Think Smarter World Newsletter - February 5th, 2017

Published: Sun, 02/05/17

Newsletter - February 5th, 2017 - Volume 4, Issue 2

TSW Posts from the Past Month
"Projecting anger or dissatisfaction at someone doesn’t get them to do the right thing. Sending Love and Light to them drives out the darkness so the Light within them can be freed to rise on its own and they then naturally do the right thing."

"Imagine waking up one day in prison and realizing that all along you had the keys to the cell you have been in for decades. They were right there, under your nose. They didn’t look like normal keys, so you can be forgiven for being fooled. But sure enough, they opened the doors to the prison cell and you had them in your possession. You can imagine how upset you would be – to have had the source of your freedom at your fingertips but unable to recognize it for what it was. Yet for year after year, you toiled away in the prison accustomed and perhaps even, “well adjusted”, to your fate."

"Until we learn that Truth of Oneness, we are fooled into believing that everything in reality is Separate from us. Which in turn means to most, that it can be attacked, manipulated, abused, and ignored without consequence."
Links Worth Exploring
Systems Thinking
Holistic thinking to see how people, systems, ideas, actions, and organizations are highly interconnected and affect each other in often unseen ways. It teaches us to connect the dots in order to see the complete picture...
  • ​​​​​​​Silicon Valley Entrepreneur and Blogger - Anil Dash -  on Tech's Moral Reckoning "Anil Dash has been an early activist for moral imagination in the digital sphere — an aspiration which has now become an urgent task. We explore the unprecedented power, the learning curves ahead, and how we can all contribute to the humane potential of technology in this moment. We’re still sounding our way through this incorporation of technology into our lives. And it always does come down to — what are our values? And what do we care about? And what are the things we think are meaningful? And then using that as a filter to understand and control and make decisions around these new technologies. And that’s part of the reckoning I’d ask everybody who’s not in technology to have, is to raise that flag. At the time when somebody says, “You’ve got to try this new app,” “You’ve got to use this new tool,” think through what are the implications of, one, me using this, but two, if everybody does."
Mind-Body Harmony
Learning to see how the Mind creates Physical Reality and why we are Spiritual Beings having a Material Experience
  • This is How Powerful the Mind-Body Connection Really Is. "The interaction of our thoughts with the physical material world is of huge interest today, garnering increasing attention by academics around the world. Despite a wealth of scientific data showing that one can influence the other, and even more evidence proving that certain emotional states can lead to chronic illness, many who work in mainstream medicine remain entirely ignorant of these concepts. Perhaps this is why more and more people are gravitating towards alternative forms of medicine.” ~Collective Evolution

  • Energy Healing and Hacking the Living Matrix. “Believe it or not the doctor, the pills you are taking, the treatments you undergo or even the surgery you have isn’t what heals your body or cures your illness. Herbs, medicines, exercise and therapy only does one thing; it supports the body’s ability to heal itself. Whether you get sick or break your leg the healing that takes place comes from your own immune system, and bodies ability to regenerate. With that being known we do have the ability to make sure our body and mind have the proper support that it needs in order to expedite our healing and help us heal more completely. This can be done with many different plant medicines, eating a healthy diet, exercising, reducing stress, freeing the mind and cultivating a holistic and positive way of life. Being surrounded by loving family or friends can also aid in the healing process.” ~Pao Chang

  • Insights from a Medical Doctor on a Spiritual Path. "​​​​​​Mind, body, spirit medicine is spiritually based medicine. It cultivates health through applying spiritual principles and practices. The health of our mind and body is a reflection of the health of our spirit. All illnesses, whether of mind, body or behavior point towards a deeper spiritual disturbance. Complete healing of the illness can only be achieved through healing at the spiritual level. We have gained much control over the way our body superficially expresses health with conventional medicine. This is often mistaken as a cure. Yet, pills and surgeries do not address the deeper spiritual root cause of illnesses. That inner turmoil will simply find another form of expression if left unaddressed. In our culture, there is a growing realization that we are missing something as more of us are getting firsthand experiences of the limits of modern medicine. Our culture is ready for mind, body, spirit work.” ~Penny Golden at

  • Humans & All Living Things May Be Able To Perceive Earth's Magnetic Field In An Extraordinary Way “Did you know that the heart emits the largest electromagnetic field of all the body’s major organs? These fields and the information encoded into them can change based on how we are feeling, what we thinking, and different emotions we take on. The heart even sends signals to the brain through a system of neutrons that have both short-term and long-term memory, and these signals can affect our emotional experiences. The emotional information that’s modulated and coded into these fields changes their nature, and these fields can impact those around us. As Rollin McCraty, Ph.D, and director of research at The HeartMath institute tell us, “we are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.” ~Collective Evolution

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
Expanding our Consciousness / Awareness to be fully in control of our Heart, Mind and Reality
  • In this eye-opening TED talk, veteran CBS investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages. 

