Think Smarter World Newsletter - April 5th, 2015

Published: Sun, 04/05/15

Holistic Thinking to Optimize the Connections between the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Aspects of our Lives
Newsletter - April 5th, 2015 - Volume 2, Issue 4 

TSW Posts from the Past Week

The sociologist and futurist, Kingsley Dennis, is a man that will make you feel better about the future.  In his recent book, The Phoenix Generation, he lays out how in the next 15-20 years it will be the current crop of children being born on the planet that will take us out of the current lower levels of consciousness that have stagnated human attempts to achieve higher levels of cooperation, collaboration, and co-creation.

Mr. Dennis explains that this new group will be carrying a lot less ideological baggage than their elders because they instantly have access to technology and information that their predecessors did not. 
Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking

Mind-Body Harmony
  • Resonance Beings of Frequency.  Interesting documentary which reveals 60 years of scientific research into the harm being caused to life by man made wireless frequencies. 

  • No Limits To the Human Senses.  In a TED talk, neuroscientist David Eagleman shows that in spite of all the complexity that we capture through our vision — or our other senses — what we see is just a tiny fraction of what’s really out there. This limit to our perception, though, is not a function of our brain, but our senses. Your eyes, for example, pick up a small band of the electromagnetic spectrum. At the same time, countless radio waves and X-rays and microwaves and gamma rays pass through your body — and you are completely unaware of them. “Our experience of reality is constrained by our biology.” Eagleman hopes to change our perceptual limitations by creating new interfaces — such as a sensory vest — that take in information that is currently outside the reach of our senses.

  • Self-Healing And The Bio-Energetic Information System.  Scientists from Finland have recently been able to use topographic methods to see what the effects different emotions have on body temperature and other sensations in the body.  What’s interesting is that after five experiments and over 700 participants, there was an outstanding degree of accuracy between where people said they felt a certain emotion on their body and where that emotion showed up on their body using topography. Mental and emotional states greatly influence the body, and vice versa.  These causes and effects have been known to be there for millennia and many ancient practices such as Yoga and Tai Qi were refined over centuries to hack this vital bio-energetic information system.​

  • The smart unconscious.  We feel that we are in control when our brains figure out puzzles or read words, says Tom Stafford, but a new experiment shows just how much work is going on underneath the surface of our conscious minds.

  • You're Distracted. This Professor Can Help. University of Washington Professor David Levy is using meditation and mindfulness in the classroom to bring help his students break free from an overload of technology and multitasking that is degrading their academic performance.  Chronicles of Higher Education

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom

Unity Consciousness

  • The Shortcomings of Religion and the Coming Revolution, by Roberto Unger.  "For over 200 years the world has been set on fire by a revolutionary message. The message is that every individual human being is divine. That all of us despite the constraints and humiliations that surround us can share in a greater life and share even in the attributes that we ascribe to God.” And with this as his starting point, Roberto Unger embarks on an exploration of the processes by which social change and spiritual rebirth could beget a living actualization of individual human divinity. The title of Unger's new book, The Religion of the Future, refers to the theoretical product of a modern spiritual revolution. The goal of this revolution would be to promote a greater life for the ordinary individual. The means by which this revolution would be achieved depends entirely on the important relationship between personal conduct and the structures of society.
  • Fostering Evolution in Islamic Culture by Steve McIntosh of the Institute of Cultural Evolution.  One of the smartest articles I have read on the subject of bridging the divide between Western and Islamic societies.  McIntosh takes a counter intuitive approach in showing how linking the rise of evolutionary spirituality in the West can help create a link to Islam’s traditional teachings and give it a pathway to modernity.  Excellent and noteworthy.  

  • The Conscious Organization: Prospects for a Self- Actualized Workforce by John Renesch in the Journal of Values-Based Leadership. This is my first exposure to John Renesch, Silicon Valley based writer who has been writing on evolving forms of business and organizational structures since the 1980’s.  This article from 2012 is a great glimpse into what the more evolved business environments of the future could look like as the on-going shift in global consciousness occurs.  *Those of us working in main line corporations will wish this vision was a reality today...Complement with The Seven Levels of Organizational Consciousness by Richard Barrett - one of the pioneers of the Conscious Capitalism movement.

  • Accepting Your Calling and Accessing Your Higher Self.  Brandon West at Project Global Awakening has written an excellent piece on getting in touch with your higher self and bypassing the constraints of the egoic mind.  

  • Time and the Unconscious Mind: A Brief Commentary.  By Dr. Julia Mossbridge, Visiting Scholar in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern University.  In this article, Ms. Mossbrige provides an overview of her research work showing that what seems to be occurring in our conscious awareness is probably not what is actually occurring in the physical world and how time is an illusion. Her conclusions show that our subconscious mind is processing a much broader set of information about our reality than it shows to the conscious mind and that we usually are looking at something that’s not truly accurate.  So, for those of us who live by the old adage - “seeing is believing” -  sorry. 

Websites / Ideas Worth Exploring - which is a portal to the emerging sciences. It includes details of pioneering scientists, open-minded research centres and adventurous sources of funding, as well as a feast of interesting books, videos and papers. This project is organized by the Campaign for Open Science.  The site also provides an overview of some of the most important open questions in the sciences.

Note Worthy Quotes
  • “The ability to regulate our impulses and desires is indispensable to success in living and working with others.” That’s what social psychologist Roy Baumeister recently wrote in Scientific American. Based on many years of research Baumeister concludes that people with good control over their thought processes, emotions and behaviors not only flourish in school and their jobs but are also healthier, wealthier and more popular.  So self-regulation works… Of course, Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad knew this all along: When you can control your mind, you can control your life.” - The Intelligent Optimist Magazine

  • ​“A study by Raymond Birdwhistle in 1970 proved that the words you speak to others represent just 7% of the results you get from your communication.  The words you speak to yourself, however, generate 100% of the results you’ll get in your life, as your amazing mind interprets and follows your instructions.” - NLP expert Yvonne Oswald

  • ​“One’s comportment, body alignment and function, capacity for action, and how presence ourselves through our body reflects who we are as a person.  It reflects our orientation to others and to the world.  In other words, the body is a manifestation of a person’s philosophy.” - Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Somatic Coach

  • ​“So I have learned yet deeper lessons about trust, honor, and integrity...and the ego’s cunning ways, such that it can kick back in and re-assert itself even years after we have awakened to that truth.  As someone reminded me recently, the price of freedom is indeed eternal vigilance.” - Jim Dreaver, TM University

  • ​“The use of ‘imaginative forces’ is the key to spirituality” - Edgar Cayce, American Mystic.  Compliment with Albert Einstein’s “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge”.

    Question to Ponder
    What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
    Photo Flashback
    The Laughing Buddha, Circa 2006 on a visit to The Big Island, Hawaii.  From - "Buddhism, the celestial Buddha named Hotei or Pu-Tai is best known as the jolly Laughing Buddha. In China, he is known as the Loving or Friendly One. He is based on an eccentric Chinese Ch'an (Zen) monk who lived over 1,000 years ago and has become a significant part of Buddhist and Shinto culture. Because of this monk's benevolent nature, he came to be regarded as an incarnation of the bodhisattva who will be Maitreya (the Future Buddha). His large protruding stomach and jolly smile have given him the common designation "Laughing Buddha. The image of Hotei is almost always seen carrying a cloth or linen sack (that which never empties) which is filled with many precious items, including rice plants (indicating wealth), candy for children, food, or the woes of the world. He is patron of the weak, poor and children."

    Have a Great Week, Stay in the Present Moment, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

    -Jay Kshatri

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