Celebrate March With Me

Published: Thu, 03/17/11

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Issue #  14  March 2011                    by Valerie Pugsley

Happy March everyone. This is a month of celebrations with my husbands birthday and our 25th wedding anniversary. It looks like will get to have a special dinner thanks to my mother and a trip in April.

The theme is green this month in everything except homeschooling. Homemaking is green in the dollars you earn and the items you save from the landfills., Health & Nutrition is green in the color of the food. Homeschool is not green but some of the Fractals do have green in them. Don't let the title of this one fool you everyone can enjoy this one, young and old alike. Lastly Happy Hunting is green in the dollars you'll save.

Green is also a sign of new things and ByGProductions.com has gotten a new look. Hope you'll check it out and let me know what you think. 


Having a Garage Sale, Is it Worth It?
No doubt a garage sale is work, but if you need some extra cash and you can pay people to take away your clutter, I think its worth it. In the last issue we talked about getting rid of clutter. Once you have several boxes, bags of stuff and the weather is nice its time for a sale. Another factor you may want to consider in setting your date is where it falls in relations ship to the 1st & the 15th of the month, as this is when many people get paid.

Don't forget to advertise, which can be done for free on Craigslist. Better yet, if you can get a few other people on your street to sell with you, they can chip in on advertising in the Pennysaver or other local publication. When I decide to go garage sale-ing, a multi-family or block sale is definitely a big draw for me.

When pricing, you have to decide do I want to get what its worth, or do I want it gone? If you want to get what its worth you will end up repacking a bunch of your stuff. My mother puts price tags on all her items, that's too much work for me. If I'm real organized and planning ahead, I'll have boxes priced .50, .75, $1 and as I gather things I put them in the appropriate box. When I set up I use blankets & tables as much as possible. Each is labeled "This Blanket $1.00, This Table .50"  I place clothing and soft items on the blankets and items that would get lost in the clothing get put on a table. I usually have one table with higher priced items such as electronic, collectibles, etc for which I try and get a little more, like $5, $10 etc.

You can also make a little extra money selling coffee in the morning & sodas in the afternoon along with some kind of food, maybe donuts in the am and Brownies or cookies later. This is a good thing for children to help with. On the low end, if I don't have any higher priced items I will make at least $100, usually closer to $200. My mother made $400 but had a lot more stuff than me and spent time pricing each item. If you want to learn more about garage sales, pricing, etc. read this blog post, How to Have a Garage Sale.

Whatever is leftover, can be saved for the next sale or donated to charity, see last months issue here.

Health & Nutrition

Green, Green, Green and More Green Vegetables!

This month I'm going to encourage us to eat green veggies, appropriate for March, don't' you think? You'd think that's what led me to Top 10 Green Veggies but, it didn't. Follow me down the path I took. 
What should I put in the health section of the newsletter since I haven't written the pages I wanted on specific foods and their benefits? Let's search food on Squidoo, oh look, here is a lens called 10 Ways To Naturally Lower Your Blood Sugar, which I need to work on per my last visit to the thyroid doctor. Starts looking at lens, oh look, asparagus is a low GI food and its in season. Let's see if I can find a lens on Asparagus, hmm Top 10 Green Veggies - My Favorites by WindyWinter, (she's in my RM group) that looks good and I've been wanted to start eating more greens. Hey, this is a good lens and green, St Patrick's day, it's perfect! Top 10 Green Veggies - My Favorites has links to recipes a more for these green veggies: Green Onions, Broccoli, Green Beans, Long English Cucumbers, Green Peas, Green Iceberg Lettuce, Green Peppers, Brussel Sprouts, Green Asparagus, Green Cabbage and Spinach. So which of this is you favorite? Do you have a good healthy recipe for any of these? Post it on ByGProductions Facebook page or on the blog at ByGProductions.com
Here is a tool I found that you might like:Heart Health Calculator.


What Is Fractal Art

This is an art form that is the result of repeated geometric patterns. The thing I like about the designs is the color and intricate patterns. If you want a way to make geometry interesting this may be it. Even if you don't there is a lot of eye-candy for the artist or those who appreciate art.

Photo: Orange Crush 2 by charcoaledsoul

Happy Hunting - Deals

Do You Shop At a Dollar Store?

Years ago when I was doing a lot of coupon shopping for my groceries, back in the day when it was double coupons everywhere, I ran across the phrase "Know your prices." Even though I don't shop that way now, "Know your prices" is still true, whether you shop Costco, the grocery store or a Dollar Store.

Some of the things that are a good deal are greeting cards and seasonal items. Things that are not a good deal are school supplies and canned goods. To find more deals read Best and Worst Dollar Store Buys by By Erin Burt, Kiplinger.com

Places you can find me online.

Half.com Store - byg_sales There is an underscore between byg and sales

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