Tree of Life Sanctuary

Tree of Life Sanctuary

here's our Spring tarot card ~ 4 of Cups

Published: Sat, 03/31/18

4 of CupsLu ury Tarot Card for Spring 2018, Spring is here! When I draw the card for each season, I ask for guidance around what information would…

Our Winter Tarot Card ~ 9 of Cups

Published: Thu, 12/21/17

9 of CupsHappiness Tarot Card for Winter 2017-18, the Winter Solstice has arrived! When I draw the card for each season, I ask for guidance around…

Many Gratitudes!

Published: Wed, 11/22/17

I write you today to e press my heart felt gratitude.Thank you for being part of the Tree of Life Sanctuary "tribe" and working with us to fulfill our…

Fall's Tarot Card ~ 10 of Cups

Published: Fri, 09/22/17

10 of CupsSatiety Tarot Card for Fall 2017 Hello, Happy Fall Equino ! When I draw the card for each season, I ask for guidance around what…

need a dose of High Frequency people?

Published: Mon, 09/18/17

Fall Equino Open House plus News & Fun First, as always, I want to thank you so very much for opening my email. I work consistently to make this ezine…

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