🔄 PIVOTAL: Turning Points Matter!

Published: Fri, 06/30/23

Hi, Word Explorer!

Time for another exciting vocab session!


Our word of the day is pivotal - and it's a big one!

ℹ️ Part of speech

pivotal is an ADJECTIVE.

🗣️ Pronunciation

pivotal is pronounced /ˈpɪv.ə.t̬əl/ or PIV-uh-tuhl.

📚️ Definition

pivotal means crucially important or significant, especially in the context of a turning point or change. Example: a pivotal moment.

📰 Examples

Let's take a look at how pivotal is used in different sentences:

A see-saw (or teeter-totter) with a pivot point.

🧠 Quick vocab quiz

Quiz time!

pivotal most nearly means

(A) peripheral
(B) unnecessary
(C) crucial
(D) negligible
(E) forgettable

Here's another:

Which of the following situations could be described as pivotal?

(A) Eating breakfast.
(B) Choosing a career path.
(C) Brushing your teeth.
(D) Buying a new pair of socks.
(E) Tying shoelaces.

Scroll down to see the answers.

💁🏼 Tips!

The word pivotal originates from the French word 'pivoter', meaning to pivot or turn. It's often used to describe situations that bring about a major change or act as a turning point.

✅ Quiz answer/s


👋 Bye for now

Keep on learning, and we'll catch you next time!

Writer of the TestMagic Word of the Day

Erin Billy
Founder and Director
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