Think Smarter World Newsletter - March 31st, 2017

Published: Fri, 03/31/17

Newsletter - March 31st, 2017 - Volume 4, Issue 3

TSW Posts from the Past Month
"Erich Fromm’s 1950 masterpiece, The Art of Loving, is a timeless work on the critical element that fuels every aspect of our existence. Without the energetic force of Love, nothing in our world would survive as it is the Light that illuminates the Dark. Fromm, as a psychotherapist, intimately knew the human psyche’s need for love, and his work as a sociologist helped him make the connection of how love is the creative force that drives humanity’s only worthwhile and enduring achievements."

"Mythological researcher Joseph Campbell showed that most of the great myths followed a path he coined the Hero’s Journey – the quest for personal mastery and renunciation of the ego, the victory of light over the dark, and ultimate (re)-union with the Divine Source. The Gita is a master-class in the Hero’s Journey and reflects that path that every single one of us takes through countless life times to master. Many enlightened souls and masters have taken human form throughout history to teach the same basic teaching of non-dualistic understanding (there is no us and them, there is only One), leading to union with the Divine."​​​​​​​

Links Worth Exploring
Systems Thinking
Holistic thinking to see how people, systems, ideas, actions, and organizations are highly interconnected and affect each other in often unseen ways. It teaches us to connect the dots in order to see the complete picture...
  • Modern Science is Realising the World is a Living Network. "The systems view of life is a new understanding about life on earth that is emerging at the forefront of contemporary science. The universe is no longer seen as a machine composed of elementary building blocks. It is a conception of life based on systemic thinking and some of the new concepts and mathematical techniques of complexity theory. It allows us for the first time to integrate the biological, cognitive, and social dimensions of life. We have discovered that the material world is a network of inseparable patterns of relationships; that the planet as a whole is a living, self-regulating system. The view of the human body as a machine and of the mind as a separate entity is being replaced by one that sees not only the brain, but also the immune system, the bodily tissues, and even each cell as a living, cognitive system.” ~Physicist and Director of the Foundation for Ecoliteracy, Fritjof Capra

  • A Brief History of Classical Music. Jeremy Nicholas at Gramophone Magazine offers a guided tour of the key players and movements that have made classical music the rich art-form that today still entrances, moves and uplifts. The piece beautifully outlines how the music developed over 1000 years based on the systems that surrounded it - religious, political, and social. Includes wonderful youtube video pieces throughout the text to illustrate the concepts and ideas being discussed.
Mind-Body Harmony
Understanding that Everything is Energetic Vibration, Learning to see how the Mind creates Physical Reality, and why we are Spiritual Beings having a Material Experience
  • Why Nature is Good for You, According to Science -  "We have spent more than 99.99 percent of our evolutionary history in nature and when you consider many of our physiological responses, such as stress, we are still designed for nature, not the artificial and technologically dominant world we live in. Researcher Stephen Kaplan puts this aptly: “The way I think of it is that our ancestors evolved in a nature-filled environment. [Such places] should feel more comfortable, more relaxed, more like home. It’s not a big leap between that and being more competent, less distracted.”

  • Current Energies and Symptoms for the different Ascension Waves. - Excellent article illustrating the different ascension waves people are experiencing depending on their level of consciousness as the earth is being bombarded with strong energy waves meant to help it and earth’s population transition to higher dimensions. "Since the beginning of 2017, we are experiencing very new energy frequencies. Something that has never been here before. To be precise, it already started building up on December 18 and continuously increased, with shorter breaks in between. These new energies come directly from the Central Sun, the Cosmic Heart, the ultimate zero point. Depending on where people are at in their journey and what Ascension Wave they are in, the perception and experience of these energies can be very different.” ~Vera Ingeborg at the

  • Energetic Projection & The Art Of Decoding Deception. “What most of don’t realize is how we are actually using our natural ability to project as means to create our own illusions. Any type of justification, excuse, and even beliefs and opinions can be seen as projection – they make us see things in a certain light. So, as long as we are unaware of our personal projections, quite frankly, we have very little to no chance discerning what is true and what isn’t. This becomes even worse, when we consciously project – our ideals, wishful thinking, deflecting responsibility or diverting from making mistakes – energetic projection of truth is one of the most common methods for manipulation or control – individually or in form of mass deception. Wanting to learn how to decode outer deception, or as in our case seeking truth, inevitably leads to reflecting on the state of inner self-deception. This is the uncomfortable part of exploring energetic projection, and the reason why most of us have such a hard time finding truth. ~ by Jona bryndis

  • Your Breath is Your Brain’s Remote Control. "A new study has found evidence to show that there is actually a direct link between nasal breathing and our cognitive functions.

