Think Smarter World Newsletter - July 31st, 2017

Published: Mon, 07/31/17

Newsletter - July 31st, 2017 - Volume 4, Issue 6

TSW Posts from the Past Month
In the service of that destination, this is my suggested list of resources to begin the path to higher levels of consciousness.

Links Worth Exploring
Systems Thinking
Holistic thinking to see how people, systems, ideas, actions, and organizations are highly interconnected and affect each other in often unseen ways. It teaches us to connect the dots in order to see the complete picture...
  • A House on Shaky Ground: Eight Structural Flaws of the Western Worldview ... "We can think of our civilization’s worldview as a cognitive home that we all live in – an edifice of ideas that’s arisen layer by layer over older constructions put together by generations past. Our global civilization is facing the threat of its own Big One in the form of climate change, resource depletion, and species extinction. If our worldview is built on shaky foundations, we need to know about it: we need to find the cracks and repair them before it’s too late.” ~Tikkun Magazine

  • Concerned About the Climate? OK. But What Are You Eating? ... "Did you know that eating beans instead of beef is beneficial for the environment? An eight-minute shower uses 17 gallons of water but it takes 660 gallons to make one single burger. And while using less water by any means is beneficial, a new study finds that swapping beef for beans can help the U.S. reach targeted greenhouse gas emission reductions. Compared with beans, beef requires 20 times the land and creates 20 times more greenhouse gas emissions per unit of protein consumed."

  • Is the U.S. Education System Producing a Society of “Smart Fools”? - "What I argue is that intelligence that’s not modulated and moderated by creativity, common sense and wisdom is not such a positive thing to have. What it leads to is people who are very good at advancing themselves, often at other people’s expense. We may not just be selecting the wrong people, we may be developing an incomplete set of skills—and we need to look at things that will make the world a better place.” ~Scientific American

  • Movie Recommendation: Okja. A wonderful new heart warming film using Love to expose the Truth. On Netflix. “Bong's new film is a near-future science fiction love story, the tale of a young farm girl named Mija (Ahn Seo-hyun) and a massive genetically engineered pig named Okja. The forces working to pull them apart are Tilda Swinton's Monsanto-inspired agro-chemical company on one side, and Paul Dano's Mr. Robot-y environmental activism group on the other. Jake Gyllenhaal's weaselly Zoboomafoo-era television host is also in the mix, playing the stomach-churning MC of the whole affair. It's a dizzying hodgepodge of neoliberalism critique, coming-of-age saga, and heist flick." ~The Verge​​​​​​​ ... Couple with 6 Simple Lesson We Can All Learn From Okja 
Mind-Body Harmony
Understanding that Everything is Energetic Vibration, Learning to see how the Mind creates Physical Reality, and why we are Spiritual Beings having a Material Experience
  • ​​​​​​​The Ancient Power of Chanting (Mantra) Validated by Modern Science...​​​​​​​”Every element of the Universe is in a constant state of vibration manifested to us as light, sound, and energy. The human senses perceive only a fraction of the infinite range of vibration, so it is difficult to comprehend that the Word mentioned in the Bible is actually the totality of vibration which underlies and sustains all creation. A person can tune his or her own consciousness into the awareness of that totality with the use of a mantra. By vibrating in rhythm with the breath to a particular sound that is proportional to the creative sound, or sound current, one can expand one’s sensitivity to the entire spectrum of vibration. It is similar to striking a note on a stringed instrument. In other words, as you vibrate, the Universe vibrates with you.” ~Sayer Ji of 

  • Using the Vibration of Sound to Heal the Physical and Spiritual Self ... "Sound has a way of finding its way into every nook and cranny of our bodies and etheric selves, so that we can start to resonate with a vibration that emits wholeness. Healing sound will automatically go where it is needed most, and do its work. Our cells then gain their highest potential resonance.” ~Galactic Connection

  • DMT - The Spirit Molecule - "Hosted by Joe Rogan, The Spirit Molecule investigates dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a naturally occurring psychoactive compound, which exists in humans, and potentially every living organism. Utilizing Dr. Rick Strassman's government-sanctioned, human DMT research as the documentary’s backbone, the study’s potential impact and its inconceivable revelations emerge. A closer examination of DMT’s effects through two traditionally opposed concepts, science and spirituality, The Spirit Molecule unravels the connections between cutting-edge neuroscience, quantum mechanics and human spirituality. The Spirit Molecule, a simple molecule with enormous implications. The subtle combination of science, spirituality, and philosophy results in an abundance of incredible ideas and theories that could alter the way we understand the nature of reality and our relationship to it."

  • NPR: A Prescription To Reduce Our Prescriptions from On Point with Tom Ashbrook ... "Americans take more medication than ever before. Pills for just about everything. Sleep, headaches, the common cold. Holistic / Integrative Medicine pioneer, Dr.  Andrew Weil, says there are plenty of other safer and more effective options to cure what ails you." 

