we're half way through.

Published: Wed, 06/29/11

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Issue #  16b June 29   2011                    by Valerie Pugsley

Can you believe June is almost over and we're half way through 2011. Did you make any goals or resoulutions f or 2011? Check out this post and let me know how you are doing with yours. As part of my goal to eat better and lose weight I'm reading a book that I'm really excited about. You'll learn more about it in Health. Homeschooling talks about how to take credit for your summer activities during the next school year

Health & Nutrition                                                     

The Amen Solution

I haven't finished the book but have implemented a few things as I'm reading, and have notice that I'm able to focus better and have been more successful resisting temptations. I'm also seeing small results on the scale. I checked The Amen Solution: The Brain Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off out from the library, but will be ordering my own copy. Once I finish my first reading, I'll be going through it again, and trying to implement each weeks focus over the 10 week cycle. Some of the things I've implemented so far are drinking green tea especially midday instead of soda. I've also started taking fish oil supplements, I found a good quality one at Costco. I'm also trying to eat the foods for the brain type I suspect that I have.

I have plans to write some lenses/webpages with more details about the book and my successes, but couldn't wait until then to tell you about it.


Homeschooling and Summer

So if you don't school year round you're likely done for the year. If however your homeschooling is a lifestyle you're probably still learning during the summer. When we were still schooling, we would do things in the summer that I would count as school. I would keep track of them and then insert them during the year when I needed to complete a ½ day of school or make up for a day off. I usually had at least two weeks worth of schooling. Do your kids go to summer camp often they do a lot that would count as PE. If its a Christian camp, they may have daily meetings that can count as Bible. Do your students go on mission trips or do service work? This could count as community service or Bible. When you go on vacation do you visit any historical sites or do a lot of physical activity? History and PE. Add a travel journal to your trip and you have language arts. I think you get the idea. So have fun this summer and use what you can for school next year.
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