TheDailyGold: When Will Gold Decouple from Stock Market?

Published: Fri, 10/21/22

The Daily Gold
Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT, MFTA


Friday, October 21, 2022


Good Morning!

The bear market in stocks has been following the path of the six mega-bears (all during secular bear markets). Gold (or gold stocks) decoupled from the stock market (before the bear ended) during five of the 6.

If we focus on the most recent 4 mega-bears (which began in 1968, 1973, 2000 and 2007), Gold or gold stocks began the decoupling no later than 11-12 months into the bear market.

At present, we are a week from being a full 10 months in. 

Click Here for My Video Analysis

There are quite a few reasons to think this is the start of a secular bear market in stocks. I've mentioned most of them.

But there's one I have not mentioned.

Click Here for My Video Analysis


These two images show the risk of an imminent recession....

First is the OECD leading indicators. When this falls below 99, as it has, a global recession is imminent. 

This chart shows the number of states with decreasing economic activity.

The number (15) is around where it was in the mid 1980s and mid 1990s when there were soft landings, triggered by Fed rate cuts. The Fed will cut rates but it's not going to be soon enough to forestall a recession.  


In TheDailyGold Premium...

In TDG #800, I added a company to my top 10 list and removed one.

This company has some similarities to my top 5 companies and could soon be considered a top 6 company.

I wrote about the theme behind these 6 companies: production growth and/or exploration that can add value.

I refer to this as the Holy Grail in Junior Mining.

I believe this is the best way for retail investors to make a lot of money in the coming bull market with a reasonable amount of risk. Nothing is low risk in this business but these types of companies mitigate risk by generating cash flow and they offer huge upside with production growth and exploration potential. 

Subscribe now to learn these companies and learn my buy prices.

As Gold declines to a bottom, these companies will offer even more upside at 10% to 15% lower prices. 



Thanks for reading. I wish you all great health and prosperity.


Disclaimer: This newsletter is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered personalized and individualized investment advice. Investment in the precious metals sector contains significant risks. You should consult with an investment advisor and do your own due diligence before making any investment decisions. This email may contain certain forward looking statements which are subject to risks, uncertainties and a multitude of factors that can cause results and outcomes to differ materially from those discussed herein.  


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