  • Tom Kenyon: Earth​​​​​​​’s Magnetic Field and the New Consciousness. "Another set of symptoms directly related to the perturbations of your magnetic field are distinct changes in how you hold short term memory — because memory is a function of the magnetics of your own nervous system and that of earth. Your brain processes information through the minute gravitational and non-gravitational fields of it’s own structure and it is affected directly by fluctuations in the earth’s magnetic field. And so you can expect an increase in short term memory anomalies. You may find yourself speaking a sentence and suddenly the words do not come to you or you mix up the words from their normal syntax. While in some cases this is the sign of a brain disorder, you will find this happening within the general populace at an increasing rate. Escalations in collective short-term memory glitches will lead humanity to a most novel situation. This situation is an opportunity or a curse, depending on how you work with it. The opportunity is to see through the mental matrix of your own creation. What we mean by this is when your mind is unable to continue its story line in the ways it is used to, you have an opportunity to glimpse the realities behind the curtain (of perception).

  • See how Energy Frequency changes the Structure of Material Reality - Youtube. This two minute video shows a great demonstration of how changing energetic frequency alters material reality - everything from our environment to our bodies is made of energetic waves. The quality of the energy we consume in all its forms (thoughts, words, food, air, water, media, etc), determines if we will experience “pleasant” material reality and vibrant health, or something else... 

  • The Radical Art of Learning from Within - "Education often looks outward and ignores the inner life. But what if learning began with turning inward and mapping that journey to the person we want to become? Enter the Open Master's, a self-directed degree for lifelong learning while taking the soul into account: “Educating a new generation to live and lead with integrity — which is to say, in alignment with that life-giving core of the human self— will require containers that hold both inner inquiry and soulful community. If we are to raise a different kind of leader, we need to recognize and nurture the inner lives of each new generation… ~OnBeing

  • NPRchives (@NPRchives on Twitter) is a project that shares highlights from NPR’s archives. ~from Austin Kleon’s Newsletter

  • Reality Is Not What It Seems by Physicist Carlo Rovelli – Physics Versus Certainty. "Rovelli writes: “Our culture is foolish to keep science and poetry separated,” adding: “they are two tools to open our eyes to the complexity and beauty of the world.” Like the Italian scientist-writer Primo Levi, Rovelli sees no incompatibility between the two cultures, only mutual attraction. Science is not and never has been about certainty. Only by keeping in mind that our beliefs may turn out to be wrong is it possible to free ourselves from wrong ideas” ~
Unity Consciousness
Experiencing the Singular Truth of Oneness - the Realization of All residing within the Divine Source
  • 6 Shifts In Consciousness We Are Experiencing Right Now: "Vibrating frequencies build a virtual construct that makes you think you are in a physical world, but you are not. You are in a holographic universe which is an illusion so well designed, that only the highest beings of Light can see it for what it is. This is your destiny, but now you will continue to play this game called Earth at a level never played before. You are still playing with three dimensional rules in a fifth dimensional world, but you’re quickly learning how to make the transition by shifting energy.” ~Dylan Harper

  • A Spiritual Approach to Creating the World We Want. "What would living in such a world feel like? What images come to you when you feel into that possibility? Do you have any memories of times in your life where you encountered a clear display of inclusivity and compassion? How did it feel? Clarify the feeling then let yourself enjoy it for a few minutes. Know that by doing 1 and 2, you have in fact created the world you want. You’ve created it in the causal realm and started moving toward a rendezvous with the lived experience of it. If you want to stay on course, you can simply get off the subject entirely, never thinking of it again, and in time inertia will carry you to that destination. If you want to bring it about more quickly, you can make it your priority to surround yourself with experiences and thoughts that make you feel the same way you felt in that vision. ~Indigo Ocean at

