Think Smarter World Newsletter - January 7th, 2017

Published: Sat, 01/07/17

Newsletter - January 7th, 2017 - Volume 4, Issue 1

TSW Posts from the Past Month

​​​​​​​"As we collectively move through the major transformational events occurring across the globe, the most important thing is that you not let external circumstances define who you are. That’s a choice you get to make every day with every thought. Given that the average human has 50,000 thoughts a day that’s a very large number of conscious or unconscious choices we make daily. And, since our thoughts manifest the reality we experience,  good or high energy thoughts bring good things into our physical experience, bad or low energy thoughts bring unpleasant things into our reality. The thing is that most of us go around letting things that are outside of us - people, events, situations - dictate what we think (thought energy) and how we feel (emotional energy). We become re-active to the external world instead of being pro-active and creating it for ourselves through our thinking. In this way then, happiness is a choice. It becomes something we proactively choose with every thought."
"During this time of year, I often wonder which of the many meanings that surround Christmas is true. Is it really to celebrate the “virgin birth” of a child that was god’s only son? Given that many scholars have now shown that the virgin birth story and the “only son” myth were found in a number of different cultures prior to the time of Jesus (including the Roman story of Mithras around 1,500 BCE), that would seem not to be the case (how many ‘only-son’s can God have…right?). Could it then be a metaphor of some sort, a symbol of something profound and meaningful that we all share and are called to participate in?"

Links Worth Exploring
Systems Thinking
​​​​​​​Strategic Questions - Engaging People’s Best Thinking.  “Stop asking so many questions,” many children hear at home. “Don’t give me the question, give me the answer,” many students hear at school. “I’m not interested in hearing what you don’t know, I want to hear what you do know,” many employees hear at work. The injunction against discovering and asking questions is widespread in today’s family, educational, and corporate cultures. That’s unfortunate, because asking questions that matter is one of the primary ways that people have, starting in childhood, to engage their natural, self-organizing capacities for collaborative conversation, exploration, inquiry, and learning. In our own work with creating positive futures, we are discovering that the usefulness of our knowledge depends on the quality of the questions we ask. Clear, bold, and penetrating questions tend to open up the context for new learning and discovery, which is a key component of strategy innovation.~
Mind-Body Harmony
  • The Most Powerful Exercise to Purify and Rejuvenate the Body and Mind​​​​​​​: "The way you breathe is the way you live. Breathing is absolutely essential to life, but it's often overlooked as a necessity for good health. Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Breathing fully and freely is our birthright. If you watch a baby breathe, you will see the beauty and simplicity of flow in the body. With each inhale, the baby's belly fills with air like a balloon, the pelvis rocks, the legs open, the chest rises and then falls, like swells across the ocean. This is natural, oceanic full-body breathing. It is the way we were meant to breathe.”  ~ Shems Heartwell

  • Anders Olsson explains that breathing is the basis for the quality of your life and enlightenment. ~ Video 

  • A Disconnected Humanity: The Age Of Pineal Suppression. "...we have the ability of mystical cognition. This means that if you are asked an intelligent – as opposed to purely intellectual – question about life and you do not have an answer, you deliberately engage your whole-brain function which, in turn, will engage pineal activity…. and an answer will emerge within your intuition. This may be instantly, an hour later, a day or even a week, depending on your ability to intellectually withdraw. In fact, it is more than an answer; it is a holistic viewpoint, an engagement with the totality of all the question embraced. Yet, as I implied, there is a paradox within all this. If you intellectually look for an answer to such a question, you will seldom find it, but if you use the question as a springboard into open-ended inquiry, you will engage the holistic insight containing an answer.~Michael Roads at

  • Neuroscience Says Listening to This Song Reduces Anxiety by Up to 65 Percent - Sure to both Stir your Soul and Calm your Nervous System. "
    According to Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson of Mindlab International, which conducted the research, the top song produced a greater state of relaxation than any other music tested to date. In fact, listening to that one song -- "Weightless" -- resulted in a striking 65 percent reduction in participants' overall anxiety, and a 35 percent reduction in their usual physiological resting rates. That is remarkable. Equally remarkable is the fact the song was actually constructed to do so. The group that created "Weightless", Marconi Union, did so in collaboration with sound therapists. Its carefully arranged harmonies, rhythms, and bass lines help slow a listener's heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.” ~    By Melanie Curtin

