Think Smarter World Newsletter - February 13th, 2018

Published: Tue, 02/13/18

Newsletter - February 13th, 2018 - Volume 5, Issue 1

Articles from
​​​​​​​Happy Valentine’s Day
"Erich Fromm’s 1950 masterpiece, The Art of Loving, is a timeless work on the critical element that fuels every aspect of our existence. Without the energetic force of Love, nothing in our world would survive as it is the Light that illuminates the Dark. Fromm, as a psychotherapist, intimately knew the human psyche’s need for love, and his work as a sociologist helped him make the connection of how love is the creative force that drives humanity’s only worthwhile and enduring achievements."

Links Worth Exploring
Systems Thinking
Holistic thinking to see how people, systems, ideas, actions, and organizations are highly interconnected and affect each other in often unseen ways. It teaches us to connect the dots in order to see the complete picture...
  • According to the Father of Propaganda, an Invisible Government Controls our Minds with a Thought Prison. "Authored by Edward Bernays and published in 1928, the book Propaganda still holds its position as the gold standard for influencing and manipulating public behavior. Drawing on his expertise in psychology while using the language of manipulation, Bernays pioneered social engineering via mass media, and his work lives on in the distorted, statist, consumer world we have today."

  • Road Rage Explained? Cell Phone Radiation Lowers Impulse Control, Disrupts Blood Brain Barrier.  "“What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain,” Black said. “So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones.”…National Institutes of Health, revealed radiation emitted after just 50 minutes on a mobile phone increases the activity in brain cells. Manufacturers of many popular cell phones already warn consumers to keep their device away from their body and medical experts say there other ways to minimize cell phone radiation."

  • The Harmful Effects of Electromagnetic Fields Explained. "I’ve often noted that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a pernicious, hidden health risk. But exactly how does this kind of microwave radiation damage your health? Martin Pall, Ph.D., has identified and published research describing the likely molecular mechanisms of how EMFs from cellphones and wireless technologies damage plants, animals and humans.” ~Dr. Mercola​​​​​​​
Mind-Body Harmony
Understanding that Everything is Energetic Vibration, Learning to see how the Mind creates Physical Reality, and why we are Spiritual Beings having a Material Experience
  • A Multi-Dimensional Theory of Mind - The Quantum Physics of Consciousness - "The most common take on the nature of mind in modern Western thought is that mind is the same thing as brain activity and hence the question of ‘what if this something more?’ does not arise. This materialistic position on mind was born out of the classical scientific view and its influence on modern thought. It is called materialist because it assumes that mind is nothing more than matter. The philosophical idea coming out of this materialistic view is a reductionistic one, meaning that it assumes that phenomena such as mind and consciousness can be explained by reducing them to the physical and chemical processes occurring in the neurology of our brains. It is literally a flattened view of the world, since it reduces all phenomena to the dimension of matter, time and space, which are considered primary, according to this view.” ~Gilbert Ross writing at Uplift​​​​​​​

  • How to Meditate: The Complete Buddhist Guide - from Buddhist Magazine, Lion’s Roar

  • Five Meditation Techniques for Living in the Present and Rewiring Your Brain for Inner Peace - Thich Nhat Hahn

  • Is a Meditation Habit the Secret to Bulletproof Immunity?  "Researchers have found mindfulness and meditation increases activity in the areas of the brain that control the immune system… “ ~Wake Up World

  • Overcoming Fear and Creating Your Future Reality by the Power of Your Energetic Vibration..."Let’s say you had an amazing, expansive morning meditation. It was so real that it seemed like you could see, smell, taste, hear, and touch your future creation. If how you think and how you feel broadcasts an electromagnetic signature, when all your mind and heart is engaged in that vision of the future, you are connected to the energy of that future. Why? Because you’re in a vibrational match with that electromagnetic potential that already exists as a possibility in the quantum field.“ ~Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • The Art of Energetic Wellness.  "Each day we are being bombarded by different energies which impact our energetic balance in a myriad of ways. We are all influenced by global events, and the people around us. Everything in life is interconnected. Just like if your knee is injured, your postural alignment or hips will also be affected — everything affects everything else. The suffering of people trapped in a war on the other side of the world affects your consciousness, whether you’re aware of it or not. Every day, subtle energetic influences play out in our lives. The conversation you had with the taxi driver, or the hug you shared with your neighbour, it all impacts you energetically. The fight you had last night with your partner, or the ongoing disagreement with your teenager, these impact the most basic molecules of your being. When we break it down, everything in life is an energetic exchange. The thing we need to be aware of is that some experiences and exchanges give us energy and others rob us of it.”
  • Thoughts Have Done This To An Apple — Now Imagine What They Can Do To Your Body"We’ve heard it before: our thoughts are powerful. Maybe we’ve even heard that our thoughts are actually creating our reality. But it’s one thing to hear or learn this concept and a completely other to fully grasp what it means and apply it to our lives. Our thoughts create our reality? How so?”

