
bright and abundant new year."

The High Priestess: "May the mystery and
intuition of the new year guide us towards
deeper understanding and self-discovery."

The Empress: "May the abundance and
prosperity of the new year nourish you and
those you love."

The Emperor: "May the new year bring
stability, order, and success as we take
charge of our lives and achieve our goals."

The Hierophant: "May the tradition and
spirituality of the new year bring you inner
peace and understanding."

The Lovers: "May the love and connection we
share bring us joy and fulfillment in the
new year."

The Chariot: "May the determination and
ambition of the new year drive you forward
on your path."

Strength: "May we draw on our inner strength
and courage to overcome any obstacles that
come our way in the new year."

The Hermit: "May the new year be a time for
solitude, reflection, and inner growth as we
seek wisdom and understanding within

The Wheel of Fortune: "Wishing you a new
year filled with luck, abundance, and
positive change as the wheel of fortune
turns in your favor."

Justice: "May the new year bring balance,
fairness, and a sense of rightness as we
strive for justice and integrity in all that
we do."

The Hanged Man: "May the surrender and
perspective of the new year bring you
enlightenment and growth."

Death: "May the transformation and renewal
of the new year bring you new beginnings and
a fresh start."

Temperance: "May the new year bring balance,
moderation, and harmony as we find ways to
integrate and align our various aspects and

The Devil: "May the liberation and release
of the old year bring you freedom and
empowerment in the new year."

The Tower: "May the upheaval and change of
the new year bring you new perspectives and

The Star: "May the new year bring hope,
inspiration, and a sense of possibility as
we look towards the future with optimism and

The Moon: "Wishing you a new year filled
with mystery, imagination, and intuitive
insights as we navigate the unconscious and
the unknown."

The Sun: "May the warmth and light of the
new year bring you joy and positivity."

Judgement: "Wishing you a new year filled
with self-reflection, accountability, and a
sense of purpose as we make choices and
decisions that align with our values and

The World: "May the new year be a time of
completion, wholeness, and celebration as we
embrace the interconnectedness of all things
and find our place in the world."

If you enjoyed this and are up for a
challenge, see what you can come up with for
the Minor Arcana cards. In the meantime, we
wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous
year ahead. May it be filled with love,
laughter, and all the good things in life.
Happy New Year!"

And one more thing...


On January 23rd, we'll be teaching our
100th Tarot Salon! It's a real milestone
for us. The class will be on the
Moon-Hermit Birth Card pair, which is
mine, so that makes it extra-special! 

We'll be back from our holiday break
on the 9th. See Upcoming Events for
the schedule.

Wald and I look forward to starting
the new year with some great classes.
We hope you'll join us!

Wishing you joy along the tarot path,
Ruth Ann, Wald, Gina and Sharonah

Tarot Tips is here to help you with the practical side
of your tarot journey. In order to take the greatest
advantage of this newsletter, please send us your
questions regarding any aspect of your tarot study
or practice and we'll do our best to answer them
in an upcoming issue.

Spread the experience of tarot - share this newsletter
with other Tarot Enthusiasts!

Tarot Tip

In modern times, January is commonly
associated with new beginnings and fresh
starts. It may seem strange that January is
seen as a time of beginnings, considering
that in the Northern Hemisphere it is cold
and many plants are dormant, with new life
not appearing until Spring.

The Roman calendar originally had 12 months,
but only 10 of those months had official names.
January and February were added later. January
was named after the Roman god Janus, the deity
of new beginnings, transitions, and portals.
Janus was said to have the ability to see the past,
present, and future, given to him by Saturn.

In honor of Janus, this is a great time to use a
spread that is particularly suited for January,
but which can also be used during any time of
transition in your life. To make the experience
even more interesting, try using a deck that
you are not familiar with or one that you haven't
used in a long time.

The Layout:

The spread consists of 4 cards in a square
at the center, with 4 rows of 3 cards each
around the perimeter.