  • We need to Stop Demonizing the Mind. What it Actually Means to Live from the Heart ... "As you live from the heart you still use your mind, your body, your logic, your creativity, etc.; your actions are simply guided by something entirely different and your ego becomes a quiet program that sits off in the background. Your monkey mind doesn’t have the same power it does because you are dialled in to something different.” ~Galactic Connection

  • The Frequency of Healing: How to Raise Your Vibration to 528 Hz..."Everything in this Universe, including you is vibrating at a frequency. This is because you and everything around you is energy. The energy of the Earth vibrates at a 528Hz frequency which is the same frequency as Love, the Universal Healer. The frequency of 528Hz is believed to be so powerful that it can help repair and restore DNA damage, bring peace and harmony and restore equilibrium to everything around it. Talk about good vibrations!
Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
Expanding our Consciousness / Awareness to be fully in control of our Heart, Mind and Reality
  • An Introduction to ... What’s Happening in Our World... "At the end of every planetary cycle (26,000 years), there comes a time when those who are ready are accepted into what we now know as a higher dimension of consciousness.They don’t go anywhere necessarily, although they may. Instead they simply exist in a greater state of love, a higher level of knowledge, and a greatly-increased sense of peace and security. Choose a name to call their state of consciousness. I call it “ascended”. Our “ascension,” our climb to that higher state of consciousness, is gradual, punctuated with a few mass events. It has to be gradual or we’d find the process disorienting. The mass events could be as unnoticeable as an energy surge or as noticeable as a mass spiritual experience (OK, enlightenment)...” ~Steve Beckow - The Golden Age of Gaia

  • Are You Ready To Consider That Capitalism Is The Real Problem? - FastCompany Magazine. "A YouGov poll in 2015 found that 64% of Britons believe that capitalism is unfair, that it makes inequality worse. Even in the U.S., it’s as high as 55%. In Germany, a solid 77% are skeptical of capitalism. Meanwhile, a full three-quarters of people in major capitalist economies believe that big businesses are basically corrupt. Why do people feel this way? Probably not because they deny the abundant material benefits of modern life that many are able to enjoy. Or because they want to travel back in time and live in the U.S.S.R. It’s because they realize—either consciously or at some gut level—that there’s something fundamentally flawed about a system that has a prime directive to churn nature and humans into capital, and do it more and more each year, regardless of the costs to human well-being and to the environment we depend on. Because let’s be clear: That’s what capitalism is, at its root. That is the sum total of the plan."

  • Talking to Yourself (Out Loud) Can Help You Learn ... “The learning strategy known as self-explaining is crucial to more effective learning. The approach revolves around asking oneself explanatory questions like, ”What does this mean? Why does it matter?” It really helps to ask them out loud. One study shows that people who explain ideas to themselves learn almost three times more than those who don’t.” ~Harvard Business Review

  • Meat-Free Supermarket Chain to Open in Switzerland ... named Karma! - "Karma is joining other completely vegan and vegetarian markets out there, such as Cruelty Free Shop, the world’s largest vegan grocery store, in Australia; GreenBay, London’s first all-vegan grocery store; Food Fight! in Portland, Oregon; as well as Orchard GrocerRiverdel, andHaymaker’s Corner Store, in NYC. While grocery stores overall are starting to carry more vegan options, the increase in the number of all-vegan or vegetarian grocery stores is just another sign that the future of food is plant-based!” ~One Green Planet

  • Meat - the New Cigarettes? - 70% Worldwide Are Cutting Back on Meat and Embracing Veggies ..."According to a recent study by data and insights firm GlobalData, 70 percent of global consumers are cutting back on meat or avoiding it altogether. GlobalData’s study revealed more than just the fact that people are consciously avoiding meat — the way they view vegetables and protein are changing, too. According to Nicole Peranick, the director of culinary thought leadership at global retail strategy and service company Daymon, “Thanks to a new focus on flavor, innovative, and exotic vegetable dishes are emerging to dial up craveability.” ~One Green Planet

  • Three centuries of progressive thinkers reveal that evolution has always been a fundamentally spiritual concept. "At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the notion that the evolutionary process is ultimately driven by a spiritual impulse is continuing to gain traction, with a growing number of progressive philosophers, scientists, and mystics exploring its implications. To many, it is simply a compelling philosophy, uniting the revelations of science and spirituality in a way that no other theory can. But others, like Aurobindo before them, are beginning to reach beyond a theoretical discussion to wonder: What might human life and culture look like if we fully took to heart the reality of this view? Freed from the mythic dogmatisms of premodern religion, transcending the materialistic biases of modern scientific thought, and liberated from the narcissistic self- absorptions of postmodernity, what kind of new world could human beings aligned with the trajectory of a spiritually evolving cosmos actually create?” ~Tom Huston in Enlighten Next Magazine

  • Albert Einstein on the Interconnectedness of Our Fates and Our Mightiest Counterforce Against Injustice ... "How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people — first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. I am strongly drawn to a frugal life and am often oppressively aware that I am engrossing an undue amount of the labor of my fellow-men. I regard class distinctions as unjustified and, in the last resort, based on force. I also believe that a simple and unassuming life is good for everybody, physically and mentally."

