Think Smarter World Newsletter - November 5th, 2017

Published: Sun, 11/05/17

Newsletter - November 5th, 2017 - Volume 4, Issue 7

TSW Posts from the Past Month

"If you’ve ever wondered why we collectively fall victim to so many diseases even while billions of dollars are invested every year in the pursuit of cures, then you’ve arrived at the answer. The potential cures do not take into account the energetic vibrational reality of the human physical and mental system and in some cases the treatments actually seriously harm and disrupt those energetic systems. Short term symptom relief may be achieved, but the underlying root cause is never addressed, so the illness returns or further progresses and or a new illness is created through the “treatment”" 

Links Worth Exploring
Systems Thinking
Holistic thinking to see how people, systems, ideas, actions, and organizations are highly interconnected and affect each other in often unseen ways. It teaches us to connect the dots in order to see the complete picture...
  • Raising Awake Children in a Broken School System ... "Traditional schools, in the U.S and many other countries, are training grounds, intentionally constructed to prepare children for The System. Public and many private schools are designed to program children to be asleep and stay asleep so that they will later follow along as adults. Our innocent kids are systematically programmed with worthiness issues, depression and the abhorrent need to fit in. Once a child is programmed for twelve or more years, he or she is well primed to move into the “real world” with beliefs and behaviors that feed and perpetuate a systematic agenda. Schools are structured, in such a way, that rewards are given for following along, being good, doing as you are told, memorization and repetition. Punishment is given for speaking out, thinking for yourself and not following along. Schools effectively teach students to feel powerless and to question their worth at every turn – breaking the precious spirits of our impressionable children.” ~Nancy Ellis at Wake Up World

  • The Art of Listening - Music Documentary (2017) - Highly Recommended.  "The Art of Listening is a documentary film about the journey music takes to reach a listener’s ear, from the intent of an instrument maker and composer, to the producers and engineers who capture and preserve an artist’s voice. This journey is narrated by intimate conversations with artists, engineers and producers about the philosophy of their work and the intent behind each musical note they create. This film is an invitation for music fans to rediscover the intricacies and details available in their favorite recordings. The Art of Listening is the beginning of a conversation of how the quality of our listening experiences define the medium. "

  • This Candy Company Is Making Sure Its Chocolate Is “100% Slave-Free”  -  "The unsweet truth about the chocolate industry is that it relies heavily on child labor. More than 2 million children are forced to work in dangerous conditions on cocoa plantations in West Africa, according to a recent Tulane University report. More than 60% of the world’s cocoa supply comes from that region, farmed by about 2.5 million farmers toiling in countries like Ghana and the Ivory Coast. In some cases, small farmers enlist their own children as free labor to make up the shortfall. In others, children and adults are directly trafficked and enslaved by growers, a fate that by some estimates affects 90,000 people in those two places.” ~FastCompany Magazine
Mind-Body Harmony
Understanding that Everything is Energetic Vibration, Learning to see how the Mind creates Physical Reality, and why we are Spiritual Beings having a Material Experience
  • Mythologist Michael Meade speaking at Stanford - Reconnecting to your Higher Self and Channeling your Inner Genius: "How does a person find stability and grounding in a world growing more and more chaotic? Michael Meade suggests the answer to this and many of the most troubling questions in life can be found by turning towards one’s true purpose in life - their inner genius. Each person carries a unique way of seeing the world. Our rich diversity of perspectives, styles, talents and aptitudes are the greatest resources we have as a global community when it comes to facing the world's challenges.” ~Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Newsletter

  • University of California Professor Don Hoffman Proves Our Reality is a Personalized Creation by our Mind ... Science Gets Closer to the Truth: "Hoffman himself draws his conclusion about reality largely from quantum mechanics, where systems are only defined once they’re observed. According to late physicist John Wheeler, “Useful as it is under ordinary circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there’ independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld.” Hoffman laments that people working in neurology and philosophy of mind often deliberately ignore advances in quantum physics. He tells The Atlantic that, “They are certain that it’s got to be classical properties of neural activity, which exist independent of any observers—spiking rates, connection strengths at synapses, perhaps dynamical properties as well. These are all very classical notions under Newtonian physics, where time is absolute and objects exist absolutely. And then [the neuroscientists and philosophy of mind people] are mystified as to why they don’t make progress.”

  • John of God - Brazilian Miracle Healer - Discovery Channel - Ahamo 2016 Winner/ Excellence in Documentary Film. "Just outside the small town of Abadiania, Brazil, one of the most unusual people in the world is about to see a group of strangers dressed in white. He is known to westerners as John of God. They call him a spiritual medium, trance surgeon, healer and miracle worker. What he does and how he does it defies conventional logic."

  • Five Meditation Techniques for Living in the Present - Thich Nhat Hanh on How to Rewire Your Brain for Inner Peace.