The Positions:

Cards 1-2-3: Primary Influence or Issue
(Position horizontally at the bottom)

Cards 4-5-6: Past
(Position horizontally to the left)

Cards 7-8-9:  Present
(Position horizontally to above)

Cards 10-11-12: Future
(Position horizontally to the right)

The Central Cards are laid out in a square:

Card 13 (right): Doorway or Transition to Spring

Card 14 (bottom): Doorway or Transition to Summer

Card 15 (left): Doorway or Transition  to Fall

Card 16 (top): Doorway or Transition to Winter

Alternatively,  all four cards can be used
to give insight into a single season if that's
when you wish to focus your attention.


 Wald's Words of Wisdom
            The first art of tarot is questions. Answers come second.  ~ Wald Amberstone   TarotSchool.com


Diviner's Corner

falling feather

Kinemancy is a lesser-known form of
divination that involves interpreting the
movements of objects or substances in order
to gain insight into the future or to gain
insight into oneself. This practice is
believed to have roots in ancient civilizations,
where people would observe the movements
of natural elements such as the wind or the
tides in order to predict the future or gain
insight into their own lives.

In kinemancy, a diviner will typically focus
on the movement of a specific object or
substance, such as a feather, a piece of
paper, or a handful of water.

Here are a few examples:

•  The direction in which a feather falls or
is blown: A feather falling to the left may
be interpreted as a sign of negativity or
bad luck, while a feather falling to the
right may be interpreted as a sign of
positivity or good luck.

•  The way a piece of paper twists or turns
as it falls: A piece of paper that falls in
a spiral pattern may be interpreted as a
sign of change or transformation, while a
piece of paper that falls in a straight line
may be interpreted as a sign of stability or

•  The way water ripples or flows: Large,
circular ripples may be interpreted as a
sign of change or upheaval, while small,
concentrated ripples may be interpreted as a
sign of focus or determination.

Some more familiar forms of divination
also fall under the category of kinemancy.
They include:

1) Psychokinesis: Psychokinesis, or PK, is a
form of kinemancy that involves the use of
mental power or energy to affect the
movement of objects or substances. This may
involve moving objects with the mind or
altering the patterns or movements of an
object or substance through intention or

2) Automatic writing: Automatic writing is
a form of kinemancy that involves allowing
the hand to write automatically, without
conscious control, in order to receive 
messages or insights from the spirit world or
to gain insight into the future. The movements
of the hand and the words or symbols written
influence the interpretation.

3) Tea leaf reading: Tea leaf reading, or
tasseography, is a form of kinemancy that
involves interpreting the patterns and
movements of tea leaves in a cup or bowl
after drinking. The diviner may interpret
the shapes and symbols formed by the tea

4) Pendulum dowsing: Pendulum dowsing
is a form of kinemancy that involves using a
pendulum to communicate with the spirit
world or to gain insight into the future.
The movements of the pendulum, such as
swinging in a particular direction or at a
specific speed, may be interpreted as a way
to gain insight or make predictions.

The interpretations of patterns and
movements in kinemancy can vary greatly
depending on the individual diviner and
their own methods and techniques.

Here are a few things you can try:

•  Incorporate other divination techniques,
such as tarot reading or astrology, to
supplement the interpretation of the

•  Use a crystal ball or mirror.

•  Use your intuition and natural abilities
to interpret the movements and patterns of
the object or substance.

•  Combine kinemancy with other forms of
divination or spiritual practices, such as
meditation or energy work, to enhance the
insight gained.

Experiment with different objects or
substances to see which ones provide the
most accurate or meaningful insights. It can
also be helpful to keep a journal or record
of the movements and patterns observed, as
well as the insights and predictions you
gain. This way you can track your progress
and improve your accuracy over time.

We’d love your suggestion or submissions
for this column! If you have an idea or would
like to contribute, please contact us at
[email protected].


