🦠 PARASITIC: Unwanted guests can be more than just annoying

Published: Thu, 06/22/23

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parasitic is a versatile word that can be applied to various contexts.

ℹ️ Part of speech

parasitic is an ADJECTIVE.

🗣️ Pronunciation

parasitic is pronounced /ˌpær.ə.ˈsɪ.tɪk/ or pair-uh-SIH-tik.

📚️ Definition

parasitic means relating to or caused by a parasite, or living off another person or organism without providing anything in return. Example: a parasitic relationship.

📰 Examples

Here are some examples of parasitic in usage:

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parasitic most nearly means

(A) symbiotic
(B) helpful
(C) independent
(D) freeloading
(E) carnivorous

And one more:

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies a parasitic relationship?

(A) An animal that hunts for its food.
(B) A mutual agreement between two parties to share resources.
(C) A bird that cleans parasites off the backs of larger animals.
(D) A student who constantly copies homework from his classmates.
(E) A company that donates a portion of its profits to environmental conservation.

Scroll down for the answer/s.

💁🏼 Tips!

A common mistake is to confuse parasitic with symbiotic. While both involve relationships between organisms, a parasitic relationship is one-sided and harmful to one party, whereas a symbiotic relationship benefits both parties involved.

✅ Quiz answer/s


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Writer of the TestMagic Word of the Day

Erin Billy
Founder and Director
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