Think Smarter World Newsletter - October 22nd, 2014

Published: Wed, 10/22/14

Tools, Resources, and Insight to Amplify your Knowledge and Elevate Your Consciousness
Newsletter - October 22nd, 2014 - Volume 1, Issue 20 
TSW Posts from the Past Week
Links worth Investigating
  • Manager and machine: The new leadership equation.  As artificial intelligence takes hold, what will it take to be an effective executive? McKinsey & Company

  • Neuroscientist and outspoken atheist, Sam Harris, has written a book about his surprising Spiritual Awakening - Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion.  "Thinking is the basis of every social relationship we have. It is also the foundation of science. But our habitual identification with thought, that is our failure to recognize thoughts as thoughts, as appearances in consciousness, is a primary source of human suffering. It also gives rise to the illusion that a separate self is living inside one's head." See an additional article on the book at Brain Pickings.
  • This is Your Brain on Dreams, with Michio Kaku. When we slip into sleep and embark on a subconscious journey through our dreams, what exactly is our brain up to at that point?
  • Price gap between more and less healthy foods grows.  Novel use of UK national data finds a growing gap between the prices of more and less healthy foods between 2002 and 2012. Healthy foods in 2012 are three times more expensive per calorie than less healthy foods.

  • The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020.  This a very well done infographic (and highly accurate from my perspective).  It captures all the major social, technological, and economic forces currently in play.  Great example of Systems Thinking in action.

  • What is the Universe?  Physics has some Mind-Bending Answers. Science says the universe could be a hologram, a computer program, a black hole or a bubble-and there are ways to check.

  • Here’s Why Public Wifi is a Public Health Hazard.  Maybe Better If You Don’t Read This Story on Public WiFi.  The author took a hacker to a café and, in 20 minutes, he knew where everyone else was, their search history, the apps they were using, their personal information, and more.

What I’m Reading

Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever 

by Clint Ober, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and Martin Zucker.  The premise of Earthing or Grounding is that our bodies are electrical systems and just as our electrical appliances need to be grounded (to remove excess electical charge), so does the body for optimal health and reduced inflammation.  From the book:  "We are learning that the Earth's electrical energy maintains the order of our own bodily frequencies just as a conductor controls the coherence and cadence of an orchestra.  We all live and function electrically on an electrical planet.  We are each of us a collection of dynamic electrical circuits in which trillions of cells constantly transmit and receive energy in the course of their programmed biochemical reactions.  Think of them as microscopic electronic machines.  The movement of nutrients and water into the cells is regulated by electric fields, and each type of cell has a frequency range in which it operates.  Your heart, brain, nervous system, muscles, and immune system are prime examples of electrical subsystems operating within your bioelectrical body.  The fact is , all of your movements, behaviors, and actions are energized by electricity."  

The earth's surface is full of negatively charged electrons.  Your body on the other hand, has excess positively charged free radicals.  When you touch the earth with your bare skin, you allow the earth to siphon off those positively charged free radicals. Free radicals (the reason why we try to eat foods high in anti-oxidant properties) are what cause inflammation in the body and inflammation is what is now thought to be one of the major culprits behind many diseases including heart disease and cancer.  

Humans used to be naturally grounded when we used to walk barefoot and sleep on the ground.  Now of course, we rarely ever come into direct contact with the earth, except for a week or two a year when we go on vacation and walk on the beach or have a picnic in the park and take off our shoes and walk on the grass.  So a simple solution is to just walk barefoot on the earth more often.  That of course may not be convenient, so there are grounding pads and sheets that you can buy  (a simple wire is run from the pad or sheet to the grounded circuit in any electrical outlet) and you can enjoy the benefits of grounding indoors all year round.  I recently bought a grounding pad (I keep my feet on it while sitting at my desk), and have noticed less pain in my knees and an uptick in my energy.  So far, so good...
What I'm Watching
  • How To Be Creative:  a beautiful 10 minute video on the creative process by PBS digital studios.

  • Video interview with Lynne McTaggart.  Lynne McTaggart is author of international bestsellers "The Field" and "The Intention Experiment," she is also editor of the magazine What Doctors Don't Tell You. McTaggart believes that everything is interconnected, down to the smallest particles.  Intelligent Optimist Magazine.

What I’m Listening To
  • Mindfulness App (free in Itunes).  Created by Sounds True, a major publisher of meditation books, audio and other media, this app gives you a taste of teachings from key mindfulness instructors, including Jon Kabat-Zinn, the pioneer of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, and others. If you're new to meditation, this app is a great opportunity to get a more intimate understanding of what it's all about. Seasoned practitioners might be drawn to the extra talks available on the app concerning the science of mindfulness, varying definitions surrounding the practice, neuroplasticity, and happiness.

  • Ray Chen - Mozart: Violin Concertos & Sonata (2014) - the sonics are A-level on this new recording and Mr. Chen breathes new life into a classic.

  • Dave Brubeck - Indian Summer (2007) - Dave Brubeck became very introspective in his late years and this solo piano disc finds him in that state. Beautiful for the chilly fall days that are coming.
  • Benjamin Grosvenor – Dances (2014) - the 22 year old British pianist plays solo covering a long list of short pieces by Bach, Chopin, Granados, Scriabin, and more.  Really nice disc.
  • William Fitzsimmons – Acoustic Sessions - Fitzsimmon's music is described as "hushed eclectic folk".  It's wonderful.  He has a very interesting background - born in Pittsburg to two blind parents who themselves were musicians.  Hearing them play, he joined in and taught himself how to play guitar as a young teen ager.  His songs bring a quiet but forceful emotional punch reflective of his background.

  • The Spiritual Path of an ex-Monk.  The Unmistakable Creative Podcast. Definitely take a look at this podcast.  The young host, Srini Rao (Berkeley University Engineering grad who had a change of heart...) is a wonderful interviewer.  He strives to find interesting and creative people who are doing things in new ways.

Quotes of the Week
  •   "Mysterious though it is, the characteristics in human nature which we love best grow in a soil with a strong mixture of troubles."  Pastor Harry Emerson Fosdick, 1925

  • "Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there - buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day." - Deepak Chopra

  • "Things rarely get stuck because of lack of time.  They get stuck because the doing of them has not been defined" - David Allen, Productivity Expert

  • "Your imagination is a preview of your life's coming attraction." - Albert Einstein

Question to Ponder for the Week
Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
Picture of the Week
Fall is in full bloom here in Pennsylvania.  I took this shot at Jordan Creek near our home and then stylized it to achieve a pastel effect.
Have a great week, Stay Positive, and Let Your Thoughts Manifest all your Desires.

-Jay Kshatri

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