Think Smarter World Newsletter - July 8th, 2016

Published: Fri, 07/08/16

Newsletter - July 8th, 2016 - Volume 3, Issue 4

TSW Posts from the Past Month
"“The Buddha awakened to interdependent co-arising and the insight that there is no solid and enduring reality. In turn, he taught that our failure to recognize the flux and fluidity of existence produces an inaccurate and therefore unsatisfying relationship with the flow of life. An analogy clarifies this process: If we assume that the universe is a regenerative system that, for illustrative purposes, is arising or emerging at a pace of, say, 100 frames per second, and if we further assume that in everyday life our pace of perception is functioning at, say, 25 frames per second, then the regenerative universe will not appear to us as flashing into existence at each moment but rather will seem to be a seamless whole of solidity that endures over time."

"Experience God as the Divine Artist and Cosmos as the masterwork of Creation. The Transcendental Unmanifest Realm is mirrored in our Immanent Manifest Realm. We are all Sacred Mirrors, reflections of the Divine. Since God is the creator we are also creators, co-creators. The creative impulse is inherently evolutionary because it resists known pathways and seeks a new adaptation, a new style, sound, method, or understanding uniquely suited to the new moment. Every moment is fresh, unknown, with the freedom to develop in any way – this is the power and message of Art for the Soul’s renewal."

"Meditation is the mind’s power to hold itself steady in the Light and in the Light to become aware of Divine purpose. Meditation is called the Science of Light because it works with the substance of Light. Light is the result of the fusion of Spirit and matter. Meditation helps us develop a sense of detachment emotionally and mentally so we can be more effective in helping the world from the inner side. When we react emotionally to an event, we cannot be of help, as our emotional body is vibrating on the same level as the problem rather than working from higher level in order to help heal it and transmit it into something positive. Meditation also helps to purify us, bringing up long-suppressed emotional negativity within us, so that it can be burned up by the fire of the mind in contact with Spirit. It also burns up illusions and distortions in the ind – our fear, anger, and hatred – and this enables us to perceive the world more clearly."

"A constant state of Love is the ultimate goal. That is when you’ve allowed pure Divine energy to fully flow through your system. 
The body and mind are the receivers and transmitters of divine love. They must be clean and finely tuned in order to work optimally."
".. man’s general way of thinking of the totality, i.e. his general world view, is crucial for overall order of the human mind itself. If he thinks of the totality as constituted as independent fragments, then that is how his mind will tend to operate, but if he can include everything coherently and harmoniously in an overall whole that is undivided, unbroken and without border (for every border is a division or break) then his mind will tend to move in a similar way, and from this will flow an orderly action within the whole. "

"Sometimes we see you learning a certain way and there is a certain knowing  that maybe a certain action is appropriate, but you may hurt another by these actions, or you may be perceived by friends as off-balance. These are the actions we are discussing this morning. You must all come to the realization that right action is not painful; it just sometimes appears to be painful in some ways. Right action cannot cause pain when the truth is flowing through you, and you are in alignment with that truth. When your actions and your truth are in total alignment, only love can flow. Love is all there is. [Truth maximizes Energy / Love flow]." 
Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking
  • ​​​​​​​Self-sustaining eco village of 100 homes creates off-the-grid prototype. "Construction of an off-the-grid eco village featuring 100 homes is about to start in Almere in The Netherlands. The ReGen Village development, which will see the first 25 homes completed in around a year, will create a completely self-sustained pilot community – a prototype for other eco villages planned for Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany. The concept, developed by ReGen Villages, BV and architectural firm EFFEKT, is designed to prove it is possible for a community to power and feed itself."

