Think Smarter World Newsletter - August 15th, 2014

Published: Fri, 08/15/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate your Consciousness
Newsletter - August 15th, 2014 - Volume 1, Issue 14 
TSW Posts from the Past Week
Links worth Investigating

  • Secrets of the Creative Brain - A leading neuroscientist who has spent decades studying creativity shares her research on where genius comes from, whether it is dependent on high IQ-and why it is so often accompanied by mental illness.  The Atlantic Magazine.

  • Scientists create new battery that's cheap, clean, rechargeable ... and organic.  Scientists have developed a rechargeable battery that is all organic and could be scaled up easily for use in power plants where it can make the energy grid more resilient and efficient by creating a large-scale means to store energy for use as needed. The batteries could pave the way for renewable energy sources to make up a greater share of the nation's energy generation.  Science Daily.

  • 3 Astronauts Who Had Spiritual Experiences 'Up There' - Several astronauts who have seen Earth from space have had profoundly awakening spiritual experiences. Here's three of them.

  • How to Build a Better Teacher - the kind that is inspiring, exciting, and imaginative.  New research shows how the best teachers do it around the world.  Parade Magazine.

  • Forgiving can literally make you forget. Forgiving You Is Hard, but Forgetting Seems Easy: Can Forgiveness Facilitate Forgetting? Discover Magazine.

    What I’m Reading

    • Everyday Heroes: 50 Americans Changing the World One Nonprofit at a Time  - This is a big, beautiful, and uplifting book.  It showcases 50 Americans who have made it their business to improve the lives of others.  "From activists who have rallied the support of hundreds of volunteers to bring such necessities as clean drinking water, economic support, and urgent medical care to developing nations, to educational leaders who are using their gifts to elevate the opportunities of the poor and disadvantaged, to crusaders of equal rights and women's advocacy, these are remarkable everyday citizens."  

    What I'm Watching
    • You Have No Idea How Wrong You Are - video - Philosopher Sisyphus Redeemed (real name Uri Avnery) describes a sample of the many ways we have been wrong throughout history and looks at the implications of our capacity to be certain we are right, when in fact we are wrong.

    What I’m Listening To
    Quotes of the Week
    • "Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch." - Ivern Ball

    • "It's not that Awareness becomes more stable... it's that mind quiets down more and more revealing and making clearer what is already the case. A pond doesn't BECOME quieter when you stop splashing, rather, the pond's quietness is REVEALED as the splashing dies down." - Michael Jeffreys 

    • "No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world...." - John Keating (Robin Williams), Dead Poets Society

    Picture of the Week
    A bit of Spiritual Humor to lighten the mood...
    Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

    -Jay Kshatri

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