  • Master Subtle Energy and You Master Your Reality - “Subtle energy involves a number of phenomenon that were overlooked in nineteenth century physics because, even if measurable, the effects are usually quite small. They become more apparent in the presence of someone who is skilled at maintaining a state of “inner coherence” and has learned to work with these energies, people such as Hindu Yogis and Chinese Qi Gong masters. One principle that has emerged from experiments performed in their presence is that there are some adepts who are able to manifest “anomalous effects” quite reliably. One Chinese adept, Dr. Yan Xin, in laboratory conditions, was able to alter the physical properties of water and other materials, bend laser beams, instantly heal bones and alter radioactive decay rates. Other Qi Gong masters have proven able to kill cancer cells in Petri dishes and to repair damaged cells through shielding and often from great distances. None of these feats can be explained by Western physicists. Physicist William Tiller has called this process “raising the gauge” because in the presence of high concentrations of subtle energy the laws of physics are altered and are much more responsive to consciousness.” ~Claude Swanson writing in Subtle Energies Magazine

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
Expanding our Consciousness / Awareness to be fully in control of our Heart, Mind and Reality
  • Jazz and the Spirit of Democracy - "We believe that democracy as a way of life can be strengthened and deepened through spiritual practices — both those traditionally considered to be "inner work" and those that require active engagement with our neighbors and communities.” — Spirituality and Practice: The Practicing Democracy Project

  • The Cycle of Death and Rebirth - A New World is Being Birthed Before Our Very Eyes... "According to Egyptian mythology, every 500 years the Phoenix self-immolates, meaning—it voluntarily lights itself on fire so that it may be reborn as a greater expression of itself. To become a master of our thoughts and emotions (which is how we master our energy, which is how we master our environment, which is how we master our destiny), like the Phoenix we need to be able to sit in the discomfort of the fire. “ ~Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • How is it that Sound Can Heal the Mind? Harmonious music/sound => harmonious feelings => optimistic thoughts => good health. Of course, the opposite is also true: unharmonious music / sound leads to ill-health... ~New Age Music pioneer Iasos

  • Jazz Legend Sonny Rollins on Retiring His Sax, His Legacy, and the Secret to Life: "You know, I listen to the radio a lot and there’s a guy that comes on and says, “Have a good day today and enjoy.” I hate the word “enjoy.” Because to me life is not about enjoyment or, in other words, getting for yourself. That’s not why we’re here. The reason of life, to me, is all about giving. Giving is what gives me happiness. Making somebody else happy is the greatest thing you can do.”

  • Legendary UFO Expert Erich Von Daniken on his book - Chariots of the Gods at 50..."If you were alive in the 1970s and had any level of interest in the pervasive culture of UFOs, then you totally owned a dog-eared paperback copy of Erich von Daniken's ancient astronaut expose, Chariots of the GodsFirst published in 1968, the pioneering book ignited a worldwide craze for flying saucers, crop circles, extraterrestrial abductions, and ufology that slingshotted into the Swingin' '70s. No self-respecting stargazer or sci-fi conventioneer was without this bible of the bizarre, which postulated that our planet had been a stopover point thousands of years ago for interstellar visitors who shared futuristic technology with ancient civilizations."
  • Operation Chaos - Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock. "Certain think tanks believe that they need to create order out of chaos. But first, they must create the chaos to bring about their notions of order. Thus, we begin to see that humanity is caught in the middle of conflicts between various terrestrial and off-world factions."

  • The Tree of Life.  "Although each culture has its own elaborate story surrounding their version of the Tree of Life, the core message is the same: It is through the essence of this tree, which is rooted in the true source of life, that one can truly flourish. Today, most of us are completely disconnected from that tree. And those in power are doing their best to push us as far away from it as possible. Through a debasing and abhorrent agenda, they seek to disconnect us from the core of that tree and its wise, life-giving essence. They want us to be like dried up leaves, detached from the tree, and floating aimlessly at the mercy of the winds they choose to blow at us. Instead, like a tree, we must be firmly rooted in grounds made of strong values, solid knowledge, and patient wisdom. Like a tree, we must reach for the heavens and allow our fruits to be ripened by the sun.” ~Vigilant Citizen
Unity Consciousness
Experiencing the Singular Truth of Oneness - the Realization of All residing within the Divine Source
  • Ascending the Densities of Consciousness: "Another name for the process of MOVING UP through the levels of consciousness is “Ascension.” Ascension has been widely misunderstood — it is not about going “somewhere else” it’s about attaining higher states of consciousness wherever you happen to be. It may feel like you’ve gone somewhere else because a change in your level of consciousness is a radical shift in perspective which alters how you perceive and create your reality. Also, if you raise your consciousness in this life, then in your next, you will incarnate into a higher level of physical reality — one that better matches your heightened level of consciousness.”~Jeff Street

