Think Smarter World Newsletter - October 20th, 2016

Published: Thu, 10/20/16

Newsletter - October 20th, 2016 - Volume 3, Issue 5

TSW Posts from the Past Month
Following is a good example of the research being done to identify the healing power of subtle energy (Prana, Chi) from a recent article in Intelligent Optimist magazine. The piece focuses on the pioneering work of Russian physicist Yury Kronn and the subtle energy that fills 96 percent of our existence but cannot be seen or measured (written by Jurrianan Kamp).


Though the extreme chaos present in the world today is deeply troubling, it is also a sign of dramatic change, if managed correctly, would usher in a much better world for all of us. However, no significant change of a complex system occurs without first increasing the entropy within that system and loosening rigidly fixed elements. It is that process that allows the opportunity for creating new and more beneficial aspects of that system or replacing the system all together.

The earth’s surface is full of negatively charged electrons. Your body on the other hand, has excess positively charged free radicals. When you touch the earth with your bare skin, you allow the earth to siphon off those positively charged free radicals. Free radicals (the reason why we try to eat foods high in anti-oxidant properties) are what cause inflammation in the body and inflammation is what is thought to be one of the major culprits behind many diseases including heart disease and cancer.
Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking

Mind-Body Harmony
  • ​​​​​​​What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You To Know About Dopamine & Serotonin Imbalances Within The Brain. "Of course, there are brain events and biochemical reactions occurring when someone feels depressed, as there are all the time, but no research has ever established that a particular brain state causes, or even correlates with, depression. . . . In all cases studies yield inconsistent results, and none have been shown to be specific to depression, let alone causal. The fact that more than 50 years of intense research efforts have failed to identify depression in the brain may indicate that we simply lack the right technology, or it may suggest we have been barking up the wrong tree! ~Dr. Joanna Moncrieff,  British Psychiatrist, Author 

  • 5 Breathing Exercises For Instant Relaxation. - "There are few things as powerful as your breath for regulating your consciousness and emotional state. These 5 powerful ancient breathing practices will bring you back into a state of harmony, balance and peace remarkably quickly.” ~ Marga Odahowski via The Healers Journal

  • Jeshua: The Third Way of Emotional Mastery. "There is a third way – a third way to experience your own human emotions. The first way was to totally identify with your anger. The second way was to crowd it out, to suppress it and to condemn it. The third way is to allow it – to let it be and to transcend it. That is what consciousness does. The consciousness of which I speak does not judge – it is a state of being.” ~Pamela Kribbe in Golden Age of Gaia

  • Edgar Cayce: Understanding How Colors Affect The Human Aura. 'The aura contains information about our physical, emotional and spiritual health and can reflect the condition of our chakras. What colors you surround yourself with speaks volumes about the person you are, even though you may not realize it. Haven’t you noticed that we are all attracted to certain colors, while we shy away from others? Well, some people believe there are very good, yet unconscious reasons for that.” ~DreamCatcher Reality
  • Electromagnetic Fields from Consumer Technology and their Effects on the Human Body. Quantum Physics showed over 100 years ago that everything at its core level is energy - therefore, so are you. Anything that interferes with your energetic fields is a potential problem for your physical and mental health. Learning to manage your energetic body is a core requirement for success and wellness in the 21st century.

  • Dr. Rick Strassman - DMT, The Spirit Molecule. The Pineal Gland is a Gateway (to Divine Consciousness).

  • How to Raise Your Consciousness and Energetic Vibration through Diet: "Modern society tells us that the mind and consciousness have little effect on health—that we are the product of our genes given to us from birth and doomed to suffer an eventual and inexorable biological degradation. But in truth, the mind and our consciousness are the first cause of causes—our mind is both the source of health and disease via the habits we allow to form. Being able to imagine and envision what health really looks like and striving for this high ideal is essential to begin the slow process of personal transformation that results in restoration of balance and harmony.” - Justin Deschamps

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Russian Scientists Announce Historic Discovery Rendering the Entire [capitalist] System Obsolete... "Today, here in Geneva, we are making public a discovery and a technology which without any exaggeration could be of historic significance.The essence of this discovery and the technology boils down to the development of an industrial method for the transformation of chemical elements into other elements and their isotopes. What we have to show you today is the transmutation without nuclear reactors, without heavy water, or anything of the kind, to obtain a transmutation of elements. Our approach to transmutation of chemical elements is biochemical in nature. It is still too early to fully grasp the economic and civilization significance of this technology. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this discovery is a veritable revolution that’s going to open a new chapter in our technological progress. Unlikely as it may sound, this is a fact.” [If you remember seeing the ‘replicator’ technology in Star Trek TV series and movies - this is essentially what they are saying they have discovered how to the essence of material substance into any desired material...huge. ]
Unity Consciousness
  • The Global Butterfly Effect: "Mother Earth needs us to mature, to transform ourselves from a selfish caterpillar-like species (that consumes resources mindlessly), to more spiritual butterfly-like beings, who behave wisely, dance among the flowers and take joy from living lightly.
    The time has come for our species to evolve our consciousness, to open our hearts, to question the predatory behaviors and mechanistic thinking of our more technologically advanced warrior civilizations.“ ~from

  • Integrating the Shadow in Awakening. "The striving for spiritual attainment while excluding the personal dimension of life, is often a big error on the path of spiritual inquiry. Ignoring unresolved psychological contractions is a danger that is frequently overlooked in the process of awakening. Of course, for some, awakening happens spontaneously even when psychological contractions have not been faced. We may call this “grace” and there may be a sense of being “blessed”. But it does not necessarily make any personal problems go away. Mostly life continues along the same groove, and this is fine if there is a deep acceptance of this fact and there is no expectation of any particular expression of what is experienced as “my life” to change. What happens all too commonly, however, is that there’s a denial of any inner blockages. And this prevents a deeper surrender that is a part of the maturation of awakening as it becomes embodied into everyday life."

