Yo-Yo Ma – world has an empathy deficit – on Charlie Rose show [Quote]

Published: Wed, 10/23/13

Think Smarter World

2013-10-21 08:22:37-04 

Yo-Yo Ma – world has an empathy deficit – on Charlie Rose show [Quote]

Quote Post “The World is Suffering from an Empathy Deficit…”
-Cellist, Yo-Yo Ma

Ma, appearing on a recent episode of the Charlie Rose show with his world music group – The Silk Road Project – further spoke of how the act of making music in a group setting encompasses the same skills required to be successful in today’s global work force:

1.  Collaboration

2.  Flexibility

3.  Imagination

4.  Innovation

Mr. Ma is clearly a true Systems Thinker…  See a recording of the segment here - goo.gl/UaSvhL - and hear Silk Road’s new CD, A Playlist without Borders on Spotify  - The Silk Road Ensemble – A Playlist Without Borders

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