Think Smarter World Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 25th, 2014

Published: Wed, 02/26/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate Your Consciousness
Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 - February 25th, 2014

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Think Smarter World Weekly Newsletter. The Newsletter will contain the various content posted on TSW and will also include a variety of interesting links to content around the web that you may find useful. In addition, I have included interesting items that I am reading, watching, and listening to. Individual blog posts emails will no longer be sent. I would love to get your feedback - let me know what you think.

TSW Posts from the Past Week
2014:  Moving Beyond Tribalism
Our biggest challenges need the recognition that we are all highly interconnected and that cooperation is our only path to success.

The Technology that Wants your Job
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are poised to radically change the world of work over the next two decades. Here's one idea on how to get ready...
Links worth Investigating

  • The Empathy Library --The Empathy Library is a new digital archive where people can point to the books, movies, and other media that help us learn to understand one another.
  • Heartmath Institute - free download of their scientific research of the linkages between the heart and brain and overall mental and physical wellbeing.  *This group is a key organization to pay attention to.  They have been doing scientific research for 20 years to clinically prove the existence of the Mind-Body connection and how to use it to improve your health. They also create apps and software to help you achieve brain - heart coherence and improve your overall well being.
  • Neuro Researchers finding belly fat strongly affects learning ability and memory loss.  There is then a possible link between excessive abdominal fat and Alzheimer's (which is expected to cost the U.S.$1.2 Trillion by 2050 in medical costs) -
  • How does the United States stack up against the European Union on food safety issues like GMOs, hormones, questionable chemicals, and other food additives? Take a look at this Infographic that shows 13 Ways Europe Does Food Safer, Cleaner, and Kinder
What I’m Reading

  • The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself - by Michael Singer.  This book is one of the best I have come across at explaining how to release yourself from the grips of the Ego and to find your true self.  Mr. Singer has a very unique bio - promising academic, wandering ascetic, successful businessman, and finally spiritual leader.  "...your thoughts have far less impact on this world than you would like to think.  If you're willing to be objective and watch all your thoughts, you will see that vast majority of them have no relevance.  They have no effect on anything or anybody, except you.  They are simply making you feel better or worse about what is going on now, what has gone on in the past, or what might on in the future.  If you spend your time hoping that it doesn't rain tomorrow, you are wasting your time.  Your thoughts don't change the rain.  You will some day come to see that there is no use for that incessant internal chatter, and there is no reason to constantly attempt to figure everything out.  Eventually you will see that the real cause of problems is not life itself.  It's the commotion the mind makes about life that really causes problems."
  • How Music Works - by David Byrne.  The former lead singer of the Talking Heads is a very innovative artist and a very observant intellectual.  The first chapter of this book is alone worth the price of admission where Mr. Byrne presents a very unique viewpoint on the creation of music (across all genres) and the physical place or format the music is meant to be played.  A very interesting read from someone involved in all aspects of the music business.  "In a sense, we work backward, either consciously or unconsciously, creating work that fits the venue available to us.  That holds true for the other arts as well:  pictures are created that fit and look good on white walls in galleries just as music is written that sounds good either in a dance club or a symphony hall (but probably not in both).  In a sense, the space, the platform, and the software "makes" the art, the music, or whatever."

What I'm Watching
  • The Collective Evolution III:  The Shift - video -  The Collective Evolution organization's mission is to inspire us to begin expanding our way of thinking so we can take conscious steps towards creating BIG change on the planet. 
  • Connected and Disconnected: Technology, Empathy, and Loneliness - Is technology tearing us apart? Award winning short video (4.5 minutes) -
  • A Conference Call in Real Life - a very funny short video showing what an audio conference call might look like if everyone was physically in the same room.  All you corporate alumni will love this one.
  • Living with Meaning, Purpose, and Wisdom in the Digital Age - Eckhart Tolle Talk at Google -  as part of their on-going Authors series.

What I’m Listening To
Quotes of the Week
  • "It's hard to get a man to understand something if his paycheck depends upon him not understanding it." - Upton Sinclair
  • "What Worries You, Masters You."  - Haddon W. Robinson
  • "I slept and dreamt that life was joy; I awoke and saw that life was service; I acted and behold service was joy."  -Rabindranath Tagore
Picture of the Week
We hit a new record for the number of significant snowfalls during a winter season in Pennsylvania this year.  But as with everything, there was a bright side - beautiful winter scenes after a fresh snow fall.  Here's a shot of one of my favorite parks near our home in Lehigh Valley, PA.
Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

-Jay Kshatri

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