  • Mastery and Manifestation – A Lesson on the Power of Mass Consciousness, and the Key to our Divine Creativity. "The energetic state of the world at present is said to be that of immense possibility, of eager anticipation, and of massive potential for change. The inflow of galactic energies which influence life and consciousness at present are said to be changing our planet in profound ways which most of us have yet to understand. Events on planet Earth are presently at a tipping point, and at this time, our collective consciousness has a significant influence upon the way in which these events progress.  Every thought we think, every emotion we feel, and every desire we have has massive potential for creation, manifestation, and for the direction of planetary advancement.” Think Carefully...~Discerning the Mystery

  • How and Why to Raise Your Energetic Frequency. “The Law of Transformation states that energy can never dissolve, it can only be transformed. This is not only important for a better understanding of the transformation of energies through the change in our reaction towards emotions that come up for us. It is also crucial for the understanding that the so-called “dark energies” are not dangerous. So many people still believe that we have to protect ourselves from dark entities and energies and shield ourselves. That is what actually gives them the power! When we recognize that we have the ability to transmute all kinds of energies, no matter how dark they are, we can welcome and embrace them and simply change their frequency. We do that through our heart chakra. It is like a transformer for energetic frequencies. When we talk about surrounding us with light, or being in a bubble of light, then this helps us to create more light from within us and radiate brightly with love.” [When your energy vibrates at the frequency of Love, it is the best protection in a hostile world, and the best way of creating a better one...]. ~The Wakeup Experience
Quotes of the Month
  • "A singular part of what has popularly become known as ‘the Matrix’, the corporate/medical establishment has become the chief prison warden of the mind, body and spirit, whose role it is to incarcerate us in a state of degraded physical, mental, and spiritual health. This is the slave master that keeps us in line when the symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, sickness and despair become so overwhelming that we seek external help for survival. For centuries, millennia even, human kind has depended on medicine in its natural, not chemical forms, and now a total shift towards dependence on prescription based medicine has re-trained us to shun the very cures which have the most potential to liberate us into health and happiness. There is no doubt that those self-tasked with permitting which remedies are available in our society have a vested interest [always follow the money...] in keeping us locked into this paradigm, for, a person who has knowledge of Self and access to the medicines which most properly serve and honor our individuality is inescapably free.” ~Dylan Charles writing in New Illuminati

  • “The mystics have taught for over a thousand years that every human action should be preceded by an affirmative statement of meaning: ‘I do this act for the sake of unifying and evolving Divinity. ‘When every significant action you take is for the sake of the All, infused with a profound awareness of your evolutionary context, you stop reacting from ego and begin acting form the place of powerful evolutionary integrity.- Marc Gafni from his book, Your Unique Self, The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment

  • ​​​​​​​“The image of many human beings ‘curved in on' their imagined self-interest speaks directly to the heart of life for people positioned in relative privilege in the global community today. Collectively, we are selves curved in on ourselves. We may long to live according to justice-making, self-honoring love for Earth and neighbor, to live without exploiting neighbor or Earth. But look at us. A species destroying the very life-support systems upon which life depends. A society so addicted to our consumption oriented ways that we close our hearts and minds to the death and destruction required to sustain them...” ~from Resisting Structural Evil, by Professor Cynthia D Moe-Lobeda

  • ​​​​​​​“With stillness in your mind and silence in your heart, enter into the presence of true identity, where there is neither guilt nor shame, fear nor blame, but only the loving expression of truth. Breathe deeply and identify with the breath of life that animates your body and gazes out of your eyes. Then extend to others what you experience. Through you and your center, let the Spirit create an island of love and harmony that can be felt throughout all the countryside around you.” ~ Ken Carey from his book, The Starseed Transmissions

  • ​​​​​​​“No knowledge comes from outside; it is all inside. What we say a man ‘knows’, should, in strict psychological language, be what he ‘discovers’ or ‘unveils’. What a man ‘learns’ is really what he ‘discovers’ by taking the cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge. We say Newton discovered gravitation. Was it sitting anywhere in a corner waiting for him? It was in his own mind; the time came and he found it out...the advance of knowledge is made by the advance of the process of uncovering. The man from whom this veil is being lifted is the more knowing man; the man upon whom it lies thick is ignorant; and the man from whom it has entirely gone is all-knowing, omniscient. There have been omniscient men, and I believe, there will be yet; and that there will be myriads of them in the cycles to come. Like fire in a place of flint, knowledge exists in the mind: suggestion is the friction which brings it out. - from the book The Mind of Swami Vivekananda by Gautam Sen
Question to Ponder 
 “Have you attained the highest version of yourself in this lifetime? What remains to be done?"

Picture of the Month
Author and Graphic Artist Austin Kleon reveals the uncomfortable truth, again...

Have a Great Month, Stay Positive, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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