Think Smarter World Newsletter - June 11th, 2015

Published: Thu, 06/11/15

Newsletter - June 11th, 2015 - Volume 2, Issue 7 

TSW Posts from the Past Week
Fortunately, we can all access the same massive information data base in the “cloud” – we don’t need to be limited to our brain / body – based “local hard drive” with a limited amount of information gleaned through historical experiences and stored up memories.  This Source Energy or Source Information Field, is beaming at us every moment of every day.  We can either tune into it or we can ignore it in favor of the local hard drive in our bodies – the “Little Mind”.  That relatively small hard drive is limited to what we have managed to learn in our relatively brief life span versus the cumulative knowledge and wisdom that has ever existed at a level beyond what our conscious minds can fully comprehend.  Why would we limit ourselves?

Links worth Investigating
Systems Thinking
  • UK scientists, economists and businessmen including Sir David King, currently the UK’s climate change envoy, Lord Nicholas Stern and ex-BP chief Lord John Browne launched a moonshot plan yesterday. The goal is to make the cost of clean electricity lower than that from coal-fired power stations across the world within 10 years. The Global Apollo Programme calls for £15 billion a year (more than $23 billion), or at least 0.02 percent of GDP participating countries, of spending on green energy and energy storage research. It is the same funding in today’s money that the US Apollo program spent in putting astronauts on the moon. The US, Japan, China, India, Korea, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, and more countries, are interested. King said he hoped the Apollo project would launch in November, just ahead of the upcoming UN climate change summit in Paris which nations have set a deadline for a global deal.

  • What If Everybody Didn't Have to Work to Get Paid? - Advocates say that a guaranteed basic income can lead to more creative, fulfilling work. The question is how to fund it.  The Atlantic  Pair with Meet the Technology that Wants Your Job...

  • Peter Senge: "Systems Thinking for a Better World” - video.
Mind-Body Harmony
  • Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and This Is Why It Matters. Interview with Dr. Larry Dossey about his new book 'One Mind’.

  • The Fourth State of Water:   Professor Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington has found that the cells of our bodies are actually filled with and surrounded by a fourth state of water (in between solid and liquid) which is highly structured (crystalline like), and has the chemical composition H3O2.  The structured water is negatively charged and is surrounded by positively charged water - a perfect arrangement for a battery.  In his research, Professor Pollack has discovered that the mechanism uses light for “charging” this battery - similar to photosynthesis.  So, the quality of the water you drink matters (ideally structured so the body does less work, but at a minimum removed of all contaminants and toxins - beyond just simple filtration), and the quality and daily quantity of light you are getting from food (green plants being best along with other vegetables) and natural sunlight are critical to achieving optimum health.

Proactive Access to Knowledge and Wisdom
  • The Rise of Scientific Fundamentalism - "Contrary to the beliefs of some, science is not an impenetrable body of settled fact that must be defended at all costs in the name of truth. When science becomes a worldview—a philosophy of life, a metaphysical framework that explains existence—it is no longer science; it is scientism." - by Dr. Larry Malerba, Assistant Professor at New York Medical College and Past President of The Homeopathic Medical Society of New York.  Compliment with The 10 Dogmas of Mainstream Science video by Professor Rupert Sheldrake.

  • What If I Told You: Reality Simply Doesn't Exist Until We Measure It?  Australian scientists have recreated a famous experiment and confirmed quantum physics' predictions about the nature of reality, by proving that reality doesn't actually exist until we measure it. The new experiment, a recreation of John Wheeler's delayed choice thought experiment, has suggested that it is only when we measure the atoms (observe them or place our attention on them) that their observable properties come into reality.  Our thoughts are thus constantly influencing our reality...

  • A prize-winning quantum physicist says a spiritual reality is veiled from us, and science offers a glimpse behind that veil. The Templeton Prize, awarded for contributions to "affirming life's spiritual dimension", has been won by French physicist Bernard d'Espagnat, who has worked on quantum physics with some of the most famous names in modern science.

Unity Consciousness

Quotes of the Week
  • "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future." - Paul Boese

  • "The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands, and then work outward from there." - Robert M. Pirsig

  • Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude with infinity.” - Voltaire
  • "One-Mind awareness helps me see how I can make a difference.  In today’s world, we can feel overwhelmed by the challenges we face.  What difference can my efforts as a single individual possibly make? The One Mind increases our sense of adequacy and what is possible, because through it we have access to all wisdom and knowledge. We realize we don’t need to know and do everything individually, because we are a part of the Great Connect. We are never alone.  We are an infinite team, not a lone wolf.  The pressure eases.  A lightness of mind and spirit arises, and perhaps a sense of humor.  Now that is different!” - Dr. Larry Dossey from his new book, One Mind.

  • The twenty-first century will be spiritual, or it will not be.” - novelist and statesman André Malraux
Question to Ponder for the Week
What Fear Would You Like To Conquer?

Picture of the Week
A great French Open tennis final just concluded this past Sunday.  Loved every minute of it...

Have a Great Week, Stay Positive, and Proactively Choose Your Thoughts to Create Your Desired Reality.

-Jay Kshatri

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