  • The Four Foundations of Mindfulness - "According to the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, spirituality means relating with the working basis of one’s existence, which is one’s state of mind. The method for beginning to relate directly with mind is the practice of mindfulness. For the follower of the buddhadharma, the teachings of Buddhism, there is a need for great emphasis on the practice of meditation. One must see the straightforward logic that mind is the cause of confusion and that by transcending confusion one attains the enlightened state. This can only take place through the practice of meditation. The Buddha himself experienced this, by working on his own mind, and what he learned has been handed down to us. ~ Diana J. Mukpo

  • Audio Ecologist Gordon Hempton on Silence and the Presence of Everything - OnBeing Podcast: "Silence is an endangered species, says Gordon  Hempton. He defines real quiet as presence — not an absence of sound, but an absence of noise. The Earth, as he knows it, is a "solar-powered jukebox." Quiet is a "think tank of the soul." We take in the world through his ears."

  • 8 Critical Actions for Joining the Resistance and Building the Ark in 2017​​​​​​​.  "Imagine what an honor it will be to be amongst those who helped pioneer this stepping stone to the rebirth of an emancipated, joyous existence. A veritable life-line whose fragile reality will hold the key to the future of humanity as a whole. You will be proud of becoming a beacon of light, guiding others through the passage of times of darkness. You will experience deep joy in witnessing the rising sun whose rays spread out to illuminate a whole new chapter in the evolution of this tribe we call mankind. And don’t forget, if you want 2017 to be a decisive turning-point, you need to be both foot soldier of the resistance and a builder of the ark. Both. Yes, both. It can be done. It will be done. So now get on with it. New Year’s Greetings to one and all.” ~Julian Rose at Waking Times

  • Sound Healing and the Origins of Ohm: "​​​​​​​I often liken the power of sound to that of homeopathy. Both work through resonance on an energetic level, and both homeopathy and sound, through vibration, direct the body to find its healing way. This approach to Sound Healing is based in a fundamental trust in the body’s natural proclivity and ability to heal itself. Listening to the ohm tone helps us to temporarily neutralize or clear the bombardment of daily external stimuli such as computer emissions, electronic devices, and radio wave frequencies. When we use the expression “reset your vibrational motherboard” we are using a technology metaphor and applying the same concept to our own nervous system.” ~by Marjorie de Muync
Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
  • Frequency and Vibration: How They Create the Structures of Matter and Life"If we want to understand how the material world is created and what keeps it in a perpetual motion, we need to study the language of the living energy codes of matter, which is made of light, sound, frequency and vibration. Most of us know that the material world is made of matter, but we do not understand the mechanics behind it. Conventional science taught us that the material world came into existence by accident. If we study the science of matter deeply enough, we should eventually come to the conclusion that the material world did not occur by accident. The fact that physicists can describe the Universe using only mathematical formulas is proof that a divine being designed and created the material or external world. These formulas were not created by scientists; rather, they were rediscovered.” ~ by Pao Chang

  • Evolution of the Brain, Consciousness and Lucid Dreaming - Progressive Neurologist at Harvard - Dr. Rudolph Tanzi - Youtube - Published on Oct 20, 2014. "Rudolph Tanzi discusses the evolution of the brain and consciousness, his research on the genetics of neurological disease aided by meditation and lucid dreaming. This interview is featured in the upcoming "Science and Nonduality Anthology Vol.5”. [Excellent 30 minute video from the frontiers of brain science reuniting science and spirituality showing consciousness does not arise from the brain - rather consciousness precedes all brain activity and is independent. The brain is the hardware, consciousness / mind is the software - hardware doesn’t create its own software, right? Tanzi discusses how many of his biggest discoveries have come from Lucid Dreaming, Intuition, and tapping into higher levels of Consciousness.]

