The Eight Steps to Peace - January 2016 - The Evolving Heart Newsletter

Published: Mon, 01/11/16

Life Absolutely Gets Better 
When We Let Go of the Bitter.
​January 2016
Welcome to the Evolving Heart Newsletter, the place for updates on Emotional Intelligence and Forgiveness information and happenings. There is a lot of momentum building going on here at The Evolving Heart! We give you the best of the best tools to elevate your life onward and upward!

Welcome! - Taylor Tagg
The Fundamentals of Forgiveness Masterclass on LearnItLive 

The Eight Steps to Peace are revealed...coming up on January 17th at 2:00 PM CST. Join me for a live webinar The Fundamentals of Forgiveness Masterclass - The Eight Steps to Peace. I will carry you through each of the eight steps to peace, one by one online, as you practice forgiving that someone you have been needing to forgive for the longest time in the comfort of your own home! Use this discount code QXTPVR4J for 10% off!
Listen to the introductory session here
This article is a great way to begin the New Year. Enjoy!

7 Forgiveness Tips to Start the New Year

Taylor Tagg
Forgiveness, for most of us, is the equivalent of pulling teeth out of our heads. No way! However, once you decide to be like Nike and Just Do It, you realize it's not like pulling teeth at all. It's like getting the best tooth cleaning that you've had in years! You feel squeaky clean! Amazing!

There are several forgiveness opportunities in early 2016 to jump on the bandwagon and do the swoosh!

To get you ready, I wanted to give you a few forgiveness tips to begin the new year, so that when you get the hankering, you are in the mindset to make something positive happen within you that could change the course of your life forever.

7 Forgiveness Tips to Start the New Year:

1. The human spirit is remarkable! We can get over anything we set our minds and hearts to...anything!

2. We are bigger than the pain in our own worst story. It's time to get big and move our story in a positive direction. I would be honored to show you how.

3. Most people go only a part of the way with forgiveness. We want to go all the way baby! How do you know if you have forgiven completely? If you can think of the person and honestly have no negative reaction at all in thought or feeling (neutral), you are fully there. This is different from feeling numb. If you feel numb, you are avoiding or resisting the person or situation.

4. Forgiveness empowers you to breakthrough fear! This thing called life is a battle of you vs you. Let this be the year you get out of the resist and resent mentality so that life can begin to help you instead of escalating the no-win war on the inside.

5. What looks like weakness on the exterior is actually the awakening of inner strength within. If ever I've seen a more cunning illusion in disguise, resentment is it. With so much to seemingly to lose by forgiving, the exact opposite appears when an act of forgiveness is complete. Everything is there to gain...your full love restored, negative emotions released forever, peace all around. It's crazy good.

6. We are very reluctant to forgive because of the benefit we get from holding on. What is the benefit you get from your resentments? Is it the desire for power, thoughts of revenge or getting even, making them pay? The door to forgiveness opens when you shine the light on your payoff and bring it into your awareness.

7. Forgiveness is free! I like to say forgiveness is the greatest, most abundant emotional resource available today that is virtually untapped! Imagine dumping the weight of a heavy anchor you have been dragging everywhere in an instant and opening like a rose in the midst of a brilliant parting of the clouds. That's what this gem of a resource gives every time.

The new year has begun. Is this year the time to finally take advantage of what forgiveness can provide? 

Peace be with you always,

Another New Book Published!
Refusing to Quit, written with 25 amazing co-authors and instructors from the Napoleon Hill Foundation, was released on December 21, 2015 on Amazon. The book climbed the charts to #1 in three countries! Thank you to all who participated in helping this book become a #1 Amazon Best Seller.
If you haven't picked up your copy yet, it's on sale currently for .99 on Kindle for a limited time. Jump on over and grab a copy!

New Workshops for 2016!
February 20-21, 2016 Forgiveness Workshop and
Retreat to Peace 2016 on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Nov 2-6
The Forgive and Find Peace Workshop (FAFP) is a unique healing experience in which you learn tools in one weekend that you will use for a lifetime. It is an opportunity for emotional healing and a spiritual tune-up that will leave you feeling lighter, clearer, and closer to God.

Comments from recent FAFP Workshops

"Forgive and Find Peace was extraordinary!" - L Rostig
"A deeply, profoundly moving experience." - B Harris
"I knew it would be amazing...and it was!" - S Baur

See you in February for a year of opening into forgiveness!

Upcoming Workshops

Forgive and Find Peace Workshop
February 20-21, 2016 Memphis, TN 

Early Bird registration for the February 2016 workshop is available at a 20% discount. All early bird registrants will receive a free copy of The Path to a Peaceful Heart, Taylor's system to Peace. FAFP alumni can return free for a refresher within one year of their first workshop, then half price thereafter.

Retreat to Peace 2016
November 2-6, 2016 
Tagganale, Seacrest Beach, FL
Learn how to bring a guest for free!

Retreat to Peace is a four-day relaxation experience on the beautiful Gulf Coast of FL in which you learn tools to unwind away from the daily grind and build peace in your life. It's an opportunity for healing, clarity, new vision, and to be with like-minded friends in a gorgeous setting.

 Where can I contact Taylor with any questions?
By phone at 901.921.8901 or email: [email protected]
Taylor's Published Books Library