  • Why Dehydration is Making us Gain Weight and Feel Sick ..."Digestive, skin, bladder and kidney problems, fatigue and headache are just some of the adverse effects from not drinking enough water.“

  • Happiness as Human Flourishing - The OnBeing Podcast with Buddhist Monk and former Cellular Biologist Matthieu Ricard: "A French-born Tibetan Buddhist monk and a central figure in the Dalai Lama’s dialogue with scientists, Matthieu Ricard was dubbed the happiest man in the world after his brain was imaged. But he resists this label. In his writing and in his life, he explores happiness not as pleasurable feeling but as a way of being that gives you the resources to deal with the ups and downs of life and that encompasses many emotional states, including sadness. We take in Matthieu Ricard’s practical teachings for cultivating inner strength, joy, and direction."

  • Creative Personalities Really Do See the World Differently:  "The aspect of our personality that appears to drive our creativity is called openness to experience, or openness. Among the five major personality traits, it is openness that best predicts performance on divergent thinking tasks. Openness also predicts real-world creative achievements, as well as engagement in everyday creative pursuits.”
Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
Expanding our Consciousness / Awareness to be fully in control of our Heart, Mind and Reality
  • The World As We Know It Has Changed And There Is No Going Back - "Just over four years ago, we passed a portal to the unknown. A place where human consciousness has never been. There were doubters and skeptics regarding the process of ascension, but it is here now and there is no going back. The new energy is all-encompassing, pervasive and undeniable, even to those who deny it. At no other time in the history of this planet has human consciousness been higher than it is right now. The Earth and its inhabitants are now on a course to change the nature of human populations to such an extent, that societies will be unrecognizable in less than 50 years and there is absolutely nothing that can stop it."

  • ​​​​​​​Progressive biologist Professor Rupert Sheldrake explains his Morphic Field Theory and how we learn by connecting “wirelessly” to the Collective Consciousness...​​​​​​​

  • Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics - Excellent video on how Energetic Vibration is the basis of all Physical Reality...

  • Canada May Tell Its Residents to Ditch Dairy and Choose Plant-Protein Over Meat.  "The food guide’s first recommendation notes the importance of whole foods and states that plant-based foods are the preferred source of protein. The guide recommends, “regular intake of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and protein-rich foods, especially plant-based sources of protein.” Wow! That’s exciting enough, but the draft food guide has eliminated the milk category entirely and legumes have been placed higher above animal foods. How amazing is that!?”

  • The Spirituality of Being Vegan - Trinity Bourne - “Not only is eating a plant-based diet good for the planet, our fellow animals, it also raises my vibration positively, so that I, in turn, can infuse a little bit more of the divine back into the world around me. It creates an awesome feedback loop, important for my spiritual evolution.What is good for other sentient life, is good for me. Making compassionate choices works somewhat like a key to unlock an higher paradigm of unconditional love within me. It is a key on my journey back to whole and complete spiritual beingness."

  • The Chemicals that are Toxic to our Brains: A Comprehensive Guide .... "Forty-one million IQ points. That's what Dr. David Bellinger determined Americans have collectively forfeited as a result of exposure to lead, mercury, and organophosphate pesticides. In a 2012 paperpublished by the National Institutes of Health, Bellinger, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, compared intelligence quotients among children whose mothers had been exposed to these neurotoxins while pregnant to those who had not. Bellinger calculates a total loss of 16.9 million IQ points due to exposure to organophosphates, the most common pesticides used in agriculture."

  • 50+ High Quality Vegan Blogs Worth Following ... ~The Minimalist Vegan

  • Morphic Fields and the Brain with Rupert Sheldrake - video. "Rupert Sheldrake explains the role of the brain as a receptor of consciousness, not the creator. Much of what has been accepted as standard scientific thinking is being reworked as morphic field theory continuously proves itself in scientific settings."

  • This Short Animated Film (8 min)  Will Make You Remember the Meaning of Life ... ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Unity Consciousness
Experiencing the Singular Truth of Oneness - the Realization of All residing within the Divine Source
  • What Does It Really Mean to Ascend to the Fifth Dimension? "The word ascension has been given many meanings in the spiritual and metaphysical community. The meaning of ascension for the purposes of this article encompasses the raising of our awareness and consciousness into a whole new understanding and practice of being able to exist in many dimensions or places at once in our true nature and form.​​​​​​​“ ~Michelle Walling

  • Progressive Biologist Dr Bruce Lipton Presents the Scientific Argument that humanity’s Best Survival Strategy is Unity - the Uplift Podcast. "Have we been misled by believing that competition in life will strengthen us? Could the ‘survival of the fittest’ theories be all wrong? Cellular biologist, Dr Bruce Lipton, believes so. He explains how ‘survival of the fittest’ theories have led to a breakdown of community and that our world is not meant to be a battle ground. Instead, he argues that humanity’s best survival strategy is unity."