  • The Unfortunate Evolution of the Ego Consciousness.  "Long ago we mostly developed our individual consciousness via the collective consciousness of the tribe. The tribe determined one’s place, identity and belonging in most cases. In many pre-modern cultures, there was no concept of an individual self, separate from the tribe, and in some of the indigenous languages, the word ‘I’ did not even exist. Our identity formed at the group level as an interdependent network of relationships that included the natural world as family. Our sense of belonging and purpose was thus deeply embedded within this collective context, from where our sense of self-emerged as an integral part of Nature’s living systems and the larger Universe."~Anneloes Smitsman

  • Ascension: in preparation for the “The Great Divide”.  "We are moving through the energy of The Split, The Great Divide, The Quickening, The collapsing 3D Matrix, moving from The Old world and into a New World. No longer able to have a foot in both worlds we are observing the end times of Polarity/ Duality and noticing with new clarity the ever growing discomfort and inability to be able to function in both worlds. Many are naturally and comfortably moving away from old relationships and quite quickly finding other awakened selves to align with, creating new mirrors, so to speak.” ~Morgan Lee
Quotes of the Month
  • "The poet Rumi put it beautifully when he wrote, “Consciousness sleeps in minerals, dreams in plants, wakes up in animals, and becomes self-aware in humans.” Everything has awareness, even if still dull and contracted in many instances. Just as the fruits on a tree ripen at their own pace, so too, our souls mature and become enlightened at different times. Everyone and everything is evolving at its own speed. Everyone’s destiny is enlightenment.” ~The Chopra Center

  • A Mystical Experience - as defined by A Dictionary of Mind and Spirit - “Direct knowledge of God, the inspiration that comes to us in a flash, during prayer, meditation or fasting is known in most religious traditions. It is called ‘baraka’ by the Sufis, ‘baruch’ (a blessing) in the Jewish tradition. Common characteristics of such experiences are a loss of ego boundaries and a corresponding identification with the whole cosmos - cosmic consciousness; there is a feeling of total freedom, a sense of being beyond space and time, free from fear, free from separateness, at one with everything; even the senses seem to be unified in total perception of abundant clarity. To this cosmic feeling might also be added the feeling of overwhelming love for the whole of creation and of being loved by the Creator."​​​​​​​

  • You have the Power to Change Your Thought Patterns, No Matter What Your Circumstances - “Reach for the highest most De-“Lightful’ thought about anything and everything...And continue to do that eventually you have programmed your mind to do only this. You can prevent occurrences of lesser enjoyment taking place, if you make it ‘your way’ to think only in LIGHTNESS. Bring unto yourselves only that which serves you...recognize immediately that which does not and bless it as you send it away in LOVE. Replacing it with the feeling of love as you breath in and out consciously...deeply...loudly for a minute or two...and then find conjured up...the replaced thought...on the same subject that exudes Love in that circumstance. What a Difference ... ~Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light

  • Be the Change You Want to See in the World..."Cautious, careful people always casting about to preserve their reputations...can never bring about a reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation, and publicly avow their sympathies with despised and persecuted ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences."  ~Susan B. Anthony

  • The True Nature of Reality is Within You...“Inside me there was everything I had believed was outside. There was, in particular, the sun, light, and all colors. There were even the shapes of objects and the distance between objects. Everything was there and movement as well… Light is an element that we carry inside us and which can grow there with as much abundance, variety, and intensity as it can outside of us… God is there under a form that has the good luck to be neither religious, not intellectual, nor sentimental, but quite simply alive.” ― Jacques Lusseyran

  • Moving beyond Separation to Interconnectedness:"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."  ~Martin Luther King, Jr.​​​​​​​

Question to Ponder 
 “Have You Loved Enough in this Lifetime?

Picture of the Month

Have a Great Month, Strive for an Energetic Vibration of Love or Above, and Focus that Love Vibration through your Heart and Mind to Intentionally Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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