Happy Mother's Day

Published: Sun, 05/08/11

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Issue #  15a        May 2011                    by Valerie Pugsley

I hope all the mothers reading this have a Happy Mother's Day. Well I'm back from my Dad's, but he could still use your prayers. If you want to pray for him, his name is Chuck he lives alone and is still having some post operative complications. Continued healing and return of his strength and stamina are desired.

In this issue I have again only included two sections. In household in which I share a date night my husband and I recently shared and a decluttering video. In Happy Hunting I talk about getting more for your gas dollars. I'm going to keep doing two sections at a time for a while and see how that works. Visit the blog and let me know what you think. Do you like one issue a month with all four sections, or twice a month with two sections in each?


Going To The Movies
We use to not go to movies very often until we heard a Christian speaker who is in the industry. He encourage us to see those movies that we wanted to see more of, as this was our way of voting for good movies. So in the last five years, we have probably seen more movies than in the previous 20. There are way to do this less expensively, such as buying tickets at Costco, Entertainment books and online specials. A friend told us of a local theater that has $5 Sundays.

This past weekend, hubby & I went to see Soul Surfer. It had me in tears, but then again I'm menopausal. Helen Hunt played the mother, and in my opinion was the best as far as acting. From a technical aspect it wasn't perfect, but the overall story was good, and it was nice to see family and people of faith portrayed in a positive way. So if you want to vote for this type of movie get out there quick as it has already be in the theaters for several weeks. If you miss it, be sure to rent or buy the video and cast your vote that way.

After the movie, (regular cost $24, my cost $9) we went to a restaurant and split a dinner. Total cost of our date less than $30.

I almost made it through an issue without a decluttering piece. But when I found this I couldn't resist. For my born organized friends, you can ignore this or send it to someone like me who struggles with clutter.
Happy Hunting - Deals                                 
Lower Gas Prices

With Gas prices being so expensive I thought that it would be a good topic to address. Years ago someone taught me how to use my brakes less. By looking several cars ahead and at the lights ahead you can take your foot off the gas sooner and coast more saving you lots in gas. If you see a red light way ahead see if you can coast to it and not have to come to a complete stop before it turns green and the traffic starts moving. Another tip is to lighten your load, by take the things out of the trunk and back seat that don't need to be there. Keeping your car in good repair is another. For even more tips, check out How to Save Money on Gas - 29 Tips. You can also look for the lowest gas prices in your area or the area you are going to be in with GasBuddy.com
One last thing, if you park outside, you might also want to consider a locking gas cap.



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