🖋️ PLAYWRIGHT: More than just a writer!

Published: Sat, 07/01/23

Hello, theatre enthusiast!

Today's word is going to be fun!


playwright - a word that may ring a bell if you're a theatre aficionado!

ℹ️ Part of speech

playwright is a NOUN.

🗣️ Pronunciation

playwright is pronounced /ˈpleɪ.raɪt/ or PLAY-rite.

📚️ Definition

playwright refers to a person who writes plays. Example: a famous playwright.

📰 Examples

Here are some examples of playwright in usage:

A person writing. Maybe she's a playwright.

🧠 Quick vocab quiz

Let's put your understanding to test!

Playwright most nearly means

(A) athlete
(B) actor
(C) decorator
(D) director
(E) writer

And another question:

In which situation would you most likely encounter a playwright?

(A) At an art exhibition.
(B) In a movie theater.
(C) During the production of a play.
(D) In a science laboratory.
(E) At a football game.

The answers are right below. Keep scrolling!

💁🏼 Tips!

The term 'wright' is an archaic English term for a craftsman or builder. So a 'playwright' would mean a 'maker of plays'. Interesting, isn't it?

✅ Quiz answer/s

The answers are:

👋 Till next time!

We hope you had fun learning! Keep exploring words and expand your vocabulary.

Writer of the TestMagic Word of the Day

Erin Billy
Founder and Director
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/erinbilly

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