🏞️ PROMINENT: Stand out with today's word!xc

Published: Mon, 07/17/23

Hey there, language enthusiast!

We're here to learn a new word today!


Let's explore the term prominent today!

ℹ️ Part of speech

The term prominent is an ADJECTIVE.

🗣️ Pronunciation

prominent is pronounced /ˈprɒ.mɪ.nənt/ or PROH-mih-nuhnt.

📚️ Definition

prominent means important; famous; sticking out from a surface.

📰 Examples

Here are some examples of prominent in usage:


🧠 Quick vocab quiz

Test your understanding!

Prominent most nearly means

(A) obscure
(B) noticeable
(C) subtle
(D) ordinary

Select the sentence where prominent is used correctly:

(A) The prominent shoes were too big for him.
(B) The moon is very prominent in the solar system.
(C) The apple was prominent and juicy.
(D) His prominent achievement earned him a medal.

Keep scrolling for the answer/s.

💁🏼 Tips!

Prominent, derived from the Latin word prominens, can refer to someone or something standing out physically or metaphorically. It's often used to describe someone famous or something important.

✅ Quiz answer/s

The answers are:

👋 See you next time!

Keep learning and growing!

Curator of the TestMagic Word of the Day

Erin Billy
Founder and Director
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