Think Smarter World Newsletter, April 9th, 2014

Published: Wed, 04/09/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate Your Consciousness
Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 6 - April 9th, 2014
TSW Posts from the Past Week

Systems Thinking
An encore post from January of this year. 

Links worth Investigating

    What I’m Reading

    • Markings, the Journal of Dag Hammarskjold, former Secretary General of the United Nations.  Hammarskjold asked that his journal be released after his death and it was published in 1964.  The book describes the inner mind of a peace loving man, who grappled intensely with his spirituality and the global conflicts he was forced to reckon with during the mid 20th century. "To listen" - in faith - to find one's way and have the feeling that, under God, one is really finding it again.  This is like playing blindman's bluff: deprived of sight, I have, in compensation, to sharpen all my other senses, to grope my way and recognize myself as I pass my fingers over the faces of my friends, and thus find what was mine already, had been there all the time.  What I would have known all the time was there, had I not blindfolded myself.   

    What I'm Watching
    • Sleep Loss May Cause Brain Damage and Accelerate Onset of Alzheimer's, Two New Studies Show - Dr. Mercola Website.  Watch the excellent video on the Science of Sleep with Dan Pardi, sleep researcher at Stanford University, that is half way down within the article.
    What I’m Listening To
    Quotes of the Week
    • "Optimism is a form of prayer.  Prayer does, in my personal view, have genuine spiritual power.  But I also believe, in the words of the old African saying, 'when you pray, move your feet'.  Prayer without action, like optimism without engagement, is passive aggression toward the future." - Al Gore, in The Future

    • "The idea the invisible universe is more real than the visible one indeed has never been so widely accepted by practical scientists as now in this climactic century.  But it is far from a new notion to seers and philosophers, for don't forget, Aristotle called life "spirit pervading matter", a concept all great religions would heartily endorse...the philosophy of mysticism emerges as eminently reasonable...the newly realized reality of the nonmaterial world, of fields that influence, of waves that convey, of minds that pervade." - Guy Murchie, author and Chicago Tribune journalist (mid 1960's).  

    • "It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world.  It's our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless."  L.R. Knost, children's author and child development specialist.

    Picture of the Week
    Thought I would lighten the mood this week.  Great cartoon by Randy Glasbergen - highlighting our ever present need for books...
    Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

    -Jay Kshatri

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