Think Smarter World Newsletter - April 10th, 2016

Published: Sun, 04/10/16

Newsletter - April 10th, 2016 - Volume 3, Issue 2

TSW Posts from the Past Month
"With so many of us having such diametrically opposed opinions, we’ve become hesitant to have any real meaningful conversation for fear of arousing anger and resentment in others. But with the stakes so high in so many areas of our personal and public lives, do we really have any choice but to engage others in meaningful discussion?"

"Is there an antidote to the hostility and conflict that widely permeates so many facets of our 21st century existence? Most definitely. It’s the one and only solution that can cure all of our problems and that has been calling to us for thousands of years to enable us to move forward into our next stage of evolution."

"When the Ego filter is neutral, you experience the fullness of Reality. The Truth. There is no individual judgement or bias. There is only pure awareness and acceptance."  

"When the Light is clear and strong, you are in alignment with the Divine Matrix and everything in your life goes smoothly because you are following the plan of the divine. When you distort the Light with your ego and fear, that’s when things can go off track. However, when you calm the mind to receive the Light clearly, then alignment with the divine happens naturally. Your instincts and intuition guide your every move to be in synch with your higher purpose."

"Beginner’s Mind is about using the spirit of enquiry—without getting stuck in preconceived ideas. There’s a Zen story about this: A professor once visited a Japanese master to inquire about Zen. The master served tea. When the visitor’s cup was full, the master kept pouring. Tea spilled out of the cup and over the table. “The cup is full!” said the professor. “No more will go in!” “Like this cup,” said the master, “you’re full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

"If Google is our search engine into the physical world’s collective knowledge, then intuition is our search engine into the aggregated knowledge of the entire universe—or rather, of all that is and has ever existed in Mind, Body, or Spirit. This aggregated knowledge is often referred to as the Universal Consciousness."
"Envision the highest outcome and the highest good for all in every situation. Meditate, visualize, and will on that. Adjust your energy vibration to that level and reality around you will conform."​​​​​​​
"Inspiration is the Elimination of Limitation. The Divine Source has no limitations. When you are “creating” and being creative, you by definition are firmly in the Present Moment."

Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking
  • A post-work society: what could it look like? "An emerging wave of post-capitalists say that advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and computational power should be embraced, and that we should strive to move towards a post-work society.” ~The New Economics Foundation

Mind-Body Harmony
  • Science Explains How Complaining is Negatively Altering Your Brain
    "Author, computer scientist and philosopher, Steven Parton, examined the ways in which negative emotions in the form of complaining, both expressed by the self and experienced from others, affect the brain and body, coming up with a number of keen observations that help us to understand why some people can’t seem to get out of a negative mood. His theory suggests that negativity and complaining actually physically alters the structure and function of the mind and body."

  • Train Your Brain to Boost Your Immune System. New research suggests mindfulness meditation can strengthen our natural defenses. "A recent and groundbreaking review looked at 20 randomized control trials examining the effects of mindfulness meditation on the immune system. In reviewing the research, the authors found that mindfulness meditation reduced markers of inflammation, high levels of which are often correlated with decreased immune functioning and disease."

  • Brain Waves And The Deeper States Of Consciousness."Every part of your body vibrates to its own rhythm. Your brain has a unique set of brain waves. In neuroscience, there are five distinct brain wave frequencies, namely Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and the lesser known Gamma. Learning mind control at the deeper states of consciousness opens you up to the world of your subconscious mind where you can create your reality at will and with exact precision. ~The Mind Unleashed

  • Buddhism and meditation for beginners. "New to Buddhist meditation or Buddhist teachings? Then you probably have a lot of questions — and here you’ll find helpful answers, by way of articles from the Lion’s Roar and Buddhadharma magazines." 

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
  • 12 Methods to Unplug from the Matrix. “Once there is a ‘conscious’ commitment to explore the truths of our existence – including the systemic, societal and esoteric layers – the observer begins a process of unplugging from certain aspects of the program and emancipating themselves from their psychological, emotional and spiritual enslavement. If you’re one of the many who are contributing to the tipping point for a truly free humanity – a reality where the conscious society is in full swing – then you’ll most likely recognize these 12 methods to unplug from the matrix. If not, feel free to use them as a guide for your own healing and growth, as well as increase your participation in this momentous era of humanity’s history.”

  • Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’. "One thing is for certain, ‘consciousness,’ or, factors associated with consciousness (observation, measurement, thinking, intention) have a direct correlation with what we perceive to be our physical material world. Max Plack, a physicist who originated quantum theory, regarded consciousness as “fundamental,” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.” He said that “we cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”  - from Collective Evolution

  • He Was the Father of Modern Mind Control & Propaganda for the Ruling Elite. "Edward Bernays was the master of influencing and shaping public opinion who developed upon the ideas of earlier social psychologists and the work of his uncle, Sigmund Freud, in order to create techniques to manipulate the subconscious desires of the masses. Throughout his 103-year lifespan, the father of public relations was at the pinnacle of his field advising US Presidents Coolidge, Eisenhower, Hoover and Wilson, as well as inventor Thomas Edison, US industrialist Henry Ford and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. At the end of World War I Bernays served as a propagandist for America before going on to work with various government departments and corporations throughout his lifetime, including: the US Department of State, CBS, Procter and Gamble, and the American Tobacco Company. He also consulted for the Nazis. ~Waking Times
  • The Fifth Key to Ascension: Expand Consciousness "The best way of expanding consciousness is to keep your mind in motion by continuously learning new things. Allow yourself to experience subjects that challenge your notions of what is true about the world. Be open to questioning what you have come to know as spiritual truths and challenge yourself on your own beliefs. Seeking new ways of seeing things can have a profound impact on conscious evolution."