  • How Memory Turns You Into a Battery for The Matrix - Staying in the Present Moment is the True Source of Power. "Memory is the artificial construct that keeps us bound to the matrix that we have co-created with the ego. It’s also the main attachment that bounds us to a limited reality.
    The time-track, especially past and future, can tremendously drain a soul that places the data of these constructs in the now to the point that suffering becomes a reality for the subject. The more attachment one has to the time-track, the less space there is to breathe. It is as if you are being suffocated by all your memories that are enforcing you inside the matrix of your identity, which stems largely from the memory.” ~ By Arno Pienaar

  • The Essence of Christianity - Professor Rupert Sheldrake’s Science Set Free Podcast - December 6th, 2016 - "Now is a good moment to assess the essence of Christianity, to consider what lies at its heart, as we live in a period during which Christianity isn't disappearing but is routinely rubbing shoulders with other religions and none. In this episode of the Science Set Free podcast, Rupert Sheldrake and Mark Vernon ask what values and consciousness Christianity has helped develop - partly in response to a series of films Mark has made with The Idler Academy, entitled A History of Christianity in 11 Short Chapters. They ask about Christianity as an inner spiritual and outer social phenomenon; the role it played at the end of the axial age in valuing the individual person; what happened so that it became a world religion; and what Christianity is becoming today."

  • If you are interested in the Truth, this video will give you a good dose of it. The activist group Anonymous lays out 9 ways how Government, Media, and Corporate forces use sophisticated Mind Control techniques to manipulate and control the Global Population.

  • The Disease of Being Busy - OnBeing -"How are we supposed to live, to examine, to be, to become, to be fully human when we are so busy? This disease of being 'busy' (and let’s call it what it is, the dis-ease of being busy, when we are never at ease) is spiritually destructive to our health and wellbeing."​​​​​​​

  • The Power of Empathy: A Quick Animated Lesson That Can Make You a Better Person.  "This clip features Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, providing some quick insights into the difference between sympathy and empathy, and explaining why empathy is much more meaningful. To learn more about The Power of Empathy, you can watch Brown’s complete RSA lecture here. You can also watch her very popular TED Talk on The Power of Vulnerability here."

  • World Humanism - "Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and capacity of human beings to be able to act independently and to feel benevolence toward one's fellow humans through practicing humanitarian values imparted by humane learning and in our interpretation, Consciousness development. World Humanism is based in the re-education of human value which emphasize the importance of shifting anti-human ideological beliefs into humanist based ethics and related philosophical and egalitarian principles. All human beings deserve humane treatment in order to live upon the planet with dignity through having basic access to supply Fundamental Human Needs. Our goal is to apply humanistic ethical philosophy blended with the spiritual egalitarian principles of the Law of One to expand consciousness which inspires direct knowledge or "Gnosis" of direct Consciousness and Awakening experiences. ~ Lisa Renee at the Energetic Synthesis Blog

  • Looking to jump-start your Meditation Practice? - this new online course by Buddhist magazine Lion’s Roar appears to be very well done. See the overview here and view a sample lesson.
Unity Consciousness
  • The secret code of the number three. "Throughout human history, the number three has always had a unique significance, but why? If we look back in history at ancient mankind, no matter which culture we observe the number three has always been present, of extreme importance.”

