Free Go To Webinar: Teaching of Talking: Aphasia Speech Therapy

Published: Mon, 09/21/15

Dear Friends:

We are offering two free go to webinars for those who have expressed an interest in learning more about the Teaching of Talking.  There were some who signed up for our free Webinar a few weeks ago and inquired if there would be another one.  To deal with the numerous requests we've had we are now offering two more Free Go To Webinars that will be this Wednesday at 4 pm Pacific and Thursday at 5:30 Pacific time.  Please read further and sign up if you would like to attend.  If you had signed up previously and were unable to attend you will need to sign up again for the log in information etc.  If you previously attended please disregard this e mail, attend anyway, or share with a friend.

Learn How to Help People with Aphasia Speak Better: Teaching of Talking Training

This webinar occurs several times. Please register for the date and time that works best for you. 

Register now!

In this webinar, speech language pathologist and author Moshe Mark Ittleman, M.S., CCC/SLP will explain the values and principles of this new and revolutionary method that will train you, whether family member, caregiver or therapist to do actual speech and language stimulation like a seasoned speech language pathologist. This will help you decide if it would be worthwhile for you to consider learning the Teaching of Talking Method. Two sessions are offered for your convenience.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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