Putting a Band-Aid on a Broken Arm

Published: Tue, 11/12/13

Putting a Band-Aid on a Broken Arm


“It’s not a real solution, it’s just a Band-Aid.”  That one phrase conveys an enormous amount of information about an action.  It says that we have under appreciated the severity or potential consequences of a problem and either consciously or unconsciously, are attempting to deal with it in a superficial way.

And if we pay attention, it seems at a personal, professional, and societal level we are putting Band-Aids all the time on things that deserve much deeper, proactive solutions.


Because Band-Aids feel good, they give us a psychological boost, they are fast to put on, and don’t require a lot of effort.  Any parent knows this.  The effect of most “boo-boo’s” can be alleviated with a trusty Band-Aid.  In fact, both sides feel good.  Action has been taken.  Progress has been made.

But when we are dealing with things that are much bigger, Band-Aid’s are dangerous.  They hide the true nature of the problem and hinder us taking the meaningful action that is necessary.  We feel good in the short term, and pay dearly in the long term.

I’ve put many Band-Aids on metaphorical “Broken Arms” over the years only to have to pay the significant price that delayed action always charges.

Trust me, identify the various Broken Arms with Band-Aids in your life now, and get down to the real work of repair and renewal.  You’ll be much happier and much more successful in the long run if you do.


The post Putting a Band-Aid on a Broken Arm appeared first on Think Smarter World.

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