  • The Hero’s Journey Requires Going Within Ourselves to Confront the Shadows of our Being... "If we intend to heal others, we must first heal ourselves.  A good starting point is our willingness accept separation and embrace the darkness. In stillness, there is wisdom.  In darkness, there is stillness.  There is peace in stillness.  In peace, there is capacity to heal others. The Dalai Lama teaches, “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.” ~Lisa Shaw

  • Moms Across America’s new video- “Communities Rising”-exposes the devastating toxicity of GMOs and glyphosate..."This film highlights everyday citizens across the world that are taking matters into their own hands, healing their families, raising awareness about organic food, and changing local pesticide policies,” filmmaker Zen H. told Natural News. “I’m confident that we’re in the process of ending this chemical era and taking back our food supply.” ~Natural News​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Unity Consciousness
Experiencing the Singular Truth of Oneness - the Realization of All residing within the Divine Source
  • Timeline shifts, Solar Plexus activation and Enlightened Unity Consciouness ... "Energy is the language of the universe. We speak it every day, every second of every day, we communicate with our environment all the time. We are unaware of this largely because we have been programmed to distrust gut feelings, hunches and instinct. Mindfulness, meditation and gratitude raise our vibrations, breaking down matrix conditioning and expanding our consciousness. The matrix looks like a 3d playstation game. It has clearly defined streets, pathways, hills to climb, hamster wheels to run round, day and night. It wants us to see rules, blocks, bricks and mortar obstructing our way. In the multiverse there are no external boundaries, barriers, limitations or blockages. There is flow of energy creating a spectrum of frequencies, wavelengths of quantum existence.” ~Awakening 5D Healing

  • Consciousness - The Ultimate Enigma. A speech given by Astronaut Edgar Mitchell at University of Notre Dame in 1972. Mitchell’s time in space opened up his awareness to break new levels and lead to his quest for the secrets of the universe for the remainder of his life. He founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences to do so and this speech is must reading for those who believe spirituality and science must again reunite...

  • How One Man Got to the Other Side of the Veil – and Witnessed the Coming Shift ... “During a past life regression session, a man receives urgent information about the New Earth: we’re all awakening and evolving, and we need to prepare for what’s ahead. Gary, under hypnosis with clinical and transpersonal hypnotherapist Alba Weinman, connects with his Higher Self and reveals stunning details about the evolution of mankind and the coming New Earth.”

  • Why Trees are the Ultimate Meditation Teachers - In Buddhism, trees have long been recognized as living things worthy of recognition and protection.

  • The Re-Birth of the Phoenix. "95% of who we are is a set of unconscious thoughts, automatic programs, repetitive habits, emotional reactions, and memorized behaviors. These routine programs affect us mentally, spiritually, physically, energetically, chemically, biologically, and genetically, and they serve to keep us stuck in the past (after all, the brain is a record of the past, and when we live by familiar feelings, the body lives in the past). When we’re entrenched in these life patterns, we might as well be a hamster on the proverbial wheel—and the only way to step off the wheel is to become aware you’re on it. In other words, the only mode to produce change is to bring conscious (awareness) to what we were unconscious to, and we do this by observing our thoughts, perceptions, behaviors, emotions, and actions.” ~Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • The Practices of Padmasambhava - Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock on"Perhaps one of the most influential teachers of Buddhism is Padmasambhava. He is credited with bringing Vajrayana Buddhism into Tibet during the eight century. The greatest of his teachings is that of Dzogchen which purports to bring its practitioners back to a natural primordial state of being, known as the rainbow body. David Wilcock recounts the life and teachings of Padmasambhava as a foundation to build new layers of wisdom teachings in this presentation originally webcast June 23, 2014."​​​​​​​ 
Quotes of the Month

  • "There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; 
     not going all the way, and not starting."  ~Buddha

  • "Philosophically considered, the Universe is composed of Nature and the Soul. Strictly speaking therefore, all that is separate from us, all which philosophy distinguishes as Not Me, that is, both nature and art, all other men, and my own body, must be ranked under this name, Nature.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Slowness can be the speed of taking life in thoroughly, without missing the details. It can be the speed of having no other distractions. And it can be the speed of summing up, of finding a way to see life in the long view, perhaps all chapters at once, with motion decreasing in order to be understood. ~Ben Ratliff
  • “Life is a Flow of Love; Your Participation is Requested.” ~Anon

  • ​​​​​​​“Entering into harmonic relationships is the goal not only of music. It is the goal of atoms and molecules, of planetary orbits, of cells and hearts, of brain waves and movements, of flocks of birds and schools of fish and - in principle - of human beings. All of them (or better: the cosmos, the entire creation) have harmony as their final goal.” ~ Joachim-Ernst Berendt, writing in The World is Sound
Question to Ponder 
 Is there only One Truth, or Many?

Picture of the Month
Lifetime after Lifetime, There is One Goal Above All Others
Thanks for Reading - And, If You Enjoy this Newsletter, Please Pass it On to a Friend or Family Member. Also, Follow me on Twitter and Facebook to Access Interesting Consciousness Raising Insights on a Daily Basis.

Have a Great Month, Strive for an Energetic Vibration of Love or Above, and Focus that Love Vibration through your Heart and Mind to Intentionally Create Your Desired Reality.

Wishing You Much Happiness,
~Jay Kshatri

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