👁️‍🗨️ PERIPHERAL: There's more to see than what's in front of you

Published: Sun, 06/25/23

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peripheral is a versatile word that you can use in many different contexts!

ℹ️ Part of speech

peripheral is an ADJECTIVE.

🗣️ Pronunciation

peripheral is pronounced /pə.ˈrɪf.ər.əl/ or puh-RIF-er-uhl.

📚️ Definition

peripheral means related to or situated on the edge or outskirts, not central or of primary importance.

📰 Examples

Here are some examples of peripheral in usage:


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peripheral most nearly means

(A) central
(B) marginal
(C) complicated
(D) simple
(E) rare

And one more:

Which of the following statements best demonstrates the concept of peripheral?

(A) The main focus of the meeting was on sales projections.
(B) Sally Sue was an expert in her field and always eager to share her knowledge.
(C) The lineworkers discussed the issue briefly before moving on to other topics.
(D) Uncle Ralph worked hard and completed the task efficiently.
(E) The new Japanese-Brazilian fusion restaurant received rave reviews from food critics.

Scroll down for the answer/s.

💁🏼 Tips!

peripheral can also be used as a noun, referring to a device or equipment that connects to a computer or other electronic system. For example: a printer is a peripheral device.

✅ Quiz answer/s


👋 Bye for now

Thanks for learning!

Writer of the TestMagic Word of the Day

Erin Billy
Founder and Director
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