💊 PRESCRIBE: Here's a word for your vocabulary health!

Published: Tue, 07/11/23

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prescribe is a very useful term in many contexts!

ℹ️ Part of speech

prescribe is a VERB.

🗣️ Pronunciation

prescribe is pronounced /prɪ.ˈskraɪb/ or prih-SKRYBE.

📚️ Definition

prescribe means to recommend or set down as a guide, rule, or directive. Example: The doctor prescribed medication for her illness.

📰 Examples

Here are some examples of prescribe in usage:

🧠 Quick vocab quiz

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prescribe most nearly means

(A) forecast
(B) inform
(C) revoke
(D) retaliate
(E) dictate

And one more:

Which of the following statements could best use the term prescribe?

(A) The referee blew the whistle.
(B) The principal instituted a new school uniform policy.
(C) The chef chopped the vegetables finely.
(D) The horse galloped across the field.
(E) The Sun sets in the west.

Scroll down for the answer/s.

💁🏼 Tips!

Prescribe, is often confused with its antonym, proscribe, which means to condemn or forbid. Remember, when you prescribe something, you're recommending it!

✅ Quiz answer/s


👋 Bye for now

Keep up the good work! Remember, every new word is an achievement.

Writer of the TestMagic Word of the Day

Erin Billy
Founder and Director
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