Think Smarter World - Newsletter - February 9th, 2015

Published: Mon, 02/09/15

Holistic Thinking to Optimize the Connections between the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Aspects of our Lives
Newsletter - February 9th, 2015 - Volume 2, Issue 2 
The Think Smarter World philosophy is about using Holistic Thinking to integrate and optimize the four major aspects of our lives - the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. These four areas are strengthened and expanded by understanding and implementing Interconnectedness through the tools of Systems Thinking, Proactive Access to Knowledge, Mind-Body Harmony, and Unity Consciousness.  When all four areas are in balance and well developed, we successfully reunite Heart and Mind and upgrade our lives to 'Human 2.0’ - a new level of human achievement, happiness, and good health

TSW Posts from the Past Week
Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking
  • A Systems Story - A short introduction to key systems thinking concepts.  A wonderful 5 minute video illustrating the key concepts of Systems Thinking using examples from our everyday lives.  

  • The Dawn of System Leadership.  The deep changes necessary to accelerate progress against society's most intractable problems require a unique type of leader—the system leader, a person who catalyzes collective leadership.There are three core capabilities that system leaders develop in order to foster collective leadership. The first is the ability to see the larger system. In any complex setting, people typically focus their attention on the parts of the system most visible from their own vantage point. This usually results in arguments about who has the right perspective on the problem. Helping people see the larger system is essential to building a shared understanding of complex problems. This understanding enables collaborating organizations to jointly develop solutions not evident to any of them individually and to work together for the health of the whole system rather than just pursue symptomatic fixes to individual pieces.

  • Andrew Keen and the Original Sin of the Internet.  The “free” model of Google, Facebook, and others is not really free, it’s based on selling advertising based on your data.  In Andrew Keen’s mind, that’s creepy and we should move to a pay or subscription model to get back to a more sane environment.  (3 minute video).

Mind-Body Harmony
  • “Hacking” the Human Biofield: How Shamans Create Extraordinary Health with Dr. Alberto Villoldo - 2 one hour videos.  Do you want your health span to equal your lifespan? Do you want to live a life of extraordinary health and joy? Shamans of old discovered how to “hack” into our biological system to select for longevity by switching on the “Methuselah genes” we have in every cell. They did this using super foods and mind-altering states of consciousness that shattered our ordinary notions of space-time. Shamanic energy medicine also clears the imprints of disease from the luminous energy field that surrounds the physical body. This field is the blueprint that organizes the body in the same way that a magnet organizes iron filings on a piece of glass. When you upgrade the quality of the field, you are able to grow a new body that heals and repairs itself. In this webinar, Alberto Villoldo explains how to tap into and shift the outcome of old genetic programs. You will learn about shamanic states of consciousness and how to utilize nutrition to allow you to grow new bodies that age, heal and die differently.  [Here is a link to Dr. Villodo’s 30-day human biofield hacking nutrition program.  I just recently saw it, but it’s very close to the type of diet I’ve been following for the last six years.  I find it very beneficial.]

  • Amazing Food Science Discovery: Edible Plants 'Talk' To Animal Cells, Promote Healing.  Food can no longer considered simply as a source of caloric content, minerals and vitamins, and building blocks for the body-machine. [Learn more by taking the author's E-Course] Rather, food carries very specific forms of biologically meaningful information (literally 'to put form into'), without which our genetic and epigenetic infrastructure cannot function according to its intelligent design.

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom

  • The Corporation.  A 2003 documentary based on the book by the same name explains in great detail why global capitalism is in the state it is.  After you watch the movie (which is gripping and expertly done), you’ll want to cleanse your palate by exploring solutions on how capitalism and corporations can evolve into better, more society friendly versions - check out the movements around Conscious Capitalism, Benefit Corporations (now over 1200 in 26 states and 50 countries), and The B Team (a nonprofit formed by Richardson Branson and other heavyweights in order to promote the adoption of  conscious capitalism principles across industry).  Just as we expect other institutions and systems in our culture to change and grow, shouldn’t corporations do the same? There is Hope...

  • Your Smartphone May Be Robbing You of Your Best Ideas.  There is close link between originality, novelty, and creativity on the one hand, and the sort of spontaneous thoughts that we generate when our minds are idle. When we are glued to our smartphones, checking them up to 100 times a day, that idle spontaneity and the creative insights it generates gets lost.