  • Retrocausality: Can the Present Affect the Past? "As conscious humans, we take for granted the inherited assumption that time flows in one direction, in a linear fashion—from past to present to future. Several physicists, though—including those as well-known as Richard Feynman and John Wheeler—have speculated that this may not always be the case: time can flow in both directions and occasionally the present can influence the past.” Science and Non Duality

  • The Trouble with Darwin. "Darwin's landmark work was called The Origin of Species, yet it doesn't actually explain in detail how speciation happens (and in fact, no one has seen it happen in the laboratory, unless you want to count plant hybridization or certain breeding anomalies in fruit flies). Almost everything in evolutionary theory is based on "survival of the fittest," a tautology that explains nothing. ("Fittest" means most able to survive. Survival of the fittest means survival of those who survive.) The means by which new survival skills emerge is, at best, murky.” 
Unity Consciousness
  • ​​It is Time For Change. "This “transition” and information we are facing might be new to many, but the current system has failed! However, do not react in fear as there is nothing to be afraid of. We will be moving from a fear of lacking, scarcity-based society to a humanity based on abundance, prosperity, cooperation and unconditional Love. What is happening now is not a financial or political driven crisis but a crisis of consiousness; “ALL” is “US”. We just have been separated into individuality and have forgotten the symbiotic relationship that exists within “US” the “ALL”. The integrity of our personal existence is completely dependent on the integrity of everything else in our world." -from www.PrepareForChange.Net

  • The hundredth monkey effect and the approaching revolution of unified consciousness - By Seth Leaf Pruzansky. "In the 1950s, scientists on an island in Japan were doing a research project involving monkeys. While they were there, the scientists fed the monkeys sweet potatoes by dropping them in the sand in front of the monkeys. While the monkeys liked the sweet potatoes, they didn’t like the sand that covered them. One of the monkeys discovered that she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in the ocean. Some of her monkey friends observed this and then adopted the same habit. Before long, more and more monkeys on the island were washing the potatoes. At some point, all the monkeys on the island began washing them. But this was not the amazing part. Soon monkeys in other areas that had no physical contact with the monkeys on the island starting doing the same thing. It was like the knowledge was now spreading purely from mind to mind.” ~from a Return to Enlightenment

  • The Fusion of Einstein and Buddha: Spiritual Science Creates a New Vision of Reality. "Until recently, science, and especially quantum physics, was only for those geeks like Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory and spirituality for those nutcases that talked to angels and heard voices from the dead. “Normal” people were simply not able to understand the language those two fields used as it was either too scientific or too turned in. This is changing now: There are people bringing this wisdom into a more down-to-earth approach and for the first time, it becomes obvious that both Einstein and Buddha were always teaching the same thing: The wisdom of universal energies and how they

Quotes of the Month
  • "Man must face the perils of worldly passion if he is to secure the precious pearl of Enlightenment. He must first be lost among the mountainous crags of egoism and selfishness, before there will awaken in him the desire to find a path that will lead him to Enlightenment.~Buddha

  • "To be able to listen -- really, wholly passively, self-effacingly listen --
     without presupposing, classifying, improving, controverting, evaluating,
     approving or disapproving, without dueling with what is being said,
     without rehearsing the rebuttal in advance, without free-associating
     to portions of what is being said so that succeeding portions are not
     heard at all -- such listening is rare.” ~Abraham Maslow

  • “I am longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” ~ activist Angela Davis 

  • "The functions of our brain and body chemistry can work to our benefit or detriment, depending on where we place our attention. If we rest our attention in our heart – biologically, the center of oneness – and cultivate an elevated emotion, such as gratitude or joy or love of life, and feel it deeply, we can expand our energy field to the degree we can feel connected to the greater unified field."  ~Neuroscientist, Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • "The world of science is constantly evolving. What was believed as impossible yesterday can become the most astounding fact today. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity stated: Mass is energy. There is no “matter". In quantum physics, scientists are beginning to realize that everything is a process. Albert Einstein wrote: “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music”  Fritjof Capra said, “The processes that create sound into harmonious music are the same processes that govern all associating vibrations throughout the universe.” The new physics reveals that everything is moving and has a frequency. As technology has evolved to make the world of sound visible, more scientists are forced to change their viewpoint about the vibrational nature of human beings. And many of them are beginning to realize that sound is the source of physical life.” ~from the sound healing company - Attuned Vibration

  • "When you define yourself without regard to your source in the Eternal Presence out of which this universe unfolds, when you continue to play out variations of the historical theme, which keep your eternal spirit at arm's length by imagining absolute "others" in the world around you, the illusions of the material realm weigh heavily upon your consciousness. Forces that were intended only to hold energy firmly within atomic structures bind and limit your perception. Your outlook becomes sober; your vision blurs beneath the emotional mists of excessive subjectivity. As gravity draws objects to fall, so too does it draw the thoughts of those who define themselves without reference to the Source. And with their thoughts, their identities fall as well, back into matter, again and again. So it was said to the first egos who began to think of themselves in this fictitious way, 'In dust you have conceived yourselves and to dust you will return'. For all thought is dust in the minds of those who deny the reality that seeks birth in the manger of human form." ~Ken Carey from his book The Third Millennium, Living in a Posthistoric World
Question to Ponder 
 “How do you avoid jumping to false conclusions?"

Picture of the Month
Spring has begun in the North East...This beautiful tree got off to a strong start on the yearly cycle of rebirth and renewal...the fragrance of its flowers is sweet jasmine.

Have a Great Month, Stay Positive, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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