Homeschooling a Large Family, Part 1 How do you organize a large family for homescho

Published: Tue, 12/12/17

How do you organize a large family for homeschool?

I’ve made no secret about the fact that we have a large family. I have a kid in every conceivable phase.* No matter what you've heard (or what I have said, intimated or implied) to the contrary, this can get complicated sometimes.

I’m as guilty as anybody for romanticizing it, as my cheerful approach can sometimes minimize obstacles in a near-delusional fashion. I have a friend who calls me “The Happy Labrador”, because I’m like one of those dogs that you can kick and swear obscenities at, who comes back to give you slobbery kisses because it just doesn’t enter into his head to be anything but a happy Labrador.

But if I’m totally honest, I have to admit that sometimes the mere fact of so many people can be overwhelming when you’ve got a lot of other things going on—especially if you’re not a natural multi-tasker.

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