  • A Planetary Message from Sound Healer, Tom Kenyon: "In February of last year, we gave a message entitled Destabilization. As you enter 2017 the global destabilization we discussed in that communication is accelerating at a much more rapid rate. The focus of this message, however, is not on the destabilization process but rather a new sound meditation that we wish to impart to you. It is an energetic antidote that can help you to counter the negative consequences of destabilization on your body/mind and spirit. This new sound meditation is called Restoration. It is, in fact, a celestial chorus from the higher realms of light that can impart to you deeply nourishing and restorative energies."

  • The Science Behind Healing with Sound. "There’s more on sound science than ever before. We know what is happening molecularly. What we think of as sound healing will be called frequency medicine."

  • Vegan Science is Getting Stronger, and So Are Vegans .. "“Real men eat plants” was the slogan at Engine 2, though of course “real people of all kinds eat plants” is also true. But is vegan really, literally stronger? More, say, manly than otherwise? Well, vegan men have been found to have “significantly higher testosterone levels than both vegetarians and meateaters,” so there’s that. I’m not saying it will turn you into, say, Mr. Universe or, you know, the strongest man in the world… OR AM I?​​​​​​​“
  • The Violet Flame: The Alchemist's Dream“For centuries, alchemists have sought to change base metals into gold. But the transmutation of metals like lead into gold is symbolic of a higher and more noble alchemy -- the alchemy of self-transformation. The violet flame (also called the violet fire) is a unique spiritual energy that can help you in all areas of your life. It can heal emotional and physical problems, improve your relationships, help you to grow spiritually, or just make life easier. The flame is the essence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages have glimpsed a spiritual spectrum behind the physical spectrum. Radiant colors, more pure and rare than those found on earth, emanate from a brilliant, inner divine light. Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism refracts into seven colors, spiritual light splits into seven colors, or rays - each of which has specific divine qualities. The violet flame comes forth from the violet ray, which has the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation.” ~

  • Pranic Healing. "Prana is a Sanskrit word literally meaning ‘life-force’ the invisible bio-energy or vital energy that keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. It’s all about creating balance to open psychic awareness, and the nature of reality and one’s place in it. Using a scientific “no-touch” methodology, Pranic Healing can prevent, alleviate, and heal a whole spectrum of physical, emotional, and mental ailments. Because the methods are simple and fairly easy to understand, anyone can learn and apply pranic healing in no time at all.​​​​​​​“

  • A Technique to Use Before Sleep to Elevate Your Soul. "It is possible so to meditate before falling asleep that one’s soul ascends to the gods, and is refreshed and strengthened by its confabulations with those divine beings. But it is likewise possible to brood before sleep comes so that when the bonds of wakefulness are broken, and the brain-mind is silenced, the soul is dragged downwards, and is thus degraded and weakened. One should never sleep until one has sincerely forgiven all injuries done unto him. This is very important not only as an ennobling practice, but as a much needed protection. Fill the heart with thoughts of love and compassion for all, and the mind with some lofty idea and dwell on it calmly, with the higher, impersonal brooding that is effortless and still, and then there will be a rest of all the senses, and quiet in the mind."   ~Trevor Blake​​​​​​​
Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
Expanding our Consciousness / Awareness to be fully in control of our Heart, Mind and Reality
  • Preparing for the Particle Convergence. "What this means from a spiritual perspective, is an occurrence with monumental potential to propel and elevate our own timeline transition into the reality of our highest held preferences. Just like the Earth, our bodies are making way for the new energetic foundation and crystalline hubs to come online. When this first big wave of the Particle Convergence streams through, from August until December, it will be like crystal rivers moving and flowing throughout the energy architecture of Earth to securely anchor the new circuitry that supports higher dimensional existence.” ~The Institute of Divine Potential

  • How Do We Know That Energy & Healing Are Real? This is How. "
    "What is energy, what is an aura, and do you have a field of energy around and within your body? We feel that it exists, that it’s there, but what is the proof that tells us unequivocally that we are right – and not just imagining it? Luckily, over the years, a number of key scientific experiments have been conducted to answer the question of “Does [bio]-energy exist?”.

