Think Smarter World Newsletter - June 18th, 2014

Published: Wed, 06/18/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate Your Consciousness
Newsletter - June 18th, 2014 - Volume 1, Issue 11 
TSW Posts from the Past Week
Links worth Investigating

    What I’m Reading

    • Who Moved My Blackberry?: A Novel 2005 by Financial Times Reporter Lucy Kellaway.  Ms. Kellaway created a fictional corporate executive named Martin Lukes and wrote a tongue in cheek column in the early 2000's about his ridiculous self-obsessed exploits.  The column was massively funny and so popular that she eventually turned it into an entire book. If you work now or have ever worked in the corporate world, you will wince in uncontrollable pain and laughter at the shananigans of Martin Lukes as he does daily battle with his out of control ambition, ego, and woefully low emotional intelligence.  

    What I'm Watching
    What I’m Listening To
    • Real Estate - Spotify Session: Live At SXSW 2014  - I'm often disappointed with myself for not resonating with a lot of new music from the younger generation (wow, I really sounded old there...).  But the band Real Estate has struck a chord within me.  It's most likely for their lyrical sensibility, excellent musicianship, and acoustic leanings.  They're like a cross between Wilco and Cold Play in some ways...This is a live album of them in-session with Spotify at the South by Southwest festival earlier this year.
    • Lars Jansson Trio - The Time We Have - Another wonderful trio jazz album from the nordics.  You can feel the tight synchronicity and telepathic communication of the musicians throughout the disc.
    Quotes of the Week
    • "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy.  This is physics."  - Albert Einstein

    • "You are perfect the way you are, and there is still room for improvement." - Zen Master, Suzuki Roshi

    • "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Gustav Jung

    Questions to Ponder (NEW)
    In this new section of the TSW Newsletter, I will begin including questions that hopefully will stimulate new ways of thinking and looking at the world.  For those of you who have read Think Smarter in a Digitally Enabled World, know that I believe that the act of asking questions is what dramatically shifts us from a reactive to proactive state of mind.  It's the best way to break out of habitual subconscious thought patterns and elevate your consciousness and create the momentum for personal and societal growth.
    • If Robots within 30 years will take over most routine work from our lives (ie., they will take our jobs), and in fact, be able to do most white collar occupations (with some assistance from humans), what changes in our society do we need to make to accommodate this radical change? Do we need to change our educational system (to one where creativity and life long learning and change will be the most important things to master)?  What other steps do we need to take now to get ready for the coming age of massive global automation?
    Picture of the Week
    One from the archives.  I met my MBA study group this past week for dinner (four of us).  We all still live in the tri-state area (nineteen years after graduation) so we are able to get together every few years.  It reminded me of our class trip to China in 1995 and I came across this picture of me conducting some cross cultural relationship building.  We were touring factories in Beijing and learning about how they were doing things from a low-cost mass production standpoint. While walking from one factory to another through the back streets of Beijing, I broke away from the group (as I like to do for photography purposes...) and came across a group of factory workers taking a break and playing basketball.  A broad smile and my towering height (all 5' 8" of it) got me in and we had a quick 3 on 3 game.  World peace and common understanding was achieved for 30 minutes at least on a cold February day in Beijing in 1995...
    Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

    -Jay Kshatri

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