Are You Enjoying Spring, ?

Published: Wed, 03/28/12


March   2012 b                    by Valerie Pugsley

I hope you're all enjoying your spring. In this issue you find an intense but brief workout, a very interesting dessert, and crafts for you students for National Craft Month. 
Lastly I want to let you know how to get some great Arbonne products for 50% off. But, there's only 3 days left, you can learn more about that here.
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Health & Nutrition                                                     

Workout,Then Enjoy Dessert
In the last issue, I shared with you about Pinterest. Here's how it helped this month. The workout I saw on TV, then use my Healthy Living board on Pinterest to save the site. The recipe I found one day while looking through the general feed of people I follow on Pinterest.
I don't really know much about Shaun T, but he has a fitness program called Insanity. He was on the Dr Oz show a while back and they actually did this 15-minute workout. He reverses what some do by doing an intense workout for, I believe, 2-minutes and then a 30 second rest. after 15 minutes your done.  If you do the workout, let me know what you think.
What do you do after a workout? How about dessert? Probably not the best option, but that would be the best time because your body will burn more calories. Anyone who knows me knows I like chocolate. I also love a good guacamole. So when I saw a picture of chocolate puddling labeled Chocolate Avocado Pudding I was intrigued. I haven't tried it yet, but I did a post about it on my blog. I hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think.


March Was National Craft Month

"Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things." Theodore Levitt
In honor of Craft Month, I posted crafts almost daily during the month here. These were some of the more popular craft posts


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