  • ​​​​​​​Cymatics, The Science of Visible Sound, Has Just Taken a Giant Leap into the Future. "Just as the invention of the microscope and telescope revealed aspects of the world and Universe that we didn’t even know existed, the CymaScope allows the once hidden realm of sound to become visible.  And since everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration a tool that shows the structures within sound and vibration can provide important new scientific insights...The first project chosen for the Digital CymaScope is to differentiate between healthy cells and diseased cells. All cells create sound as a natural aspect of their metabolism and healthy cells have a different sonic signature to diseased cells. When cell sounds are made visible with the Digital CymaScope distinctive features can be analyzed that could lead to the development of a new diagnostic tool.” ~Galactic Connection

  • Neuroscientists Claim: Intuition is the Highest Form of Intelligence - "Albert Einstein said, 'The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.' Sometimes, a corporate mandate or group-think or your desire to produce a certain outcome can cause your rational mind to go in the wrong direction. At times like these, it is intuition that holds the power to save you. That “bad feeling” gnawing away at you is your intuition telling you that no matter how badly you might wish to talk yourself into this direction, it is the wrong way to go.
    Smart people listen to those feelings. And the smartest people among us – the ones who make great intellectual leaps forward – cannot do this without harnessing the power of intuition.”

  • Like photosynthesis in plants, can humans utilize light and water for their energy needs? New evidence says yes.  ~ Dr. Gerald Pollock, University of Washington 

  • Journal of Cell Science in a study titled, “Light-harvesting chlorophyll pigments enable mammalian mitochondria to capture photonic energy and produce ATP - In other words, Humans and animals can process sunlight into energy - just like plants. "How do we translate this study into real life application? First, green vegetables and their juices should no longer viewed simply as sources of antioxidants, alphabetic vitamins, nutrients, minerals etc., but carriers of essential mitochondrial cofactors without which our body can not optimally and efficiently produce ATP, and without which our body can not realize its biological potential for maximal longevity. This means that when you are consuming a glass of green vegetable juice, for instance, it is likely the most precious health promoting elixir on the planet and should be considered something of a nutritional ‘bridge’ we, heterotrophs, can cross to become photoheterophic or light-capturing organisms, if we choose to be.  (Interested further in the human relationship to light? Read: Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light).”
Unity Consciousness
Experiencing the Singular Truth of Oneness - the Realization of All residing within the Divine Source
  • Understanding Reincarnation & Esoteric Teachings of Rosicrucians. "The Rosicrucian movement, of which the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, is the most prominent modern representative, has its roots in the mystery traditions, philosophy, and myths of ancient Egypt dating back to approximately 1500 BCE. In antiquity the word “mystery” referred to a special gnosis, a secret wisdom. Thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt select bodies or schools were formed to explore the mysteries of life and learn the secrets of this hidden wisdom. Rosicrucian tradition relates that the great pyramids of Giza were most sacred in the eyes of initiates. Contrary to what historians affirm, our tradition relates that the Giza pyramids were not built to be the tombs of pharaohs, but were actually places of study and mystical initiation. The mystery schools, over centuries of time, gradually evolved into great centers of learning, attracting students from throughout the known world."

  • Choose Love - Make all decisions from pure love and the world will change.   "Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, but true love is not opposite anything. True love is far more powerful than any negative emotions, as it is the environment in which all things arise. Negative emotions are like sharks swimming in the ocean of love. All things beautiful and fearful, ugly and kind, powerful and small, come into existence, do their thing, and disappear within the context of this great ocean. At the same time, they are made of the very love in which they swim and can never be separated. We are made of this love and live our whole lives at one with it, whether we know it or not.  It is only the illusion that we are separate from this great love that causes us to believe that choosing anything other than love makes sense or is even possible.” ~Madisyn Taylor at Daily OM​​​​​​​

  • The Election: Of Hate, Grief, and a New Story "We are entering a space between stories. After various retrograde versions of a new story rise and fall and we enter a period of true unknowing, an authentic next story will emerge. What would it take for it to embody love, compassion, and interbeing? I see its lineaments in those marginal structures and practices that we call holistic, alternative, regenerative, and restorative. All of them source from empathy, the result of the compassionate inquiry: What is it like to be you?”….Politically, empathy is akin to solidarity, born of the understanding that we are all in this together. In what together? For starters, we are in the uncertainty together…. Something hurts in there. Can you feel it? We are all in this together. One earth, one tribe, one people…. If we can stare hate in the face and never waver from that knowledge, we will access inexhaustible tools of creative engagement….” ~Charles Eisenstein