  • The Evolution of Wisdom: A Study of the Evolution of Perception as Understood by Ancient Religions: "The meaning of a “Buddha” is one who has achieved a conscious development beyond earthly suffering. The nomenclature of this achievement traces back to Siddhārtha Gautama, who “attained” the transcendental state known as enlightenment. In Daoism, reaching a higher transcendental state is commonly known as “reaching the Dao.” It is a state of silence where one becomes “the sage” and perceives clearly. Early Christianity, still predominant in Greece, explains that Jesus was not “the son of God,” but was instead “a son of God,” similar to us all, a connotation that he was a human who transcended “into” God. In Tibetan Dzogchen, the state of Dzogchen is described as a conscious state where one resembles a mirror—a conceptual emptiness allowing the ability to perceive clearly. These ancient religions look at heaven not as a location reachable after death, but instead as the development of a mutable transcendental quality inherent in man. The focus of this form of evolution is towards developing human perception.” ~
Quotes of the Month
  • Raising Your Consciousness and Reclaiming Your Inherent Divine Power: “Regaining spiritual consciousness is not tearing one house down and building another. It is more like moving out of the basement and into the main floor. Remember that you are an individualized Energy Field. Within this force field are lower and higher vibrations. Your ‘I’ of identity is like the mercury in a thermometer, rising and falling according to the weather of your thoughts and emotions. For the majority of people, the ‘I’ remains the cold, dark atmosphere of the lower mind, while all the time in the upper region of the energy field, the Sun is shining and there is the warmth of Light, Love, and Joy. Here, the Energy is pure, the vibrations high, and the Consciousness illumined.” ~ John Randolph Price from his book, The Planetary Commission

  • “Power, properly understood, is the ability to achieve purpose. It is the strength required to bring about social, political, or economic changes. In this sense power is not only desirable but necessary in order to implement the demands of love and justice. One of the greatest problems of history is that the concepts of love and power are usually contrasted as polar opposites. Love is identified with a resignation of power and power with a denial of love ...What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive and that love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.” ~​​​​​​​Martin Luther King​​​​​​​

  • “A true spiritual teacher does not have anything to teach in the conventional sense of the word, does not have anything to give or add to you, such as new information, beliefs, or rules of conduct. The only function of such a teacher is to help you remove that which separates you from the truth of who you already are and what you already know in the depth of your being. …” ~ Eckhart Tolle

  • “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.” ~ Lao Tzu

  • "Love is the only solution because love is all there is. Limited thinking would have you believe that love is only an emotion and it is this belief that holds many back from opening their heart to a higher sense of love. Love is the essence of a consciousness of Oneness. Everything within One can only be in and of that One–every life form made of the same substance and energetically connected. This connecting energy is what the world calls love.
    This does not mean that you are supposed to like everything you see, or that you are not allowed an emotional response, but it does mean that as spiritually evolved beings you are now able and required to start looking beyond appearances and recognize that what you are bearing witness to is the final act of a powerful play about separation, one that has for eons and still is serving as an “awakening school”. ~ Marilyn Raffaele

  • "If one drop of Divine Drunkenness fell on the intellects of everyone in the world, the world and its beings, free will, and obedience –all, all, would vanish in a moment." - Jalal-ud-Din Rumi (translated by Andrew Harvey)

  • Erich Fromm in 1962 on Moving Beyond Political Ideology to the Truth:
    “Neither in Politics nor anywhere else can I cling to illusions simply because they support my ‘line’. Lies can tie us to a party, but ultimately it is only the truth that can lead to the liberation of man. But too many people are afraid of freedom and prefer illusions to it...We cannot split off our knowledge of ourselves from our knowledge of society. Both belong together...I feel that political progress depends on how much of the truth we know, how clearly and boldly we speak it, and how great an impression it makes on other people."

  • Divisiveness is the Cause of all Human Suffering. Separation of People From Each Other, Nature, and the Divine Source. All Lives Matter.. ~JK
Question to Ponder 
 “What Fear Would You Like to Conquer?"

Picture of the Month
Sun sets over the Giza Pyramid - Egypt - August 19th, 2016
(Credit: AP / Amr Nabil)
Have a Great Month, Strive for an Energetic Vibration of Love or Above, and Focus that Love Vibration through your Heart and Mind to Intentionally Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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