Mind-Body Harmony
  • ​​​​​​​Poisoning YOU: Monsanto and The Last Roundup  "In April 2016, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) volunteered to take a urine test to see if glyphosate—the cancer-linked weedkiller—is in their system. Forty-eight MEPs from 13 different European Union countries participated in the test, and now the results are in. According to ELISA test results from the accredited Biocheck Laboratory in Germany: “All participants excreted glyphosate by urine.” On average, the MEPs had 1.7 micrograms/liter of glyphosate in their urine, 17 times higher than the European drinking water norm (0.1 microgram/litre). This means that everyone we tested was way above the limit for residues of pesticides in drinking water.” ~New Illuminati

  • Neuroscientist Joe Dispenza on Demystifying the Meditation Process. "If your meditation practice continuously feels like a herculean effort, and you can’t stop thinking, analyzing, and wondering if you’re doing it right, you’re doing the exact opposite of what you’re trying to accomplish. That’s why I want to demystify the meditation process. The purpose of meditation is to slow down your brain waves and get beyond the thinking, analytical mind. What I want you to understand is that you already know how to do this, because you do it every day. If you can begin your practice with the understanding that all you’re doing is relaxing your body (just like when you’re falling asleep) while keeping your mind conscious and awake—and if you can continuously move deeper into this state of relaxation while focusing on nothing (or not thinking)—you’ve just opened the doorway between the conscious and subconscious mind." 

  • How Giving Up TV for a Month Changed My Brain and My Life. “The Dangers of TV: A lot of research has been done around TV viewing and children, and Adam Lipson, a neurosurgeon with IGEA Brain & Spine, says one of the best studies is from Tohoku University in Japan. "They noted thickening of the frontopolar cortex, which is related to verbal reasoning ability, and also correlated with a drop in IQ in proportion to the number of hours of television watching," he says. "In addition, they noted thickening in the visual cortex in the occipital lobe, and in the hypothalamus, which may correlate with aggression."

  • The Five Levels of Healing - 2 min video explains why healing chronic disease cannot be accomplished solely at the physical level.  The 5 Levels of Healing is developed by Dr Dietrich Klinghardt, MD in the 1980s based on a study of Eastern and Western medicine. Understanding this model allows you to truly understand why chronic illness cannot be merely healed at the physical level, because the origin of disease comes from other energetic levels of human the bio-field:  spiritual, intuitive, emotional, and mental bodies in addition to the physical body.  See an in-depth analysis of the human energy fields in my article (re)-The (re)-Discovery of the Human Energy Field, and a more in-depth presentation of Dr. Klinghardt’s work here.

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Climate Change Ruins Food - Rising CO2 is reducing nutritional value of food, impacting ecosystems. "Among the myriad impacts climate change is having on the world, one in particular may come as a surprise: heightened atmospheric CO2 levels might be adversely affecting the nutritional quality of the food you eat. As carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to increase, you could end up eating more sugar and less of important minerals such as zinc, magnesium and calcium — without even realizing it. Those effects could also be reverberating up the food chain and altering ecosystems in as yet poorly understood ways. For plants, a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide actually boosts productivity by stimulating photosynthesis. They make more carbohydrate and grow larger — seemingly a good thing. But because other nutrients don’t increase and can’t keep pace with the augmented carbohydrate, this potential boon to our food supply isn’t all that it seems: plants end up having a higher carbohydrate to protein ratio, and relatively lower concentrations of minerals. Put simply: atmospheric carbon dioxide acts as a sort of fertilizer to grow bigger, leafier plants, but those larger broccolis and lettuces actually contain less nutritional value per portion than their predecessors grown in the preindustrial, pre-fossil fuel world. ~by Claire Salisbury

  • Quantum Physicist John Hagelin gives one of the most concise, direct, and easy to understand explanations of Consciousness through a scientific lens (10 min video):  JH Bio: John Hagelin, Ph.D., is a world-renowned quantum physicist, educator, public policy expert, and leading proponent of peace. Dr. Hagelin received his A.B. summa cum laude from Dartmouth College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University, and conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and SLAC (the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center). His scientific contributions in the fields of electroweak unification, grand unification, super-symmetry and cosmology include some of the most cited references in the physical sciences. He is also responsible for the development of a highly successful Grand Unified Field Theory based on the Superstring. Dr. Hagelin is therefore at the pinnacle of achievement among the elite cadre of physicists who have fulfilled Einstein’s dream of a “theory of everything” through their mathematical formulation of the Unified Field—the most advanced scientific knowledge of our time.