  • Seven Sufi Teachings to Light Your Way  "Love lies at the core of the Sufi tradition. Love is the reason we are all here. Really at its simplest, we are all on earth to learn about love. As we experience higher love and learn to open ourselves to giving and receiving love, it is said we see the ‘face of God’. We see the many faces of the Divine in all we meet and in ourselves. Ultimately, we reach a stage where we do not see the ‘many’ anymore, and instead, only see the ‘one’.” ~Azriel ReShel

  • The Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele- "The reclaiming of innate power is one of the most powerful steps of the evolutionary journey ... This is a most powerful time on earth. High frequency energies of Light are streaming in and available to all. These energies affect everyone, allowing them to easily recognize everything that does not resonate with universal love. Universal consciousness is in the painful throes of birthing individual empowerment. It is being born now, today, in the world around you. Unconditional love must be brought in to every action, no matter how seemingly mundane. Holding the door for someone while silently acknowledging that they are a divine being makes you a Lightworker and allows this simple act to carry a spiritual frequency. The same act of holding a door for someone when done from a sense of duty or concepts of separation, does not flow with the same energy but will appear the same."

  • Ego Death: The Obliteration of the Self and the Experience of Enlightenment. "The ego is a biological and spiritual tool that was created by and defends the belief that, we are all separate “individual” entities. As a result of believing that we are separate and isolated in this life, we suffer immensely. The ego perceives life through the lens of duality. Duality is the opposite of reality — it is the division of life into opposing forces such as love/hate, good/bad, right/wrong and holy/sinful.
    When we divide life, we suffer."  ~ Edward Morgan
Quotes of the Month
  • Divine Frequency Vibration Structures the Universe. Listen Intently for the Truth in Everything and Act Accordingly.
  • “…Throughout the world at this moment, without distinction of country, class, calling or creed, men (and women) are appearing who have begun to reason, to act and to pray in terms of the limitless and organic dimensions of Space-Time. To the outside observer such men (and women) may still seem isolated. But they are aware of one another among themselves, they recognize each other whenever their paths cross. They know that tomorrow, rejecting old concepts, divisions and forms, the whole world will see what they see and think as they do.” ~Pierre de Chardin, Psyche, Feb. 13, 1942

  • "The wine of divine grace is limitless: All limits come only from the faults of the cup. Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon; How much it can fill your room depends on its windows. Grant a great dignity, my friend, to the cup of your life; Love has designed it to hold His eternal wine.- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi (Translated by Andrew Harvey)

  • FEAR - False Evidence Appearing as Real - When we focus on what we dread, we give power to false evidence and make it reality. To an Earthkeeper, love is not a feeling ─ nor is it something you barter with. Love is the essence of who you are, and it radiates from you as a brilliant aura: You become love, practice fearlessness, and attain enlightenment." ~ A. Villoldo  [Fear is Truly the Enemy ...]

  • "​​​​​​​One answer to ‘why?’ is that we let this suffering happen because for the most part we cannot avoid it. The Earth World is designed specifically to give us seasons of great resistance and challenge. It is trying to knock us out of the pride of our mind’s knowledge of form and matter, logic and reason, and beyond our outer illusion into the silent wisdom of the heart. I have seen it said often that the longest distance in the spiritual search is the fourteen inches from head to heart.” ~Carla Rueckert

  • Awakening:  “I realized that the story of ourselves as told by science—our cosmology, our religion— was incomplete and likely flawed. I recognized that the Newtonian idea of separate, independent, discreet things in the universe wasn’t a fully accurate description. What was needed was a new story of who we are and what we are capable of becoming.” ~NASA Astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Edgar Mitchell
  • "Chaos is necessary for a system to restructure and rebuild itself on a higher level.” ~Vera Ingeborg 
  • "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."- Rumi

  • We Create our Physical Reality through Our Minds - Mind is Cause, Reality is an Effect: "When man solves the mystery of imagining, he will have discovered the secret of causation, and that is: Imagining creates reality. Therefore, the man who is aware of what he is imagining knows what he is creating; realizes more and more that the drama of life is imaginal - not physical. All activity is at bottom imaginal. An awakened Imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.” ~ from The Law and The Promise by Neville Goddard

  • Meditation in the better sense is the bending of the Consciousness and the raising of the Mind to the plane where Intuition guides and where some noble idea or aspiration is native, and the holding of the consciousness in Thought there.” - G. de Purucker
Question to Ponder 
 “What One Thing Would You Like to Know About the Future?"

Picture of the Month
The Song of Truth Remains the Same ...
Have a Great Month, Strive for an Energetic Vibration of Love or Above, and Focus that Love Vibration through your Heart and Mind to Intentionally Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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