  • Why tomorrow’s technology needs a regulatory revolution.  by Felix Salmon.  Regulating new technologies from Artificial Intelligence to Designer Genomics is crucially important given the pace of technological change.  The general public and our political leadership are way behind the curve..."Here’s a recent long interview with Demis Hassabis, for instance, the founder of artificial intelligence company DeepMind. Barely has the interview even begun before the journalist brings up the fear that smart computers could mean the end of human life:  The uncertainty lies in whether these artificially intelligent beings will be motivated by a desire to guide and assist us or simply to do away with people like old gadgets that have served their purpose. Also on the YouTube video, Hassabis describes his AI computer playing a boxing game in which, after a few seconds of sparring, it corners the opponent and pummels them into submission. The audience laughs as Hassabis explains that the computer “ruthlessly exploits the weakness in the system it has found”. But perhaps this is an apt analogy. As physicist Stephen Hawking wrote last year, AI would be “the biggest event in human history . . . unfortunately, it might also be the last.”
Unity Consciousness

  • New York City bans Styrofoam food containers.  Single-use Styrofoam containers are horrible, they don’t biodegrade so they pile up in landfills. Now New York City has joined a few others across the US and has announced a ban on single-use Styrofoam, set to go into law July 1 this year. While some are worried about the impact this new law will have on the food truck industry—Styrofoam is their container of choice—many cities, including San Francisco, have booming food truck industries living happily alongside Styrofoam bans.

What I’m Reading
Who Switched off My Brain? by neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf (2008) who has a research focus in the Mind-Brain connection.  At 176 pages this svelt book is lean but delivers an eneromous amount of insightful information in a concise fashion.  I first read it in 2008 when my father gave it to me, and now after picking it up again, I’m even more impressed this time around.  Dr. Leaf does an excellent job of describing the functionality of the brain in an easy to understand fashion and then shows how thoughts and emotions are interacting with the physical processing of the brain to affect our health.  

Some tidbits:
  • ​“Research shows that around 87% of illnesses can be attributed to our thought life, and approximately 13% to diet, genetics and environment.  Studies conclusively link more chronic diseases (also known as lifestyle diseases) to an epidemic of toxic emotions in our culture."
  • ​“Negative reinforcement releases negative chemicals.  Positive reinforcement releases positive chemicals...positive thoughts strengthen positive feedback loops and release biochemicals such as endorphins, enkephalins, and seratonin from the brain’s natural pharmacy.  Bathed in these environments, intellect flourishes, and with it mental and physical health."
  • ​“It is true that the mind is a battleground, with ongoing conflict between toxic thoughts and good thoughts, thoughts that serve your mental and physical health well and thoughts that deplete your mind and body of health.  This battleground is located in the intricate memory networks, the amygdala, hippocampus, and corpus callous and the genetic code for free will.  Thoughts that you don’t deal with properly become suppressed and can cause emotional and physical harm.  What is ‘properly’? - At a basic level it is positive affirmation that replaces bad memories with supportive ones.  You literally build a new network of new memories over old."
​There’s a lot more ... the book is a gem and a great way to better understand Mind-Body Harmony.  
Quotes of the Week
  •  "There is only one cause of unhappiness:  the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.  Because of these false beliefs you see the world and yourself in a distorted way.”  - Anthony de Mello

  • "He who has a mind to meddle must have a heart to help." - Emerson

  • "Unfortunately, the current education system doesn’t support the development of an entrepreneurial mindset because of its reliance on standards, tests and a prescribed curriculum, which are all fundamentally incompatible with entrepreneurial thinking. Studies have shown an inverse relationship between countries’ academic test scores and entrepreneurship levels, and between years of schooling and entrepreneurship levels. 'Students are treated like employees of a big company, who don’t bear the risk if the company fails,' he says. 'They are paid with grades and are not treated as being responsible for their learning.’” - Yong Zhao, author of “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Dragon? Why China has the Best (and Worst) Education System in the World.” as quoted in Mind/Shift

  • "When pure sincerity forms within, it is outwardly realized in other people's hearts." - Lao Tzu

  • "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and of a foundation for inner security.” - (Albert Einstein, 1950)

  • "Life is too rapid and subtle to be explained by slow moving chemical reactions and nerve impulses." - (Albert Szent-Györgyi, Hungarian Nobel Prize winner, 1937)

  •  “The cure of the part should not be attempted without the cure of the whole.” - Plato, 400 BC

  • Limits begin where vision ends. You have to see yourself as a no-limits person. For years, breaking the four-minute mile was thought to be physically impossible. Then in 1954 Roger Bannister ran the mile in 3:59.4. Over the next two years, fifty other runners broke the barrier. Why? They had an image. In Bannister they had a model for success.” ~ Gary Mack from Mind Gym

    Question to Ponder for the Week
    Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

    Picture of the Week
    February 9th, surrounded by snow and ice ...  missing the leaves...

    Have a Great Week, Stay in the Present Moment, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

    -Jay Kshatri

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