Color Your World Healthy,

Published: Tue, 08/02/11


Issue # 28b  July 2011                    by Valerie Pugsley

(Oopps! This was supposed to go out on the 31st, but apparently I messed ups somewhere)
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Strange title I know, but instead of telling you how fast the year is going by I included keywords from the articles. Did I pique your curiosity? The Healthy relates to both your brain and your eating and the Color relates to a cool product I found that recycles crayons. You can let me know what you think about these by adding a comment on my website.


Creative Concept by Dierk Schaefer

Health & Nutrition                                                         

The Amen Solution Part 2
Last month I told you about The Amen Solution: The Brain Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off, because I couldn't wait until I had written a page reviewing the book. Well, now I have written the page and you can read it here. I still haven't implemented the whole thing and I have plans to write more detail pages for the chapters as I implement them and share my progress. So far all I've done is added fish oil and vitamin D supplements to my pill regimen. Eat protein or oatmeal for breakfast, try to remember to take my supplements and try to exercise 5-6 days a week even if its only 15 min and started drinking green tea. Now I look forward to weighing myself. Instead of the number being the same or up it is more often the same or down. If you struggle with weight, or have some other behavior or emotion you can't get a handle on, I'd encourage you to read this page and look into his books. There is also a video on this post you may find interesting.
Recycled Crayons?
One the lens I worte Crayola Crayons Colored My Life I share a little Crayola history and tell you about a product called Crayola Crayon Maker. This product lets you take crayons and melt them to make new ones. If I had grandchildren, I'd be buying this one. The lens also has some cool craft videos to inspire your art lessons. You can let me know what you think of this product here. Another lens I wrote some time ago called Creative Tools as Toys may also be of interest to you as you can get a lot of these things on sale during the back-to-school season. It may even give you a head start on your Christmas shopping. I would love to see your works of art and post them on my homeschool facebook page to encourage others.

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