Think Smarter World Newsletter - March 10th, 2014

Published: Mon, 03/10/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate Your Consciousness
Newsletter - March 10th, 2014 - Volume 1, Issue 2
TSW Posts from the Past Week
21 Ingredients for a Healthy and Delicious Media Diet.  As we struggle to control the quality of the food we put in our bodies, equally important is the quality of information that we feed our minds. But not only for the usual reason that better information leads to better knowledge.
Links worth Investigating

  • Economist Tyler Cowan on the Automation of the Work Force and the parallels to the British Industrial Revolution.
  • Why is American Internet So Slow? The country that literally invented the internet is now behind Estonia in terms of download speeds.
  • Too beautiful to be real? 16 surreal landscapes found on Earth.

  • "Epigenetics: The sins of the Father" - The roots of inheritance may extend beyond the genome, but the mechanisms remain a puzzle.  Ever wonder why and how you share personality traits with your parents, siblings, and other family members?  Scientists now have an idea.  Nature Magazine.

    What I’m Reading

    • The Global Brain: The Awakening Earth in a New Century - this book by Physicist and Futurist Peter Russell was first published in 1982 and was way ahead of its time.  Russell accurately predicted and spoke about the changes that have occurred to the Earth and Humanity's Consciousness.  "The dangerous separation of ourselves from others, so symptomatic of the low-synergy society, has led to an even deeper schism:  the "I versus It" approach to the world, characterized in Western culture as "humanity versus nature".  This approach has been strongly reinforced by scientific and technological models that see humanity as the supreme life-form, able to exercise control over the world and tame it to its own ends.  Yet it is not science and technology that themselves are to blame for our present situation, but the way they have been used.  In most cases, they serve individual, corporate, and national egos, rather than humanity and the planet.  Nations cannot be more synergistic than the individuals that compromise them, and so they too fail victim to limited and short sighted goals." 

    • The Practice of Contemplative Photography: Seeing the World with Fresh Eyes  Most photography books delve deep into technical process and technique.  But this rare gem, focuses on what comes long before you press the shutter.  The act of seeing the beauty and uniqueness of potential subjects. If you've ever wondered how pro photographers get such magnificent and moving images, one of the key reasons is that they spend a considerable amount of time studying and absorbing a scene or subject before they decide how to photograph it.  Most amateurs of course step up to a scene, raise camera, and press the shutter.  This book helps you go beyond that, to improve your photography through mindfulness.  Whether you shoot with an advanced DSLR, or Smart Phone, this book will make a you better photographer (and a more astute observer of life...)

    What I'm Watching
    • Awesome Dad Made Son a Homework Desk That Morphs Into NASA's 'Mission Control' Console. 
    • We're on the Right Track.  The world in aggregate is improving in many dimensions.  You won't know it from following mainstream media though. This short video points out some encouraging facts.

    What I’m Listening To
    Quotes of the Week
    • "Information is no longer a scarce commodity. But attention is. Why give it away so easily?  Why give away your mind?"-author and journalist Rolf Dobelli

    • "I believe that humanity is a family which has hardly met.  One of the best ways it can meet is for our traditions of family hospitality to be revived; that is where conversations with strangers can fruitfully begin." - author Theodore Zeldin 

    • "Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped." - African Proverb

    Picture of the Week
    We are a serious Tennis Family and the start of the pro hard court season is warming us up even though we continue to be snow bound in the East Coast. I took this picture at the US Open a few years ago.  The perplexed reaction of the player after he missed a shot and the racquet slipped from his hands captured an all too familiar moment to all who experience the highs and lows of this game.
    Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

    -Jay Kshatri

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