The Tarot of Shakespeare

BARD'S ARCANA: The Tarot of Shakespeare

The writings of William Shakespeare and the
images of A.E. Waite and Pamela Coleman
Smith's Tarot offer two of the most evocative,
enduring, and intuitive symbol systems in
European history. Rich in metaphor and dense
with meaning, each body of work presents its
own pathways towards a deeper understanding
of ourselves, each other, and what it means
to be human in this world. Taken together,
the light (and shadow) they cast on each other
can spark whole new blazes of insight.

The venerable 78-card deck illuminates
themes, characters, and moments from
the Shakespearean canon.

Bard's Arcana: The Tarot of Shakespeare
is grounded in the structure of the Waite-Smith
Tarot deck: a 22-card Major Arcana and a
56-card Minor Arcana divided into the
14-card suits of Wands, Cups, Swords, and
Pentacles. Inspired by the iconography and
composition of Pamela Coleman Smith's
original art, each Tarot image has been
lovingly paired with a character or scene
from the Shakespearean canon that illustrates,
illuminates, or complicates the themes and
meaning of that particular card. Every image
evokes surprise, whether it invites delight
or deliberation. 

This beautiful deck is perfect for lovers of
tarot and Shakespeare!



Meet The Reader

By Sharonah Rapseik, Ph.D., CMAP

Joe Monteleone

Joe Monteleone is, according to the
Huffington Post, a "one-man-band" of
magical thinking made reality. He is a
Tarot master teacher, certified coach,
energy healer, occult performer and
modern mystic. Joe has over 20 years
experience in Tarot reading, teaching,
and performing, which have brought him
to every possible environment.

His notable appearances include Esotoracle
Magazine, Facebook Headquarters, the New
York Renaissance Faire, the World Divination
Association, the Readers Studio, and more.
Joe created the Tarot Mysticism Academy
after a life-changing mystical experience.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Joe, what makes your tarot practice
unique and how do you express it?

Joe Monteleone: 
What makes my Tarot practice unique is
the way I utilize the Thoth Tarot deck with
mystical philosophy. My goal is to end
suffering which sounds ambitious, but I
believe it is the most practical goal a human
could have.

I curate the common denominators of various
mystical traditions and present them with
the Tarot and other spiritual technologies
in the Tarot Mysticism Academy. It allows me
to jailbreak reality and have the coolest friends
from around the world.

Sharonah Rapseik:
Thank you Joe, it’s been a pleasure to meet you!


To follow Joe Monteleone:





Blog Resources:

[email protected] 


About Sharonah:

Sharonah Rapseik 

Sharonah Rapseik is an Artist / Designer,
Author, Tarot Reader, Radio Host and
Producer for Psychic Talk Radio.

Visit her at:


Upcoming Events:

The Tarot School's Tarot Salon on Zoom!

Tarot Salon on Zoom!
7:00 - 9:00 pm EST

Our popular Monday night classes are
now online so you can attend no matter
where you live.

Classes are recorded and all levels
of experience are welcome!

January 2023:
  2 - NO CLASS: Holiday Break
  9 - The Hanged Man
16 - Death
23 - Birth Cards: Moon-Hermit
30 - 4 States of Awareness

Get on the notification list to see
what we'll be teaching each week.
Find the form and register here:


Readings with Ruth Ann

Readings with Ruth Ann

Running The Tarot School with Wald keeps
me pretty busy, but I still love giving readings!
My specialty is using your Birth Cards and
Elemental Array (techniques Wald and I have
developed) in conjunction with random draws
to give you an extremely personalized and
powerful reading. 

I excel at giving Readings for Readers so
if you're always giving readings to others,
let me help you with some self-care for
a change!

Click Here to book your private reading
with me over Zoom.


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Do you have a question or comment on anything tarot?
Suggestions for future topics?
For information on tarot classes, courses,
events and more, go to TarotSchool.com
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© Copyright 2023 The Tarot School - All Rights Reserved
Directors: Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone
Discover Tarot, Discover Yourself!

The Tarot School, P.O Box 751214, Forest Hills, NY 11375, USA

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