  • The Emergence of Connected Consciousness:"Something very interesting occurs when a group of jazz musicians improvises together. A number of separate individuals, all making their own decisions, act together as a whole. As the music flows, any of the musicians can take the solo spot, that leading role gliding seamlessly between the players. Who decides when the piano or trumpet player should come forward? It isn’t just the person playing that instrument, for the others have already stepped back just a little to create an opening. There are two levels of thinking happening at the same time here; choices are made from moment to moment both by the group as a whole and by the individuals within it. When people coordinate their actions through a collective thinking process, we can think of this as ‘distributed intelligence.’ No one person is in charge; the players act freely while being guided by their intention to serve the purpose of the group. "

  • Leo Tolstoy on Love and Its Paradoxical Demands: "A Future love does not exist. Love is a present activity only. The man who does not manifest love in the present has not love." ~Maria Popova at

  • The Mighty Change of Heart - Uplift Podcast. Lakota John is a native elder from the great plains of Oklahoma who provides insight into how Native Americans deeply understand that it is the Heart that Drives the Mind and Subsequently all Creation. Modern Man has it backwards.

  • Ascension Preparedness: Questions for the Path. "We are in a purposeful and profound passage for our Ascension. The consistent reminder has been to forge ahead with the creation of the New, rather than watch the Old Realities burn. Remember this, as entanglement in the illusions playing out become challenging for the unawakened (and for some on the path as well).” ~Sandra Walter, Collective Evolution

  • The Dawning of an Ascended Age - Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock -  - "David Wilcock begins a comparative exploration of ancient prophecies for the end of time that relate to the precession of the equinox, foretelling the end of an age of calamity. These prophecies tell us that the challenges of this final time period become the catalysts to ascension. It is important to note that the texts are telling us of the end of time, not the end of life on Earth. This presentation by David Wilcock was originally webcast September 4, 2017"
Quotes of the Month
  • "As C.S. Lewis said, knowledge is like a rope... as long as you are using it to tie up a box, it doesn’t matter whether it is perfect or not, but if you have to use it to hang over a precipice, then it behooves you to make absolutely certain that it is strong enough to support your weight."
  • “The teachings of the East and West must be fused and blended before the true and universal religion.” ~ Alice Bailey

  • We are all consumers of Energetic Vibration and Information ... Choose carefully...“I cannot remember the books I have read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Update to the 21st century ... “ I cannot remember the books, movies, television programs, music, magazines, blog posts, social media, news programs, podcasts, and speech of others that I have consumed; even so, they have made me. From moment to moment they acutely affect my thoughts and emotions and therefore determine the energetic vibration I exist at. When I am vigilant and thoughtful, I don’t allow negative words, imagery, and sound to enter my being. The result when I do this is a connection to divine consciousness which provides a harmonious life full of beauty, love, joy, and perfect health."
  • "If we don’t question what seems wrong, we’ll never understand what is right.” ~Paul McGowan

  • "The average person is unaware that he or she is living out a negative destiny according to his or her past (childhood) programming, preserving his or her familiar identity, and, in the process, pushing love away. On an unconscious level, many people sense that if they did not push love away, the whole world, as they have experienced it, would be shattered and they would not know who they were.” - Robert W. Firestone and Joyce Catlett, Psychologists

  • “All of us are born mystics,” writer Ann Gordon tells us, “for the capacity to experience wonder and a primal sense of connectedness with all life is our birthright.” And what mystics have always known has been confirmed by physics and ecology - all things are interconnected. What happens in one place affects all places.We are finally settling into a period when the dueling dualisms of the past are giving way to holistic thinking. The separations between mind and body, human nature and the natural world, are being scrapped for a new project - the reenchantment of the world. We are learning what Christian theologian Richard Niebuhr knows: “Passage into larger, more encompassing life takes place in our acts of connecting with living beings whom we, in our casual unmindfulness, treat as separate from ourselves.” ~Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat from their book, Spiritual Literacy

  • Creativity: “Every Mind has the ability to let the Soul be Creative. We are all Artists of our own Destiny. Whether you Create with Love or Fear...the Art you Make will determine your Path.” ~Lynn Noble, from her book - Let the Spirit Move You

  • "Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself, or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.  ~Carl Gustav Jung

  • Stillness Leading to the Infinite: “When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts, he will see the division between the thinker and thought, the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience. He will discover that this division is an illusion.

    That which is eternal cannot be sought after; the mind cannot acquire it. It comes into being when the mind is quiet, and the mind can be quiet only when it is simple. The emptying of the mind brings unity.” ~J. Krishnmurti

Question to Ponder 
 “Where in your life do you need to eliminate separation between yourself and others in order to increase your state of Unity Consciousness?"

Picture of the Month
Solitude with the Immenseness of All that Is
Have a Great Month, Strive for an Energetic Vibration of Love or Above, and Focus that Love Vibration through your Heart and Mind to Intentionally Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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