💪 PREVAIL: Triumph with tenacity

Published: Wed, 07/12/23

Salutations, knowledge enthusiast!

Here's a powerful new word for you:


prevail is a verb with a potent meaning. Let's explore it!

ℹ️ Part of speech

prevail is a VERB.

🗣️ Pronunciation

prevail is pronounced /prɪˈ.veɪl/ or pri-VAYL.

📚️ Definition

prevail means to prove more powerful than opposing forces; to be victorious or win. Example: Justice must prevail.

📰 Examples

Let's look at some examples of prevail in use:

🧠 Quick vocab quiz

Ready to test your knowledge?

prevail most nearly means

(A) fail
(B) triumph
(C) fly
(D) obscure
(E) amplify

Another question:

In which sentence is the term prevail used correctly?

(A) She prevailed the marathon.
(B) The argument prevailed over and over until Samantha pressed the stop button.
(C) He prevailed a compelling speech.
(D) In a battle of wits, the first-year student prevailed.
(E) I am going to prevail a cake.

Check your answers below!

💁🏼 Tips!

Prevail usually suggests overcoming difficulties or opposition. It's frequently used with "over" when discussing conflicts or competitions.

✅ Quiz answer/s

Your answers:

👋 Until next time!

Keep learning, keep growing!

Curator of the TestMagic Word of the Day

Erin Billy
Founder and Director
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