Think Smarter Newsletter - June 9th, 2014

Published: Mon, 06/09/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate Your Consciousness
Newsletter - June 9th, 2014 - Volume 1, Issue 10
TSW Posts from the Past Week
Links worth Investigating

      What I’m Reading

      • Life Unlocked: 7 Revolutionary Lessons to Overcome Fear, by Dr. Srinivasan Pillay, MD.  This is the third book in a trilogy of books I have been reading which look at overcoming various processes of the brain which drive our behavior at the subconscious level.  Dr. Pillay is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and former director of the Brain Imaging Center and Panic Disorder Program at McLean Hospital. As Dr. Joe Dispenza does, Dr. Pillay goes to great lengths to describe how much of our everyday responses to life are due to habitual patterns and memories that have been ingrained into our subconscious memory.  And specifically, from a fear perspective, how triggering the Amygdala (the reptilian part of the human brain) causes fight or flight responses and only when the advanced part of the brain (the neocortex) takes the lead, can we regain stability and control of our emotional lives.  He does a good job at showing the science behind how this happens and based on his hands on clinical practice with patients, real world solutions you can apply to your own life.  His MAP-Change approach is interesting:  "Meditation - Meditation holds the chaos that arises from fearful attention, quieting down the amygdala and allowing you to become less fearful.  The result of this is that your action centers are able to see your intentions more clearly. Attention - When you are absorbed in your work, you feel lost to the world and can even have a very positive feeling that is very different from the dread you may have experienced when you were anticipating doing the task.  Anticipation activates the amygdala and disrupts your attention. Psychological Tools - To maintain positive thinking in the face of fear, the positive thought has to have a higher energy level than fear does.  That is, the literal electrical energy representing the positive though in your brain has to dominate your attention in order to quiet down the amygdala's processing of fear.  Essentially, two strong emotions - positive (such as hope) and negative (such as fear) - cannot exist at the same volume at the same time in your brain.  The one that has more electricity will be louder."

      What I'm Watching
      • Mentally Plan Your Day to Reinvent Your Reality - Dr. Joe Dispenza - Very good 7 minute video on how Dispenza uses his own scientific methods to change subsconscious habits -
      What I’m Listening To
      • Mark Isham - Blue Sun - If Miles Davis had lived longer (I had the privilege of seeing him live a couple of times before he died), this is an album he would have eventually recorded.  A Kind of Blue for the 21st century.  
      • Ottmar Liebert - The Scent of Light - I've always been a huge fan of the New Age Flamenco master's work.  But as he ages, he's also become a student of capturing the highest sound quality possible on recordings.  
      Quotes of the Week
      • "Since time immemorial small groups throughout the world have explored radical connection to higher levels of consciousness and the Divine.  These principles remind us that we are full of habits: our bodies, thoughts, feelings, relationships and social structures all create filters through which we construct and experience a limited reality. Mysticism burns these habits away."  - Thomas Hubl

      • "I envision a world where everyone is able to be free, once and for all, of all blockages to allowing their Divine Good to manifest in their lives; a world where all limiting thoughts, beliefs and feelings are completely removed now, from whatever source: past lives, family experiences, vibrations picked up from others -- everything that is still holding down the curtain to our rightful prosperity, abundance and freedom, -- all is completely removed now." - Bob Gambee

      • "It followed from the special theory of relativity that matter and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing - a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind." - Albert Einstein

      Picture of the Week
      Our dog Mojo and I came upon the proverbial Fork in the Road while walking in Jordan Creek forest not too far from our home.  Aren't most of life's interesting moments centered around which fork to take?  

      Well, as you can see from the second picture, Mojo didn't really care about the philosophy.  He was just happy there was a doggie sized bridge for him to play on!

      Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

      -Jay Kshatri

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