Think Smarter World Newsletter - May 6th, 2015

Published: Wed, 05/06/15

Newsletter - May 6th, 2015 - Volume 2, Issue 6 

TSW Posts from the Past Week
Mindfulness - Pathway to Divine Consciousness - The practice of Mindfulness is getting a lot of attention these days from many non-spiritual avenues:  medical based stress reduction efforts, corporate wellness programs, creativity workshops, and more.  In these new and very welcome pathways, some of the benefits of Mindfulness are embraced (stress reduction, better mental focus, more attunement to the emotions of oneself and others), but the more spiritual underpinnings of Mindfulness are left out.  Here’s how to put it back in.

The (re)-Discovery of the Human Energy Field. Scientists and technologists in the last 20 years have learned more and more that the human body is being regulated by Light Energy and Information. More specifically, that the 100 Million Cellular actions that happen in our body every second are being coordinated by a field of light energy that contains critical information for the cells to do their work in the various sub-systems of the body. Anything in your environment that interferes with this human energy field, causes sub-optimal to very harmful effects in your physical, emotional, and mental body systems.  This emerging view, which some call the Human Biofield, is bringing us back to the understanding that the Chinese and Indians had thousands of years ago. 

It’s the Poverty, Not the Test Scores.  This striking infographic appeared in Yes! Magazine last year and was based on data from the Economic Policy Institute’s 2013 report – What Do International Tests Really Show About U.S. Student Performance.   Though we decry low test scores and are currently concerned about whether a Liberal Arts or STEM focused education is the right trajectory, the affect of poverty on a student’s ability to do well, is dramatic.  As the data shows, U.S. poverty statistics are much higher than other developed countries.  When we normalize the data to reflect similar poverty levels in the U.S. as the better performing countries, then U.S. international test results go up dramatically.  Until we tackle the poverty issue, we will continue to spend ever increasing dollars and time chasing elusive test scores.
Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking
  • An concise three page Introduction to Systems Thinking with easy to understand examples by Daniel Aronson (author and host of
Mind-Body Harmony

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
Unity Consciousness
  • Exploring the Nature of Consciousness (5 minute video):  Today the main lens through which our culture understands reality is science. For the past century science has viewed consciousness as something generated by the brain, yet there are major problems with this assumption. A new scientific paradigm is emerging which views consciousness as fundamental. Consciousness cannot be explained in terms of the existing laws of space, time, mass and energy. A new science has to be developed, a science that can accept consciousness as universal while investigating the connections between the existing laws and this new paradigm.  Science and Non-Duality Conference

  • Meditation on Science and Spirituality:  Many scientists have explored the intersection between science and spirituality. From Galileo to Einstein to Isaac Asimov, these forward thinkers have all peered through the lens of science at the more intangible corners of the universe. Carl Sagan ably follows them along the scientific path toward spirituality. His posthumous collection of essays published in The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God provides a wide sample of his thoughts on God, religion and spirituality.

Quotes of the Week
  • "If you wait until you are ready, it is almost certainly too late."  — Seth Godin 

  • "Human Consciousness and our Physical Reality is a Virtual Reality training ground.  Once you understand that, you cannot view the world the same.  Or as Jesus said, in the world, but not of it.” - Thomas Campbell, Physicist and author of My Big Theory of Everything

  • "When we look back, at the time of death, the experience of this life will seem like a dream. And—just as with our nighttime dreams—it will seem useless to have put so much effort into it. The fear we experience in a dream is gone when we wake up; feeling afraid was just an unnecessary exertion of effort causing us to lose sleep! When we look back on our lives at death, the amount of time we spent in hesitation, aggression, ignorance, selfishness, jealousy, hatred, self-preservation, and arrogance will seem like an equally useless exertion of energy. So be able to regard all of these illusory thoughts and concepts as dreams. Within this illusory existence, what, if anything, is the logic behind any stubbornness, distraction, hesitation, or habitual emotions of aggression, desire, selfishness, and jealousy? What is the use of holding on to these useless emotions within impermanence? Impermanence is the nature of everything.” Khandro Rinpoche in Buddha’s Daughters: Teachings from Women Who Are Shaping Buddhism in the West

  • If you are not taking responsibility for your state of consciousness, you are not taking responsibility for life.” -Eckhart Tolle
  •  "Thought is behavior in rehearsal.” - Freud
  • "The basic assumption of spirituality is that the universal consciousness was present before any matter was manifested. The matter came into existence by the mere act of observation by that universal consciousness. Humans can be explained as universal consciousness trapped in the near field or localised collapsing of waves which is our body. The body appears to be different from others as the arrangement of matter and experiences are unique to each human. This can be termed as Ego. The moment, we transcend this Ego through meditation or any other practice, we are one with the universal consciousness, the one which has been present all along, the creator. This is Nirvana, the ultimate truth. The physicists are trying to prove this as an objective reality which is perhaps a losing battle as the truth remains subjective and purely experiential in nature. Having said that what the physicists have unraveled so far is of enormous value to a seeker of truth. Imagine that every time you open your eyes, you see the entire universe as one entity and not as disparate, local Newtonian phenomenon. You can actually believe and experience that we are not in the universe but we are the universe.“ - Rakesh Sood
Question to Ponder for the Week
If you were “President of the World” for one day, and had absolute power to instantaneously change anything, what would it be?

Picture of the Week
Would the Buddha have enjoyed a good Hot Tub? Yes, I think so...
South Florida, Nov. 2014

Have a Great Week, Stay Positive, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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