  • The Book of Love: The Cathars and the Sacred Secret of Transforming Humans into Angels - on Gaia TV. "William Henry discusses the ascension teaching of the Cathars of southern France for activating capability of our spiritual DNA and connecting with the superluminal “light beyond light” that transforms us into angels on contact. Henry sources these teachings with the Essenes of Qumran and presents persuasive evidence that, like the Essenes, the Cathars understood themselves to be in the company of mystical angels. Transformation into angels was their goal. A prophecy says the “Book of Love” would be discovered at a preordained time – our time. Its power would be so great that all anger, jealousy and fear would vanish from our world. In this beautifully illustrated presentation, you’ll discover techniques for manifesting the Book of Love. More, you’ll discover the next best version of yourself."
Quotes of the Month
  • Seeing beyond the Body to the Interconnected, Multidimensional Soul - Chapter 21, A Course in Miracles: “The blind become accustomed to their world by their adjustments to it. They think they know their way about in it. They learned it, not through joyous lessons, but through the stern necessity of limits they believed they could not overcome. And still believing this, they hold those lessons dear, and cling to them because they cannot see. They do not understand the lessons keep them blind. This they do not believe. And so they keep the world they learned to ‘see’ in their imagination, believing that their choice or nothing. They hate the world they learned through pain. And everything they think is in it serves to remind them they are incomplete and bitterly deprived. Thus they define their life and where they live, adjusting to it as they think they must, afraid to lose the little they have. And so it is with all who see the body as all they have and all their brothers have. They try to reach other, and they fail and fail again. And they adjust to loneliness, believing that to keep the body is to save the little that they have.”

  • "In many Muslim cultures, when you want to ask them how they’re doing, you ask: in Arabic, Kayf haal-ik? or, in Persian, Haal-e shomaa chetoreh? How is your haal? What is this haal that you inquire about? It is the transient state of one’s heart. In reality, we ask, “How is your heart doing at this very moment, at this breath?” When I ask, “How are you?” that is really what I want to know. I am not asking how many items are on your to-do list, nor asking how many items are in your inbox. I want to know how your heart is doing, at this very moment. Tell me. Tell me your heart is joyous, tell me your heart is aching, tell me your heart is sad, tell me your heart craves a human touch. Examine your own heart, explore your soul, and then tell me something about your heart and your soul. Tell me you remember you are still a human being, not just a human doing. Tell me you’re more than just a machine, checking off items from your to-do list. Have that conversation, that glance, that touch. Be a healing conversation, one filled with grace and presence.” ~ Duke University Professor Omad Safi from his article, The Disease of Being Busy

  • “I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won’t listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won’t do it, so I’m blackballed in every country.” — Dr. Johanna Budwig. Budwig left us in 2003, at the age of 95, after being nominated six times for the Nobel Prize in medicine. She cured cancers in “terminally ill” patients in her homeland of Germany; even patients that the establishment had surrendered to fate, and claimed were “untreatable”. She did not just cure specific or rare cancers. She cured all types of cancer, and she did it relatively quickly, cheaply, easily, and permanently; using only non-toxic ingredients, which had no adverse effects. Her medicine actually made her patients stronger. Her cure rate was over 90%, including the worst terminal cases. Dr. Budwig’s success greatly contrasts the fact that the life-long cure rate of standard procedures averages less than 4%, and that the standard therapies are known to fuel future cancers and other diseases. ~by Sarah C. Corriher at

  • When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.~David Icke  <and>  “Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind.” ~Ramana Maharshi

  • Theoretical Physicist David Bohm on Human’s Intrinsic Need to Be Creative: "The scientist emphasizes the aspect of discovering oneness and totality in nature. For this reason, the fact that his work can also be creative is often overlooked. But in order to discover oneness and totality, the scientist has to create the new overall structures of ideas which are needed to express the harmony and beauty that can be found in nature. The artist, the musical composer, the architect, the scientist all feel a fundamental need to discover and create something new that is whole and total, harmonious and beautiful. Few ever get a chance to try to do this, and even fewer actually manage to do it. Yet, deep down, it is probably what very large numbers of people in all walks of life are seeking when they attempt to escape the daily humdrum routine by engaging in every kind of entertainment, excitement, stimulation, change of occupation, and so forth, through which they ineffectively try to compensate for the unsatisfying narrowness and mechanicalness of their lives.” ~Maria Popova writing in Brain Pickings - Bohm on Creativity - 1968 Essay
Question to Ponder 
 “What are the Most Important Rights Every Person Should Have?"

Picture of the Month
Sort of Says it All ... 

Have a Great Month, Stay Positive, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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