Unity Consciousness
  • ​Is Consciousness a Product of the Brain Or Is the Brain the Receiver of Consciousness? "Today, there is not enough scientific evidence to conclude that the brain creates consciousness, and that point is elaborated on in the included video. There is also not enough evidence to say (with one hundred percent certainty) that the brain is simply a receiver of it. We do however have a number of scientific studies that have been published in various peer reviewed journals that indicate consciousness might actually not be a product of the brain, but something completely separate, and this should not be ruled out as a possibility or ignored by modern day materialistic science.” ~ New Illuminati
  • 9 Essential Questions on Ascension. "We stand at the dawn of a miraculous new evolution. Our planetary system is moving to a higher vibrational reality - one founded on unconditional love, joy and mutual respect for all life. The Soul of the Earth, a vastly more evolved being than ourselves has ascended and is beginning to draw her energies ever higher. What exactly does this mean? How does it effect you? Here are some essential questions on Ascension which frequently get asked...” by Openhand
Quotes of the Month
  • "While we have gained some skill sets (multitasking, technological savvy), other skills have suffered: the art of conversation, the art of looking at people, the art of being seen, the art of being present. Our conduct is no longer governed by subtlety, finesse, grace and attention, all qualities more esteemed in earlier decades. Inwardness and narcissism now hold sway."...What would it take to overcome the cultural pull of irony? Moving away from the ironic involves saying what you mean, meaning what you say and considering seriousness and forthrightness as expressive possibilities, despite the inherent risks. It means undertaking the cultivation of sincerity, humility and self-effacement, and demoting the frivolous and the kitschy on our collective scale of values. It might also consist of an honest self-inventory.”  ~From a 2012 NYT opinion piece by Princeton Professor, Christy Wampole, on the effects of Irony in today's culture

  • "The ego loves to complain and feel resentful not only about other people but also about situations.  What you can do to a person, you can do to a situation:  make it into an enemy.  The implication is always:  This should not be happening; I don't want to be here; I don't want to be doing this;  I'm being treated unfairly.  And the ego's greatest enemy of all is, of course, the present moment, which is to say, life itself.”  ~Eckhart Tolle, from A New Earth

  • "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • "The rising tension between head and heart can be a defining juncture in the life of an activist. The heart, which has been the instigator of compassionate action, can be intimidated by the head, which always seems to have innumerable proofs about what is the more sensible thing to do. The practice of listening to the heart, and ultimately attending to the deep heart’s core, is the true centre of organizing for the conscious activist. It is the heart that guides us to the higher vision that informs and constantly re-energizes our commitment. Rather than abandoning intellect, the heart knows how to synchronize with ideas that emerge from our most evolved moral imagination. ~James O’Dea, former Director of Amnesty International, from his book The Conscious Activist

  • "So, according to the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus ridiculed those who thought of the 'Kingdom of God' in literal terms, as if it were a specific place: 'If those who lead you say to you: Look, the Kingdom is in the sky, then the birds will arrive there before you. If they say to you: It is in the sea, then the fish will arrive before you.' Instead, it is a state of self-discovery: '...Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that poverty.' ...The 'Kingdom', then, symbolizes a state of transformed consciousness." ~Harvard Theologian Elaine Pagels, from her book The Gnostic Gospels

  • "Ecocide and economic violence, moreover are not the most brazen manifestations of systemic evil in our day. Greater still are their seductive guise as 'good' to many who 'benefit' materially from them. People of economic privilege live and breathe as players in a great 'masquerade of evil'. Most of us do so unintentionally and unwittingly. As a whole, we do not fully recognize the vast wealth discrepancy, poverty, and ecological degradation that haunt our country and our world. United States society - the society most linked with controlling political-economic powers - generally promotes the excessive consumption and wealth accumulation enabled by prevailing economic arrangements as a good life. In general, we demonstrate effective allegiance to this way of life and the political - economic alignments that enable it. Said differently, the prevailing social order morally legitimates our exploitive ways of life by failing to effectively recognize them as such. Structures of exploitation persist and grown when people who benefit from them fail to recognize and resist them. This moral oblivion and the ensuing abdication of moral power are pernicious forms of sin pervading our society, and must therefore be faced practically and theologically." - Seattle University Professor of Theology, Cynthia D. Moe-Lobeda from her book Resisting Structural Evil

Question to Ponder 
 “Have you attained the highest version of yourself in this lifetime? What remains to be done?"

Picture of the Month

We humans are able to convince ourselves almost anything is ok, no matter how bad ... How about we try something different this time ...?

Have a Great Month, Stay Positive, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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