Think Smarter World Newsletter - April 1st, 2014

Published: Tue, 04/01/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate Your Consciousness
Newsletter - April 1st, 2014 - Volume 1,  Issue 5
TSW Posts from the Past Week
Four Must Have Tools to Manage Information Abundance

Links Worth Investigating

      What I’m Reading

      • The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals  by Michael Polan - professor of food science at University of California, Berkeley.  You will never look at what you eat the same way after you read this book.  The section on how corn forms the basis of industrialized agriculture and meat production in the U.S. is mind popping. Be sure to check out how beef is "created" with the addition of a liquid normally associated with cars.   Anyone wanting to trace the origins of America's health crisis needs to start with this book.
      • Placebos:  A mini e-book from author and all-around good guy and ethical marketing master, Seth Godin.  He is using the ebook for a course he is teaching on the Skillshare site.  It's a quick 15 minute read - you'll find it interesting.
      • The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking - by Oliver Burkeman. Oliver is a staff writer for the Guardian newspaper in London and writes the not too modest column - "This Column Will Change Your Life".  This is an outstanding book and Burkeman has managed to connect the dots between a wide variety of philosophies which have at their core the concept of Acceptance.  From Roman Stoicism, to Buddhism, to the mindfulness teachings of Eckhart Tolle, and more, he shows that at the heart, accepting things as they are and seeing both the good and bad, the beautiful, and meaningful in all things and all experiences is the key to happiness.  He also examines how common concepts such as rigid goal setting, avoiding failure, and constantly seeking security rob us of the growth and insight that lead to a more lasting happiness.  Oliver prematurely throws some concepts under the bus (Positive Thinking and the New Thought movement, and the Law of Attraction being two), but he's on the right path with his overall thesis and what he gets right far outweighs what he doesn't.  

      What I'm Watching
      • Dr. Eben Alexander Interview - March 7th, 2014 - author of Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife, talks with Waking Times guest host, Debbie West, about the afterlife, human consciousness, the future of science and more.
      • Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku speaks with RT's Manuel Rapalo about his latest book 'The Future of the Mind' discussing how realistic it would be to digitally upload memories and consciousness, telepathy, and why we're living in the 'Golden Age' of studying the human mind.
      What I’m Listening To
      • Big Joe Maher - Mojo  - the opening line of the title track on this blues masterpiece says it all - "I got my Mojo working...just won't work on you..." Washington, DC born and raised Maher plays a Kansas City style Jump Blues.  
      • Cowboy Junkies - One Soul Now - Toronto based Cowboy Junkies for 25 years have been blending Folk, Rock, Blues, and Country in a totally unique and memorable way. The voice of Margo Timmins is haunting and beautiful and the lyrics of her brother and the musicianship of the band are top notch.  Take a listen to their first album as well - the Trinity Sessions.
      • Mika Pohjola - Northern Sunrise - Finnish born jazz pianist Pohjola resides in New York and on this record, he has managed to capture the stark, cold beauty of Finland and combined it with the energy and momentum of New York.  
      Quotes of the Week

      • "Thoughts, like fleas, jump from man to man. But they don't bite everybody."  Stanislaw Jerzy Lec (Polish Poet)
      • "Clear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence."  Thomas Szasz (Professor of Psychology, SUNY)
      • "Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know"  Pema Chodron (Tibetan Buddhist Teacher)

      Picture of the Week
      One from the Archives...  I took this on a business trip to Beijing in 1995.  A Concert of One. 
      Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

      -Jay Kshatri

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